3 Tips To Overcome HR Technology Challenges


As an increasing number of organizations operate with remote and hybrid workforces, many businesses are facing new HR technology challenges. While HR technology has enabled employees to work away from the office, it has conversely contributed to employee issues with burnout, connection, isolation, and human interaction.

However, business leaders who identify the HR technology challenges and develop ways to address them before they grow into bigger problems are working toward a more cohesive and engaged workforce.

Below are three tips to overcome HR technology challenges.

1. Enable the Off Button

Technology enables users unlimited access 24/7/365. On the one hand, it is a convenience, but on the other, it can be a detriment leading to users who can’t turn it off no matter the age, platform or obsession. They can become so fixated on the screen that nothing else matters, including obligations, relationships, social interactions and personal/professional growth.

The workplace is no exception, with hybrid and remote employees accustomed to working longer hours, especially over the last two years. In many cases, they feel the need to always be available and “on” with a green dot next to their names. There are unsubstantiated fears of losing their jobs and being overlooked or forgotten by leaders for advancement opportunities. Long hours, increased workloads, lack of human interaction and high-stress levels have resulted in employee burnout and mental health issues.

While leaders should always have the pulse of their employees through conventional means, there are ways that technology can support employee well-being. Distributing information and reminders about Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs) and mental health initiatives available at no cost to employees helps increase awareness and participation. Setting up take-a-break, phone-a-co-worker, or walk-the-dog prompts encourages workers to step away from technology at various times throughout the day.

Optimizing programs for simplicity and making them easy to use — get in and get out — helps users spend less time on technology. Additionally, mobile apps are a great resource to promote because they are easily accessible and quick to use. With mobile apps, less mental energy is expended searching for the right program/tools. In many cases, employees can use mobile apps to request PTO quickly, make benefits changes, submit timesheets, view paystubs, review 401(k) plans, access the company intranet and more. They are also a great way for remote employees and co-workers/supervisors to stay connected through peer notes and kudos during/after meetings and throughout the day. Connections to the outside world are critical in the battle against employee burnout, isolation and disengagement. 

See More: Putting the Human at the Center of HR on Cloud

2. Facilitate Human Touch

While technology has facilitated and streamlined myriad activities, tasks and responsibilities in personal lives, including banking, investing, health care, entertainment and even grocery shopping, making life easier for everyone, there has been a significant impact on human connectivity. In many cases, online services do not offer a phone number enabling customers to reach out and make human contact.        

In the business landscape, HR technology has revolutionized the way companies interact with employees to support many administrative functions such as onboarding, time and attendance, payroll, benefits administration, training and development, performance management and more. However, with a high-tech approach, the high-touch element can easily disappear, leading to disengaged employees who feel like they are just another number. 

Business leaders should remember that high-tech options do not replace high-touch elements; they should complement each other to achieve an optimal employee experience that leads to engaged, high-performing workers. Keeping employee connections alive and reassuring workers that what they do is making a difference for the team and company is an integral part of high-touch initiatives.   

While HR technology enables processes and procedures, it can also support human connections. For example, during the onboarding process, programs can alert managers about employees who have been with the company for a specified amount of time and remind them to send a welcome gift, demonstrating the company culture. Data pulled from employee records can send advance quarterly reminders about birthdays and anniversaries, so managers can arrange celebratory group events for a high-touch experience that helps with bonding and team building, especially in supporting remote workers.     

3. Pinpoint Trends

Similar to the way digital advertising/marketing track consumer buying habits and offer endless suggestions/reminders about other options, so too can HR technology use people analytics to pinpoint trends. People analytics enables business leaders to make strategic business decisions based on technology, analytics and statistics. When concerning trends are identified early, there is a greater opportunity to address them before it is too late. 

People analytics can help identify burnout before it happens by tracking overtime and understaffed locations, giving managers an opportunity to resolve situations by rearranging work schedules, adding staff, spreading out coverage and stacking/rotating shifts to accommodate longer hours. These efforts can play a significant role in reducing employee burnout and increasing employee retention. In addition, people analytics can track employee sentiment through stay surveys, support diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) efforts, monitor performance, and more, providing valuable feedback/input to leaders for strategic planning purposes. 

When business leaders proactively address HR technology challenges with human solutions, their companies will reap the rewards of long-term success. The synergy of HR technology and high-touch aspects should result in an engaged and cohesive workforce. 

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