6 Ways for Successful HR Digital Transformation in 2020


HR can not only benefit from digitalization but also introduce exciting new processes into their company’s business model. Exploring the opportunities and questions which HR departments can use to approach digital transformation and break new ground, as a result, writes 

Angela Baker freelance writer at GrabMyEssay.

Digital transformation and process modernization are slowly becoming an industry standard for Human Resources (HR) based businesses. While you may be satisfied with your HR’s current performance and operational model, your competitors are hard at work at digitizing and streamlining their HR departments.

According to Finances Online, 45% of employers stated that they have trouble filling up open positions; however 63% of millennials state that their skills are being underutilized in corporate environments. On the other hand, data published by Small Biz GeniusOpens a new window indicates that 83% of candidates stated it would be greatly beneficial if hiring processes came with clearly outlined timelines while more than 20% of companies state that they cannot meet the requirements of the most qualified candidates on the market.

There is clear room for improvement when it comes to HR digital transformationOpens a new window and its digitalization as 2020 looms on the horizon. However, finding the best ways to upgrade your processes without disrupting the flow of day-to-day operations can be difficult with no adequate planning. Let’s take a look then at several questions that can help standardize your digital HR processes as well as several of the most beneficial reasons to do so even before 2020 is around.

Why HR Digital Transformation is a Game-changer

It’s worth noting why HR digitalizationOpens a new window is an important factor to consider in the context of the new calendar year. HR transformation and a shift to digital processes can indeed augment your ability to assess candidates, onboard new employees and retain talent within your company.

However, the digital innovation and transformation of the existing workflow will only be as effective as you successfully utilize the tools at your disposal. Whether it’s analytics, performance managementOpens a new window or filling out open positions, digital tools will help you streamline those efforts in unique ways. As such, you can look forward to several important advantages of using digital HR processes going forward, including:

1. What is the current state of your digital HR?

Every digital transformation process should start with an internal audit and HR is no exception. To that end, make sure to analyze the current state of your digital HR, the tools you use and the ways in which you hire new talent.

Do you have your own hiring platform or do you use digital marketing channels such as social media? How do you monitor employee satisfaction and their individual goals? Answering these questions will give you a good idea of where you currently stand with digital HR, giving you a good sense of what bottlenecks you are facing as a result.

2. What is your digital HR transformation KPI?

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are the best way to measure the success of your activities, whether they’re HR-centric or focused on digital transformation. As such, their presence in the HR digital transformation can help your cause tremendously.

You can use goal-setting methodologies such as SMART or mind-mapping to outline your measurable milestones and deadlines, ensuring that the HR transformation process goes as smoothly as possible. Introducing KPIs into your digital transformation efforts early on will provide you with a sense of direction and allow for smoother scaling and analysis of the process as it moves along.

3. Who is a part of your HR digital transformation team?

Regardless of the size of your company or the number of employees you have on the roster, HR digital transformation should never be trusted to a single person. With that in mind, you should form a project team before the digitization process starts and brief them about the current state and goals of your company (through the aforementioned steps).

Employees with a background in HR, IT, business management and related fields should find themselves on the transformation team and be assigned a project manager from the get-go. This will help the HR transformation move forward with a team of like-minded professionals with a clear goal in mind.

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4. Can you go paperless in your HR transformation?

The main purpose of HR digitalization is to reduce paper waste and streamline existing processes for better performance. Due to the increased global pollution and waste management issues, going green is a great goal that can accompany your digitization efforts.

Discuss the topic with your digitalization team and audit the current state of paper use in your company in regard to stored and printed documents. Email, cloud-based storage, and project management platforms can easily make up for any printed documents which will only accumulate and require recycling at a point in the future.

5. Which digital HR processes can you automate?

When it comes to finding and onboarding talentOpens a new window for your company, being an HR manager can be difficult for a plethora of reasons. However, HR digital transformation can provide you with the opportunity to automate some of those processes for the sake of more efficient and relevant candidate selection.

Automated processes will allow you as an HR specialist to focus on data analysis and candidate reviews rather than mechanical storage or outreach activities which cost precious hours each day. Automated HR processes will improve the quality of in-company communication, employee performance as well as their availability and leave schedules just to name a few instances.

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6. How can your digital HR collaborate with other departments?

Lastly, cross-functional activities and collaboration with other departments in your company are of utmost importance for the betterment of HR activities. Segmenting your HR department into a separate entity apart from everyone else will result in distanced employee relationships due to a general lack of communication.

This means that HR transformation can bring about changes to the way you work with other teamsOpens a new window in your company, whether for coaching, training or professional development purposes. Digitized HR processes can augment your ability to track individual employees in their development paths, groom them for leadership roles and otherwise be more present in everyday office activities as a result of digitalization.

HR Transformation and Going Digital

While HR digital transformation is an important step in the right direction with 2020 on the way, it’s also essential to utilize said processes to their fullest. Digitized processes won’t inherently improve the way you manage HR in your company without adequate goals and approach to workflow to compensate for the changes.

Explore ways in which HR transformation can be beneficial to your company’s unique problems and opportunities before jumping on board with the questions and transformations we’ve discussed. Once you have a concrete plan of how digitalization can help you in the future, implementing said changes will be an afterthought.

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