4 Ways to Make Your Employee Training Program Ready for 2020


Every enterprise knows that it needs a good employee training program, but most don’t quite realize how vital it is

Imagine this scenario: Your employees all know how to use your business software, fulfill their responsibilities within their department, and find the resources they need to complete their tasks. They fit in with the company cultureOpens a new window and feel that their efforts make a difference to the overall success of the company. As a result, your company is full of motivated, engaged employees who bring value to the business.

Now imagine the alternative: Your employees aren’t sure how to carry out tasks using your business software or find the information they need for projects. They aren’t clear about their responsibilities within their department, feel left out of the company culture, and don’t feel that they impact the business as a whole. Wherever you turn, you encounter frustrated, unproductive employees who feel disengaged from the company.

The difference between the two scenarios can come down to nothing more than your employee training programOpens a new window . The right employee training program enables your employees to:

  • Use your digital tools effectively
  • Quickly find the resources they need to do their job
  • Know what is expected from them
  • Feel comfortable within your company
  • Understand the impact they have on the whole business


It’s well worth it to invest the time and energy into setting up an effective, measurableOpens a new window employee training program that can energize and excite your employees.

If you’re like many other enterprises, you’re already in agreement, but you’re just not sure how to achieve it. It’s time to use this advice to pull your employee training program into line.

1. Embrace digital adoption

With 2020 knocking at our doors, our takeout orders are digital, our shopping is digital, and our music is digital. Digital is efficient, organized, and on-demand, so there’s no excuse for a non-digital training program.

Teaching people through a frontal lecture is boring and ineffective, as schools and colleges are discovering. Educational institutions are already experimenting with replacing traditional frontal lectures with experiential learning, so enterprises should keep up with the trend.

New software makes it possible to contextualize employee trainingOpens a new window within the same program that workers will be using in their daily lives. It allows employees to practice carrying out tasks, completing complex workflows, and testing advanced AI systems, all in a supported and guided environment.

This way, they already feel familiar with the toolsOpens a new window and confident that they can master them once the training program ends.

A digital training program is also a superior replacement for human mentors. The old practice of assigning an experienced employee to mentor and guide the new recruit risks leaving the mentor feeling frustrated about having to sacrifice their valuable work time to onboard a new employee.

The new employee might have questions that the mentor can’t answer, or feel too intimidated to ask about points of confusion, which can end up leading to serious misunderstandings.

2. Personalize your training program

The most efficient training program is the one that goes at the employee’s own pace, matches their preferred learning style, and uses the media that they are most comfortable with.

Once upon a time, it would have been impossible to cater to every different learning style and speed, but digital employee training software makes it a reality.

Today, you can develop training programs that the employee can speed up or slow down, pause at will, and break up into digestible chunks, according to their preferences.

You can use various media, like audio, video, and text, alongside each other, and allow employees to request extra prompts and advice when they need, not when you think they need it.

If you’re not sure how to personalize your employee training programs, don’t be afraid to ask.  Requesting feedback is the foundation to creating a program that truly addresses your employees’ needs.

3. Engage your employees

It’s worth putting in the effort to make your employee training programs exciting and even rewarding for your employees, and with the newest tech, it’s all possible.

You can set up leaderboards that track each employee’s progress through their programs and follow who is meeting their continual learning goals, offering prizes and awards as they hit certain targets.

Gamification is another popular tool, turning topics that are otherwise dry and boring, but that need to be mastered, into fun challenges and adventures.

One more option is to employ problem-based learning, which requires the employee to work through difficulties and solve them on their own, making the process both more enjoyable and more memorable.

4. Repeat the training material

Many studies have found that almost as soon as you finish learning something, you start to forget it.

The Ebbinghaus “forgetting curve” describes the rate at which we forget the material we’ve learned.

Source: QUARTZOpens a new window

Ebbinghaus found that we forget as much as 40% of the material we learned within 20 minutes and 75% by the next day. However, he also proved that repeating the same material at intervals helped you remember more of it, and for a longer period of time.

That’s why your employee training program has to continue for longer than you might think in order to be fully efficient.

Embedded reminders and prompts that remind employees what to do next, and bite-size guides that are accessible in a single click, help slow down the forgetting curve and encourage employees to remember material for longer.

It’s also effective to use a principle called “microlearning,” which involves learning small amounts every day over an extended period.

Learn More: Upskilling at Scale: How Virtual Reality Is Revolutionizing Employee TrainingOpens a new window

An efficient training program is within your reach

Upgrading your employee training program can be the key to enterprise paradise.

By digitizing your training program, using gamification and other tactics to engage your employees in a personalized experience, and continuing the learning process after the traditional end of a training program, you’ll be able to craft a truly efficient training program that helps develop productive and committed workers for a profitable business.

Learn More: 4 Innovative Ways AI Will Boost Online Training for HROpens a new window