6 Advantages of Edge Computing in 2020 and Beyond


Among the biggest, an IT and networking infrastructure trend that is creating quite the buzz right now is edge computing.

Gartner’s Hype Cycle for Cloud ComputingOpens a new window (2018) put Edge Computing Growth at the top of things to look for in the coming years.

What is Edge Computing?

The edge represents a method to enhance applications and systems by eliminating services, components, or data from a centralized hub and putting them closer to the rational extreme (edge). In other words, information is processed closer to where it originates or finally is stored at, and this reduces the overall latency of a round-trip network.

This architecture usually calls for computing capability, data, and storage micro services to be redistributed proportionately. However, it is to be considered that while a specific workload’s performance may improve by extending them nearer to the edge, others should and can stay at the nucleus.

Increasing innovations in the Internet of Things and Artificial Intelligence show that edge computing is possibly going to get more developed in the coming years. Though edge computing feels like a contender for cloud computing’s spot, they are not necessarily competitors as they are both evenly important to IT. A reportOpens a new window recently stated that edge computing is estimated to capture 3.24 billion USD in the global market by 2025. Industries like automotive, oil, gas, aerospace, and power utilities can get significant advantages to optimize operations with edge computing.

So, here are some benefits of edge computing:

Security: Private data and networks are at risk as the number of IoT gadgets increases. Edge computing, however, offers protection from hazardous attacks. The arrangement of storage, utilization, and processing is transmitted over a wide array of data devices and centres. This leads to making the network secure by making it hard for one disruption to invade the network. IoT gadgets are at risk of cyberattacks, but the scattered structure of edge computing makes it more manageable to close off the more vulnerable parts instead of closing down the whole network.

Speed: Speed is among the most crucial concerns for companies to look forward to when it comes to edge computing as it combats latency to enhance network performance. Since the data gets processed at a local center for edge data, the gathered information does not need to travel remote expanses. Edge computing can reduce the digital “traffic jam” that is going to be evident by 2020, as guaranteed by Western Digital.
Edge computing can reduce latency, which leads to an increase in speed at the client’s end. Latency is calculated in microseconds and not in milliseconds. This is the primary reason why the edge computing’s speed benefits can’t be overlooked.


Companies, who wish to expand their computing capacities, usually develop a devoted data center, which is a costly project. Additionally, the increasing demands of computing and inadequate computing support are the leading cause for the Edge Computing Growth. It provides scalability to enterprises at lower costs. The blend of edge and IoT devices enables enterprises to increase their computing capacities at a flexible pace and low prices.
Moreover, it helps the cost of growth as the addition of new gadgets does not burden the network’s bandwidth requirements.


Edge computing provides amazing versatility capacities to organizations. Enterprises can now target their coveted markets employing local centres for edge data without costly investments in infrastructure. Companies are then allowed to provide expert assistance with latency. The consolidation of new IoT gadgets into the edge network infrastructure assists in offering more efficient facilities to end-users without changing the IT structure. These IoT gadgets push companies to be a part of the competitive world and appreciate the innovations, therefore encouraging growth.


Combined with support for security, edge computing also provides safety as the IoT devices and data centres are located closer to the end user’s area. This ensures that the chances of the network crashing are less. Maintaining critical processing uses locally helps in efficient IoT device operations. The significant number of centres for edge data ensures any service disruption that shuts down whole systems is less likely. To make sure that there are zero service breakdowns, the data required is sent through many paths.
Industrial Benefits

The benefits of edge computing can help companies grow in the future.

Here are some industries that can gain a lot through optimizing edge computing:

Autonomous Vehicles:

Vehicles need to reach in real-time for any incident if human drivers are going to be replaced. The sensors and data centres at the back-end might take up 100 milliseconds for any action, and even though milliseconds don’t feel a lot, the passenger is still at risk. The AI and 5G capacities are critical for self-driving vehicles, which create the way for edge computing in several industries.
The 5G network can extend the computing capacities nearest to the rational network edge, therefore, creating dispersed cellular towers. This could lead to data getting sent at high speeds between the vehicles and communication towers. This will ensure cars react faster than human beings.

Voice Assistance:

AI has deployed its limit to voice-assistant technologies, such as Apple’s Siri, Amazon’s Echo, and Google Home. It is predicted that 2020 will see 30% of customers interacting employing voice-assistant technology. As customer demands increase, AI processing has to become more advanced with lower latency for efficient delivery. Edge computing can push AI to go beyond its limit.
Furthermore, to diminish safety risks, Amazon is improving their AI capacities by extending technology near to the edge. This results in reduced exposure as the data doesn’t travel over the network.

Scope of Edge Computing

Edge computing extends many benefits over conventional methods of network structure and will certainly proceed to play an essential function for organizations going ahead. With more and more IoT devices going to market, innovative companies have possibly only scraped the exterior of what is plausible with edge computing.