3 Ways To Make Employee Learning Programs More Immersive


How do you keep your workers engaged in this new world of work? As companies make decisions on whether to bring employees back to the office or create hybrid and flexible working environments, questions of engagement, mental health, and company culture arise more than ever.

Employee training has been long proven to help with both these issues. Offering continuous training helps workers feel valued, grow more confident in their role and into their abilities, and brings them closer to their team. But with remote or hybrid working environments, learning can turn into an isolated experience instead. Enter immersive learning.

An immersive, interactive online training program can become the common denominator between all these different working environments and make employees once again excited to learn and be a part of a team.

See More: Workplace in Overdrive: 5 High-Impact Use Cases for Automation and Machine Learning

How To Create Interactive Learning Experiences

Creating interactive online training programs does not need to be overly complicated. It can be anything from adding gamification elements like point leaderboards and badgesOpens a new window to encouraging social and peer learning. More often than not, it’s about leveraging the right tech solutions available to create an inclusive, immersive environment.

As with any training program, the first step is to identify your goals, objectives, and audience. Here are a few ways you can make training courses more immersive.

1. Incorporate Interactive, 360-Degree Images and Videos

Static online courses are a thing of the past. In today’s world, visual media products need to meet the requirements of today’s learners. Today’s learners, especially the new generation of employees who are all born after 1997, are tech-savvy, social, and mobile-firstOpens a new window . It’s important for them to be able to share and comment on images and videos; to interact with other users who consume the same content.

Whatever content you’re creating will have to be shareable, optimized for mobile and able to make all learners feel like they’re part of the experience. A good way to achieve that is to incorporate 360-degree images and videos that can be accessed via some of the many panorama viewing software available (no sci-fi goggles necessary!).

Interactive, 360-degree videos also help solve another problem: that of hybrid working environments. According to Deloitte, 87% of organizations now consider external workers as part of their workforceOpens a new window , which means they need to find ways to make these workers feel included. Since being physically present is, in many cases, impossible, adopting digital technology solutions like interactive videos is the next best thing.

When bringing on new remote employees, for instance, you can use interactive videos to conduct virtual tours of the offices and different working sites. This way, they can familiarize themselves with their new working environment and feel connected to different teams working in different locations.

2. Create “Virtual Classrooms” Using AV/VR Augmented Reality

Virtual reality is no longer something that only niche, tech-oriented companies should be concerned with. McKinsey’s Tech Trends Index, which identifies the ten technology trends most relevant to creating a competitive advantage for a company, reports that “next level virtualization” has a growing momentum across multiple industriesOpens a new window .

In employee training, particularly in hybrid working environments, virtual reality can be invaluable. Using VR solutions, you can create virtual classrooms, leveraging the benefits of real-world learning without the high costs of booking a venue or arranging travel expenses for industry experts.

In these virtual classrooms, employees can enjoy all the pros of instructor-led training (immediacy, ability to interact with the instructor, team learning) from the comfort of their homes. They can also easily collaborate with others on the platform through tools such as virtual whiteboards, shared document editing, and chatbox features. This type of learning makes online training sessions more realistic and engaging for workers.

And just like interactive, 360-degree videos, VR can help remote or hybrid employees get a feeling of the company’s office space, facilitating team integration.

3. Gamify Your Training Courses

Gamification, aka the application of game elements in a non-game context, is not an entirely new concept in the workplace. But its effectiveness is being reported time and time again, particularly when it comes to learning.

Game-based learning keeps employees engaged and motivated throughout their training. This is because human beings learn better when they learn together with others, through play, and also because most of us are inherently competitive.

A recent TalentLMS survey on gamificationOpens a new window  showed that game design boosts employee happiness and motivation:

So what are some elements of gamification you can easily incorporate into your employee training?

1. Avatars

Avatars are empowering. They allow your users to choose a representative image of themselves, making training more personal. If designed properly (for instance, offering several options for skin color, head coverings, etc.), they can also signal that your company actively promotes diversity and inclusivity.

2. Points

Points can help bring out your employees’ competitive side. Using a customizable points leaderboard, you can motivate your employees to aspire to get better, to achieve a higher score.

3. Badges

Badges are an effective way to highlight the milestones in a user’s progress. It helps with goal-setting and goal-achieving.

4. Levels

Levels communicate a type of “hidden content”, only accessible to learners who have progressed to the next level, which helps spark interest.

5. Rewards

​Rewards are consistently ranked as the most motivating gamification LMS elements. It’s important, however, to offer desirable rewards (like discounts) to keep employees excited and engaged and recognize everyone’s contribution. Often, even public recognition can go a long way in the eyes of employees.

See More: 6 Steps to Effectively Implement Digital Learning Systems in Your Company

Immersive training experiences are a great way to bridge the gap between people who are now called to work in different working environments.

Whether to develop a particular skill set, motivate team building, or promote learning through doing, immersive and interactive experiences will make your training program more engaging for today and tomorrow’s workers, giving you an edge over retaining top talent.

How are you making your employee learning program more immersive? Let us know on  LinkedInOpens a new window , FacebookOpens a new window , and TwitterOpens a new window .