4 Ways To Revamp Your L&D Programs for the Hybrid Workplace in 2022


The pandemic completely transformed the way we work, and this transformation is still unfolding.

Hybrid workplaces have been on the rise for a while now and, according to the latest Ernst & Young Future Workplace Index surveyOpens a new window , are here to stay. According to the survey, 72% of office-based organizations are currently working in a hybrid environment, while 75% of respondents anticipate they will not have one dominant work location going forward. It seems like the days when the concept of “work” was intrinsically connected to a company’s office space are firmly behind us.

Hybrid environments come with their own set of opportunities and challenges, opening up more room for error and misunderstandings but also offering more opportunities for remote talent. To ensure the success of their hybrid work environments, companies need to double down on training and development programs.

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Why L&D Is Top of Mind for Organizations Right Now

The need for investment in L&D became more obvious during the pandemic. Many companies saw a clear connection between increased learning opportunities and increased performance. When McKinsey took a look at companies’ performances during the pandemicOpens a new window , they saw that 49% of the companies who performed better and even witnessed an increase in employees’ job satisfaction had invested in coaching and recognition.

It’s clear that remote and hybrid environments can be good for business as long as employees receive proper training and don’t feel alienated by the lack of a shared physical space. And this is where a cleverly designed L&D program can make all the difference.

Learning & development programs are indeed critical for the success of hybrid employees. A TalentLMS survey of 1,000 respondents across the U.SOpens a new window . showed the dramatic difference that training your remote workforce can make. Remote employees who receive training from their employers feel more valued by their employers (63%) than those who don’t (44%). They also feel happier while working from home (73%), more productive (72%), and they communicate with their team better (65%) than their peers who haven’t received training.

Managing and training a hybrid workplace, however, comes with its own learning curve. Even if you were offering training to your employees before, there are many aspects of it you’ll probably need to optimize to better serve this new world of work.

Below we present four ways to do just that.

How To Revamp Your L&D Programs for the New World of Work

1.Replace outdated training material

The digital transformation brought forth by the pandemic means that many of your existing training materials will not have aged well. From introducing new technologies to training for agility, an L&D program that feels current should not be more than 2-3 years old. Times are changing fast, and employees aren’t relating so much to pre-pandemic materials anymore.

Replacing outdated training material is the first step to revamping your L&D program. And it is especially critical for entry-level employees who are entering the workforce in a remote or hybrid working capacity for the first time. These employees are mostly Gen-Zers: driven and future-thinking. Gen Z views “spending time on activities that will help them in the future” as very importantOpens a new window . You can expect these employees to take their training seriously and be highly influenced by it.

2. Use training to bridge communication gaps

Interpersonal communication between employees is shifting as new workplace models are created. Workplace etiquette, and company culture in general, are being redefined. No longer tied to a common physical space or even to the same daily routines, employees can easily feel unmoored. This is where your L&D program can become a great equalizer.

Revamping training to include both hybrid and in-person employees can reduce miscommunication. It can make it easier for employers to stay on top of the work their employees are doing daily, no matter where they are located. It also facilitates a better cross-department understanding and furthers relationships within employees themselves.

Bear in mind that some customization will be needed, depending on each group’s working style. For instance, frontline workers will have different training priorities than desk-based workers, and office-bound workers may need a slightly different approach than those who work remotely.

3. Focus on remote learning sessions

After a long period of zero physical events due to COVID-19, it’s understandable to view in-person training methods such as workshops, seminars and conferences as a “return to normal.” But while in-person training has proven benefits, it can be impossible to pull off when half your workforce has different schedules and are in different locations.

Instead, you should consider opting for e-learning training methods. Hybrid employees need to have access to all aspects of your L&D programs to thrive. Online training, thanks to the current multimedia capabilities of most LMSs, is quickly becoming a preferred method to consume content anyway. A new survey by TalentLMS and Workable on 1,200 U.S. tech employees showed that when it comes to learning formats, almost 3 out of 4 respondents (71%) chose video tutorialsOpens a new window .

Of course, focusing on remote learning does not mean neglecting the interpersonal part. To bridge the gap between remote and in-office employees, you should consider putting a buddy or mentoring system in place. Adding gamification elements to your L&D programs will also highlight the social aspect of training, motivating employees to share and compare their progress.

4. Don’t forget soft skills training

In this hybrid work environment, soft skills are now more important than ever. As technology changes rapidly, it’s much more important to train your team in the “how” than in the “why”. Employees who have received training on soft skills like agility, interpersonal communication and collaboration and giving and receiving feedback will go a long way towards realizing their potential no matter what the future holds for all of us.

See More: 6 Steps to Effectively Implement Digital Learning Systems in Your Company

L&D Programs Help Hybrid Employees Succeed Away From the Office Space

Even though we are still learning to navigate this new world of work, it’s important that we accept everyone’s decision to choose their workplace model. An L&D program that’s current addresses possible communication gaps, offers remote learning opportunities, and does not discount the importance of soft skills, will ensure that every employee, no matter in-person or remote, is set up for success. And when employees feel that their company is setting them up for success, real growth can be achieved.

How are you planning your training and development program for the hybrid work environment? Share with us on Let us know on FacebookOpens a new window , TwitterOpens a new window , and LinkedInOpens a new window .