4 Technologies Leading Digital Transformation in the Manufacturing Industry


Four primary technologies are leading us into the digital age. Let’s take a closer look at these technologies.

We’re living in an exciting age. Technology is changing and evolving almost faster than we can keep up, and it’s shaping nearly every sector. Four primary technologies are leading us into the digital age. Let’s take a closer look at these technologies and how they are changing the face of the manufacturing industry.

1. 5G Communication

Most of us have 4G or 4G LTE wireless data on our phones and other smart devices. For most personal applications, this wireless internet is fast enough, but that hasn’t stopped wireless companies from trying to push the envelope a little bit further. 5G technology is quickly approaching, and while it will mean faster streaming and uploads for smartphones, it has even more exciting applications in the manufacturing industry.

5G technology, when it is ready for unveiling, will become the key to the industrial IoT revolution. The Internet of Things, or IoT, relies on connected devices to increase operational efficiency across the board. The introduction of 5G wireless technology will eliminate the need to keep those devices connected via the use of ethernet cables. Once connected, 5G communication can keep the equipment running smoothly, monitoring the health of each machine and alerting the operator if a problem is detected — often before it becomes an actual issue.

This technology will also have applications in the fields of robotics and augmented reality once it is ready for release.

2. Machine Vision

We don’t usually expect machines to have a vision, but new software is changing that. Machine vision is a relatively new term in the manufacturing industry, but the concept has been around since the early 80s. In essence, this technology uses imaging-based hardware and software for applications in automatic inspections, processing, and control. It can also be applied to robotics, allowing the machines to guide themselves.

As technology has advanced, the applications for machine vision have expanded. In industries that utilize robotics, like manufacturing, aerospace and automotive, to name a few, machine vision could reduce or eliminate the need for human overseers. This could allow the machines to inspect and even maintain or repair themselves without the need for human intervention.

3. Data Analytics

Modern industries generate a lot of data, from sales information to customer demographics and repair intervals for necessary equipment. It can take a long time to sort through this information, which is why many companies are turning to data analytics.

By setting up a server programmed with machine learning software, companies can sort through the massive amounts of data that they collect on a daily basis. Finding patterns in this data can help predict necessary repairs, changes in sales and other variables that can optimize efficiency, improve energy usage, and even minimize downtime.

Data analytics requires quite an investment. You need to purchase new hardware to handle the analytical software and may need assistance from a professional to learn how to use it efficiently. However, once the system is in place, it can change things for the better by making the most of the information that you already collect.

4. Machine to Machine Technologies

Machines in the manufacturing industry of the past required human oversight for proper function. If machines could communicate with each other, that could eliminate the need for that oversight. That’s where M2M remote monitoringOpens a new window comes in. This technology allows your equipment to monitor itself and other similar pieces remotely. This has a variety of potential applications, from preventing downtime by allowing other parts to take up the slack if one type of equipment fails or goes offline for maintenance or repair.

M2M technology can also track assets and inventory, through the use of Wi-Fi or RFID tags. Tagging equipment allows you to track its movements in real time, which can help you keep track of expensive equipment or judge when you need to make purchases to maintain your on-hand inventory. If they’re programmed correctly, these systems could even make orders for you — based on your parameters — when on-hand levels get too low to sustain.

Most of these technologies are still in their infancy, but they will continue to develop in the coming years, potentially reshaping the manufacturing industry.