4 Must-Have Features in a Recruiting and Onboarding Software System


Recruitment and onboarding are the new power couple in talent acquisition. Today, hiring top talent is not just about filling vacancies anymore, organizations need to build predictable talent pipelines and keep prospective employees engaged to deliver the best ROI on talent acquisition. We look at four essential features of recruitment and onboarding software that can help you land the best talent and drive business growth.

The modern-day HR professional has it far from easy. Low unemployment rates, a widening skills gap, and an increasingly competitive talent landscape have made recruitment an incredibly complex and fragmented process. What’s more? Managing multiple stakeholders at the same time, including candidates, hiring managers, supporting functions, and multiple solution providers don’t make it any easier.

HR professionals can no longer just be great “people” people – the technology-driven world of work requires recruiters to navigate a variety of tools, analytics, and data. Tools like applicant tracking systems (ATS)Opens a new window , candidate relationship managementOpens a new window systems (CRMs), social media and, onboarding tools have leveled the playing field at work, creating new opportunities for recruiters to not only find great talent faster but also communicate with them in real time.

The flip side of this, however, is that candidates have access to many of the same tools. Taking a page out of the recruiter’s playbook for applicant references, platforms like Glassdoor and Kununu are helping jobseekers screen potential employers. Social media has opened up new channels of communication where candidates can interact with multiple employers at the same time. In short, technology has created an unprecedented state of transparency between “the job” and “the job seeker.”

The good news is that there’s never been a better time to invest in best-of-breed technologies for recruitment and onboarding (R&O). We take a look at some of the key features you want in your R&O software.

  1. Recruitment Marketing: Imagine this, if you were looking for a job today, would you want to work for your company? Ideally, your answer is “Yes”. Would other job seekers say the same? In the candidate-driven job market today, a strong employer brand is key to attracting and retaining top talent. Recruitment marketing applies the principles of omnichannel marketing in a talent ecosystem to attract and engage prospective employees. A recent Glassdoor surveyOpens a new window revealed that 69 percent of active job seekers are more like to apply for a job if the employer actively manages its employer brand.
  2. Applicant Tracking System (ATS): Traditionally offered as a stand-alone tool, ATS automates the recruitment lifecycle by collecting, organizing and tracking applicant information in a centralized repository that can be managed at scale. At a time when candidate-experience a top priority for talent acquisition leaders everywhere, ATS can offer a wealth of candidate data that can be leveraged to deliver unique and personalized candidate experiences. In addition to this, ATS also offers multiple integrations with tools for background verification, interview management and more.
  3. Talent Analytics: Do you think you know what your future talent needs are? Or do you know? How well does your investment in talent acquisition pay off? This is where talent analytics comes in. By using statistical models and data analysis (throw in some AI and machine learning for good measure) talent analytics can help you answer all the questions above. With better quality and quantity of data, you can leverage richer insights to drive topline and bottom-line growth. In addition to real-time talent insights, talent analytics also offer predictive capabilities and recommended courses of action for desirable business outcomes.
  4. Employee Onboarding: What’s the most memorable day on the job? Think back to your own experience, from interning as a student to your current job. Most days blend into one another, but one always stands out: the first day. Onboarding is a critical part of creating a great employee experience for new hires. In fact, researchOpens a new window shows that new hires are 58 percent more likely to still be at the company three years later if they’ve completed a structured onboarding program. Onboarding is more than a welcome packet and the customary meet-and-greet session with leadership. Onboarding lays the foundation for your employees as they step into their new role to become a productive, successful team member for the long haul.  


Evaluating and selecting the right recruitment and onboarding solution can be an exhausting dilemma, and not to mention the significant costs involved if you choose a wrong R&O partner. Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! Check out our Comprehensive Buyer’s Guide to Stand-Alone Recruitment and Onboarding SoftwareOpens a new window that features the most comprehensive, unbiased listing of best-fit R&O solutions for mid to large enterprises. This Guide will help you make the most informed decision on the kind of partner and solution your business needs.