6 Cloud Data Management Hacks to Optimize Both Cost and Performance


Misconfigurations in cloud repositories can lead to cost overruns, not to mention they hold back the performance of your data processes. Let’s look at six ways to keep cloud data costs in check, even as you improve performance and unlock greater ROI. 

A robust cloud data management capability unlocks several advantages for your enterprise. It allows for greater flexibility in data access, lets you scale the database faster, and may even reduce the total cost of ownership (TCO) of data management in the long term. For these reasons, the cloud is rapidly becoming the location of choice for storing enterprise data. By 2020, approximately 50%Opens a new window of all the corporate data in the world was on the cloud, up from just 30% in 2015. This number will grow even higher in the next few years due to the acceleration of cloud adoption during the pandemic and the rise of new data-driven applications. 

However, in the initial stages of cloud adoption, data management can seem like a daunting task. You may not see the same level of performance in terms of speed, latency, and availability that you were used to on-premise immediately after switching to the cloud. In addition, mismanagement and incorrect database configurations could even inflate your cloud costs, consuming more resources than needed. 

Here are six action points to consider when framing your cloud data management strategy to keep costs in check while boosting performance:

1. Optimize the Frequency of Data Movements in a Hybrid or Multi-Cloud Architecture

The real cost quotient in cloud data management comes from moving data around and not storage. Most cloud vendors will charge you for moving data out of their cloud platform but not for moving it in. Some vendors charge you based on when it was removed – i.e., whether you deleted it after 30 days, 60 days, 90 days, or more. There may be an early deletion/removal penalty charge involved depending on the vendor you choose. Therefore, your data management schedule comprising regular updates, backups, cleansing, and retiring will determine your cloud costs. 

Try to optimize the frequency of data movements to avoid early movement or deletion and maintain a minimum volume threshold for an added cost advantage. You may also keep tabs on cost-saving offerings from cloud providers. For instance, in an interview with Toolbox, Harish Grama, the General Manager of IBM Cloud, said IBM does not chargeOpens a new window any egress fee for moving data out of the cloud platform. 

Learn More: 5 Keys to a Successful Multi-Cloud Management Strategy

2. Invest in Physical and Dedicated Cloud Interconnects for Better Performance

In an on-premise environment, data performance will be better than on the cloud as you are moving data around the same physical location without relying on an external network or third-party environment availability. You can achieve the same performance in a cloud environment using interconnects, which are essentially private, direct, and high-speed connections to the cloud of your choice. This is particularly advisable for hybrid environments where data is likely to be moved to and from the cloud at regular intervals. 

3. Leverage Data Compression to Reduce Cloud Database Size

Large cloud databases aren’t just costly, but they also hinder performance. For example, the egress fees that you have to pay for moving data out of the cloud are directly proportional to the volume of datasets stored. Also, large-sized databases take longer to move, which can impact the performance of your business applications and other data-driven tools. 

This is where cloud data compression techniques come in. Efficient data compression can help you reduce storage costs and could even optimize data processing on the edge.  You could build a custom compression code suited to your specific data type, or you could gain from third-party tools such as the Intel® Integrated Performance Primitives (Intel® IPP) library of data compression code. 

Learn More: Acquisition Spotlight Shining Ever-Brighter on Cloud Data Management Sector

4. Take Advantage of Cloud Data Backup-as-a-Service (BaaS)

Cloud data BaaS tackles the cost concern from a resource consumption model perspective. Instead of managing cloud data entirely in-house, you can partner with a BaaS provider who will configure data movement frequency, perform data compression, and implement interconnects on your behalf for a monthly or annual subscription fee. 

BaaS can significantly reduce cloud data management costs for small-to-mid-sized enterprises where data volumes are less, but configuration complexities lead to an inflation of the expenses. Cohesity ‘s new DataProtect BaaS is a solution to consider in this regard. 

5. Create Mirror Locations Using Multiple Availability Zones on the Cloud

Mirror locations help to create redundant copies of your data so that you have assured availability even during downtime or an unpredictable outage. If you are operating within a public cloud environment. In that case, this is relatively simpler – you can configure multiple cloud regions to mirror your data, choosing availability zones far away from the original site of storage. However, this is slightly more complex in hybrid environments as you cannot easily mirror on-premise servers. 

You can address this by partnering with a managed service provider (MSP) that provides cloud data replication services. You can also find a long-term solution by finetuning your cloud data management strategy in a manner that assigns specific virtualized locations to specific data sets with a corresponding mirror location on the public cloud. 

Learn More: 5 Tips for Hosting Applications in an On-Prem, Cloud or Hybrid Cloud Environment

6. Focus on Increasing the Value You Generate from Cloud Data

The best way to assuage performance and cost concerns around cloud data management is by increasing the business value you can derive from the data itself. Once it is established that the cloud data – for all its complex configurations and maintenance needs – can power smarter business decisions, improve daily processes, and positively impact your bottom line, the leadership will be more likely to invest in your cloud data management capability. 

To achieve this, consider tools like AtScale that can connect cloud data to business intelligence (BI) platforms like Power BI, Looker, or Tableau without moving data around. This crucial feature makes a big difference, as you can save egress fees while adding on a scalable BI overlay. 


Ultimately, cloud data management is an inevitable reality for large, distributed, and digital-first organizations despite teething troubles around costs and performance. The benefits that it offers in business value and IT infrastructure cost reduction are much higher than any potential cons. These six strategies will help build the perfect mix of public, hybrid, or multi-cloud data systems while avoiding performance issues or cost overruns, taking you a step closer to becoming a data-driven enterprise. 

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