AI for Sales: Empowering Professionals With Tools To Stay Prepared

Sales is not for the faint of heart, especially in today’s dynamic and ever-changing selling environment. From chasing multiple deals at various stages to continuously building pipelines to meet numbers, it’s a job that requires a strong skill set and even stronger ambition and resolve. Even with these attributes, meeting quota can be a difficult endeavor. Fortunately, artificial intelligence (AI) is finally being applied to use cases that help make salespeople more efficient and effective. In fact, AI adoption is skyrocketing: According to Sales HackerOpens a new window , 21% of sales teams were using AI in 2018; by 2020, that number had jumped to 54%. Moreover, Forrester’s “Predictions 2021: B2B SalesOpens a new window ” report stated that “57% of B2B sales leaders said they plan to make deeper investments in tools with AI and automation in the upcoming fiscal year”. Further, the research firm predicts “AI and automation will enable more than 60% of B2B sellers in 2021.”

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AI can be leveraged in a variety of contexts. But perhaps the most impactful AI for sales is focused on seller preparation and call execution to reduce or eliminate the need for human review, pattern detection and decision-making. AI benefits sellers by making them more effective and efficient in their daily lives. It starts with optimizing manual administrative tasks like data entry to give them more time to sell and extends to helping them become more effective. By identifying knowledge and skill gaps critical to effective customer interaction and navigating each deal with more control and efficiency, AI can help sellers get ready and be ready for every customer interaction.

AI has the capability to learn what’s important to the seller and buyer and provide opportunities for the salesperson to develop their skills or be coached, as well as identify ways to reinforce knowledge. This prepares sellers, so they’re ready with the right knowledge, skills and execution at every stage of the sales process.

Here, we explore the anatomy of the sales execution process and how AI can help at each stage.

Preparing for a Sales Interaction

Most sales onboarding programs are designed with a one-size-fits-all approach to training. But AI can help organizations tailor programs to match an individual’s education, existing knowledge and even prior experience. In doing so, it accelerates their ramp time, decreases time to productivity, improves the onboarding experience and increases revenue.

One of the most important aspects of sales training involves reps and managers working through real-world scenarios using interactive role-plays. While effective, this requires time and attention from the manager and leaves little room for practice or error on the rep’s part. With an AI-enhanced approach, a rep can use their mobile device or laptop to record and submit a role play that had previously required time from a sales manager or peer to review.

For example, sales reps can get dialed in on messaging by recording their pitches based on criteria identified as critical to success, whether that’s keeping it to 30 seconds or less or making sure it “rolls off the tongue.” Once recorded and shared, managers can then evaluate and provide feedback so reps can fine-tune their pitch.

AI, in this context, is looking for identifiers to determine if a message has been conveyed or the right sentiment has been used. For example, is it relevant to the audience? Too technical? Too high level? Is the right message being communicated? Scores can even be attributed to each area being assessed for the manager to review. Historically, these tasks were completed by coaches or managers, making the process subjective and time- and resource-intensive. But AI provides helpful insight and context so managers can quickly identify ways to remediate and assign personalized learning to address specific gaps.

During the Sales Call

In the past, managers have had to be present for sales calls or in-person meetings to observe reps in the field. Because these “ride alongs” weren’t scalable, managers were forced to choose which reps to shadow and when. AI has revolutionized this task by providing the ability to analyze and transcribe calls to provide personalized feedback. This is called “conversation intelligence,” now a growing sub-market in sales enablement.

With AI-powered conversation intelligence tools, managers have searchable transcripts of specific calls that they can review and understand exactly what occurred on a call. Specifically, they can analyze key interactions to gauge the progress of deals, uncover buyer sentiment, and identify areas of improvement for skills and deal coaching.

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After the Sales Call

AI can take analysis, prediction, and personalized remediation to new levels following the sales interactions as well. For example, once a transcript is reviewed, managers can use AI-derived insights to inform their coaching efforts and offer guidance on deals and improvements to sales reps’ skills. And by identifying opportunities for skills development for practice or knowledge reinforcement exercises through microlearning, sellers can have a bespoke learning and training program that addresses their specific needs and moves them toward a continuous state of excellence. Moreover, AI can help reps prepare for the next call in less time by surfacing the insights, personal notes and manager comments in one place so that sellers can invest more time selling. Managers can also use AI-powered transcripts to search for keywords to determine what, exactly, is resonating with customers on the call.

We often underestimate how difficult sales is while also forgetting that they’re the team charged with bringing in new revenue. It makes sense, then, that businesses should invest in innovations like AI that can optimize their productivity and maximize their skills and knowledge. By leveraging AI as part of enablement, managers and reps alike have all they need to be ready and more effective at the moment of truth — in front of a prospect or customer — while also supporting ongoing learning and skills development.