7 Essential Components of a Tech Stack To Enable Virtual Team Collaboration


All software businesses need a tech stack they can rely on to produce innovative, engaging results. Here are seven of the most important components of a successful tech stack that a virtual team of developers can utilize for seamless collaboration. 

The Key To Tech Stack’s Success Is Collaboration

A tech stack, also called a solutions stack, is an ecosystem of data entailing all the frameworks, programming languages, and storage technologies used to create and run a single software application. 

A team of remote developers may all need virtual access to a tech stack to collaborate from different locations effectively. Now that virtual teams are becoming more popular, there are loads of options available to developers that facilitate remote collaboration and communication. But not all of them make the cut. This list of essentials can help guide you in the right direction for finding the perfect collaboration platform. 

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High-functioning chat tools

Communicating clearly is a critical skill for any team. But perhaps even more so when you are managing a tech stack. There is so much information and data getting compiled, created, and updated that an instant messaging tool is paramount for the successful development of an app. 

Instant messaging tools for tech stacks need to be visually accessible (someplace where virtual team members can access them no matter what tasks they are working on) and immediately responsive. 

Project tracking

As complex as a tech stack may be, what it comes down to is a project, and projects run by teams need stringent tracking and management tools, especially when they are all working from remote locations. 

Elements like task delegation, schedule tracking, managing deadlines and monitoring progress should all be accessible features of a tech stack project. This helps the team stay organized and within budget and prevents deadlines from getting missed. 

Project tracking also serves the vital purpose of project visibility. The more information is highlighted, laid out, and structured in an organized way, the easier it will be to focus on goals and prioritize the most critical tasks on the list. Plus, it creates accountability and ensures the right people tackle relevant tasks.

Video conferencing

As useful as chat tools are, some parts of a project simply need to be dealt with face-to-face. During the COVID-19 era, the popularity of video conferencing grew enormously, and it looks set to remain one of the most practical ways to communicate virtually. Sometimes, communicating an idea or concept does not work as well in text. Not everyone can explain themselves concisely or in a way that others grasp immediately, even if they are in the same tech field. 

With a tech stack, constant evolution and development are being implemented. Team members must have concise, thorough conversations about their application’s progress. Video conferencing makes communication more fluid and can improve some people’s communication skills. Staying connected is what keeps a virtual team strong, and that is precisely what video conferencing has the power to do. Even a quick face-to-face chat can remove any doubts, clear up misunderstandings, and ensure there is no ambiguity. 

Visual collaboration tools

Teams working on a project from a virtual perspective have a lot to benefit from a visual collaboration tool. A space that makes it easy to share ideas, references, and files is essential for any tech stack team because it helps members flesh out concepts without being in the same room. 

You can use virtual project management tools like a Kanban board or visual thinking canvas to provide room for brainstorming, off-shooting, and sharing solutions. App and software development are both occupations that require a lot of feedback and participation, so a tool that serves that purpose is very important. It helps to track stakeholders’ input and to create a clear roadmap for the project, its timelines and milestones, and the expected outcome. 

Word processing

It would be a shame if your brilliant tech stack featured avoidable typos and word errors. The solution is utilizing a word processing tool that can prevent that situation from occurring.

Most of the most popular tools (Google Docs, Microsoft Word) already feature fully functional word processors, but using a platform that has one built into its system will save you so much time. They can fix errors as they occur without any direct input from the team. This ensures the end result is professional and that any errors are avoided upfront.

Comprehensive digital asset management

Tech stacks are compiled of an unbelievable amount of data, files, and digital assets. A digital asset management tool, also known as a DAM, keeps all digital mass organized and accessible. In a nutshell, it is a data directory that can contain all the working parts of a project, from the initial brief to standardized invoice templates for time tracking and budgeting purposes.

With drag-and-drop features, integration tools and more, a DAM is what will keep any app development team from losing track or missing critical communications due to the sheer scale of the project. It also tracks access and changes, assigning responsibility to those who access the data at a specific entry point. This ensures that any changes are assigned to a person, and everyone understands who has assumed responsibility. 

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Online team building

When working virtually, fostering team spirit becomes more of a challenge, but it is integral to the success of every project. A team that works cohesively, communicates clearly, and has bonded will always deliver a better end result than one that’s disjointed and unified.

 Online team-building games can take the form of virtual escape rooms or pub quizzes, or they may involve rounds of games like Among Us. The main aim is to involve and engage every team member and to create the feeling of being a team, even if it is not in a face-to-face environment.

Adding team-building tools to a tech stack promotes collaboration at every level. This is an area that is often overlooked, and it can be to a project’s detriment. 


Remote teamwork requires no short supply of communication, expertise, and attention to detail. These seven essential collaboration tools are what every virtual team should look out for when working on a tech stack. 

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