4 Ways AI Can Help Redesign Employee Engagement


HR professionals are struggling to avert what Gallup calls the “employee engagement crisis” with limited success. However, the application of artificial intelligence (AI) in employee engagement can help bridge the disengagement gap organizations are now noticing. We investigate the four ways in which the combination of AI and HR can be used to redesign employee engagement.

What keeps an employee engaged? HR professionals may offer varied definitions of an engaged employee. A common feature among these definitions is that engaged employees are enthusiastic and passionate, willing to go the extra mile to initiate change and contribute to the growth of the organization. They assign meaning and purpose to their jobs and rely on these jobs to fulfill their purpose.

In most cases, HR interaction with employees is limited to performance reviews and other process-related queries. It is possibly only through these minimal interactions that they manage to glean insights into what makes employees disengaged. However, in the meanwhile, disengaged employees’ issues and negative states of mind are already affecting the organization adversely. Clearly then, gathering employee engagementOpens a new window data sporadically does not serve a useful purpose, and HR needs to find a way to address this matter in real-time. In such a scenario, artificial intelligenceOpens a new window (AI) can serve as the productive tool HR needsOpens a new window to truly humanize the function and keep employees engaged.

What Can AI Do for Employee Engagement?

**From aiding employees in the onboarding process to handling their records right until they exit the organization, AI is poised to aid employee engagement and help HR retain valuable talent.** For both on-site and remote employees, AI can pave the way back to engagement and streamline the employee journey into a positive employee experience in four ways:

1. AI Chatbots Can Improve the Onboarding Experience

What would work better? Having employees read the entire company handbook over a three-day orientation, or giving them the freedom to find information just when they need it? AI-powered chatbotsOpens a new window can help in these areas. “Where can I find a first aid box?” “What is the company’s policy on coming in late?” These are some questions employees can ask their chat assistants.

Speaking with HR Technologist, Zack Dugow, CEO and Founder of Insticator, mentioned how AI is used at Insticator for onboarding: “We use a personality testing system called DiSC. This allows us to see if someone’s natural tendency is to need more high-level points (If they are a D as an example) or if they need all of the nitty-gritty details (if they are a C as an example). You can take this data and automatically adjust your employee onboarding experience to be tailored to the individual’s strength. (If they are a C, give them access to all the data right away, and if they are an ‘i’, have someone walk them through this info.) You can code which onboarding tasks should happen based on their profile and use a system like TINYpulse for employee feedback to get ratings from your team on onboarding.”

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2. AI Can Capture Employees’ Daily Experiences in Real-Time

How are employees feeling? What are they saying about the company? What kind of emojis do they use in their conversations with co-workers? Using sentiment analysis, AI can provide insights into the general mood of employees, their satisfaction with the workflow, and their relationships with their teams and managers. AI can, in fact, flag the smallest challenges employees are facing in the workplace.

To this effect, AI can also be used to glean insights from pulse surveys administered to employees. Because they are administered more often, pulse surveys can help track employee mood regularly. So the chances of addressing a problem as soon as it arises are much higher. AI can offer HR predictive insights into employee behavior patterns, including employees’ tendency/desire to quit. HR can then create personalized responses to prevent such events by enriching individual employees’ engagements. Employees who feel more valued are the ones who are most motivated to take ownership of their work and help the company prosper.

Also Read: Sentiment Analytics: New Tool for Employee EngagementOpens a new window

3. AI Can Improve Team Collaboration

In this area, AI can give management freedom from the decision fatigue resulting from putting together a team that collaborates productively. Using the employee data gathered from performance and sentiment analysis, AI can recommend which employees would work best together, based on similar values, to achieve the desired outcomes.

Team collaboration also often involves (sometimes unnecessary) meetings. Spending time trying to match timings with colleagues to set up a meeting can result in a significant amount of unproductivity. And a drop in productivity can eventually translate into a drop in engagement. AI can step in and be the smart manager that sets meetings for employees based on calendar availability, while also suggesting whom to invite to the meeting based on their expertise to improve its outcomes. The delegation of such a process-oriented task can free up employees to engage in meaningful, productive work and thus improve engagement.

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What Is an Employee Engagement Survey? Definition, Process, Vendors, and ExamplesOpens a new window

4. AI Can Enable Timely Learning and Development to Keep Employees Engaged

Another factor that contributes to employee engagement is the learning and developmentOpens a new window initiatives offered by an organization for both professional growth and to obtain leadership positions in the company. Using predictive analytics, AI can identify employees with the most potential to fill those leadership positions, while also identifying at-risk employees who feel disengaged. These employees can then be recommended the necessary learning they must complete before they can qualify for a leadership position. The courses can also be delivered through AI chatbots as per employees’ convenience.


With recent studies indicating that employee engagementOpens a new window is one of the biggest challenges HR faces worldwide, there is no better time than now to integrate the power of AI into HR processes to connect with employees, get their feedback, and use this feedback to create a meaningful employee engagement strategy that will give dividends far into the future.

Is your organization using AI to track and improve employee engagement? Let us know on Twitter or LinkedIn or Facebook. We’re always listening!