ASCII vs. Unicode: 4 Key Differences You Must Know

  • American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII) is defined as a character encoding standard that leverages up to 8 bits to represent up to 256 English characters, including letters, numbers, and simple punctuation.
  • Unicode is defined as a universal character-encoding standard that supports codes for more than 149,000 characters, thus enabling text from almost all major languages to be represented for computer processing.
  • This article explains the key differences between ASCII and Unicode.

ASCII and Unicode: An Overview

The American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII) is a character encoding standard that leverages up to 8 bits to represent up to 256 English characters, including letters, numbers, and simple punctuation.

A Sample of Unicode vs. 7-Bit ASCII Table

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On the other hand, Unicode is a universal character-encoding standard that supports codes for more than 149,000 characters, thus enabling text from almost all major languages to be represented for computer processing.

Before diving into the key differences between ASCII and Unicode, let’s learn more about them.

What Is Unicode?

Computers generally read a variant of machine language. The keys we press on our keyboard are not directly read by the computer as we see them. They are first converted to binary and then re-converted to human-readable symbols on our screens.

Essentially, the processor translates characters by transforming and storing them as numbers (sequences of bits). To facilitate this process, computers use an encoding scheme that “maps” a particular combination of bits to their predetermined character representation.

Before Unicode existed, there were several varying encoding schemes. Each scheme assigned a specific number to each supported letter, number, or other character. Generally, these schemes included code pages with up to 256 characters, each needing 8 bits of storage.

These encoding systems were reasonably compact. However, they could not support character sets for languages with thousands of characters (like Japanese or Chinese). Further, a single scheme would most likely support only a single language, and the character sets of numerous languages could not coexist in one character sheet.

The Unicode standard was introduced to overcome these limitations. It is the universal standard for character encoding and is used to represent human-readable text for processing by computer systems.

Versions of the Unicode standard are completely synchronized and compatible with the corresponding versions of International Standard ISO/IEC 10646. This standard defines the character encoding for the Universal Character Set. This means Unicode supports the same encoding points and characters as ISO/IEC 10646:2003.

Unicode features codes for over 149,000 characters, which is more than sufficient to decode every major alphabet, symbol, and ideogram of the world. Additionally, Unicode is program, language, and platform agnostic, making it ideal for universal use. However, it is a standard scheme for representing plain text and thus not ideal for rich text.

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What Is ASCII?

ASCII is one of the most popular pre-Unicode character encoding standards and is still used in limited facets of computing.

Developed by the American National Standards Institute, ASCII was first published in 1963. It is based on the same character encoding used for the telegraph. Character representation using ASCII can occur in different ways, including three-digit octal numbers, pairs of hexadecimal digits, 7-bit binary, 8-bit binary, and decimal numbers.

The original 7-bit version of ASCII has unique values for 128 characters. These characters include uppercase letters A through Z, their lowercase versions, the numbers 0 through 9, and basic punctuation. Control characters not intended for printing are also included — these were originally created for use in teletype printing terminals.

ASCII was one of the first globally significant character encoding standards with applications in data processing. It was adopted by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) as a standard for internet data in 1969 through the publishing of the “ASCII format for Network Interchange” (RFC 20). Acceptance of ASCII as a full standard was completed in 2015.

Today, ASCII has been largely replaced by Unicode, which also includes ASCII encodings. In fact, ASCII encoding can be considered technically obsolete. However, the first 128 characters of the Unicode Transformation Format 8 (UTF-8) use the same encoding as ASCII, making ASCII text and UTF-8 compatible.

The IETF standardized UTF-8 encoding for all web content in 2003 through RFC 3629. While almost every computer today uses either ASCII or Unicode encoding, some machines use proprietary codes. For instance, a few IBM mainframes use the 8-bit Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code (EBCDIC).

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ASCII vs. Unicode: Top 4 Differences

As explained above, both ASCII and Unicode are character encoding standards to represent text in computer systems. While ASCII only provides mapping for up to 256 characters, Unicode supports over 149,000 characters and is used far more widely in modern computing systems.

Let us now explore the top differences between these two encoding standards.

1. History

ASCII Unicode
ASCII is a standard format for data encoding to primarily facilitate electronic communication among users and computers and between computer systems.

Its original development goal was partly similar to that of Unicode. ASCII was intended to serve as a common computer code that united the different computer models, which, until its introduction, encoded characters using varying proprietary systems.

ASCII was proposed by Bob Bemer, a computer scientist associated with IBM, in 1961. The system was approved in 1963 as the American standard. However, it did not enjoy wide acceptance immediately.

The original version of ASCII used seven-digit binary numbers, allowing it to represent 128 different characters. For instance, the binary sequence 1010000 represented an uppercase P.

With time, ASCII was exposed to further development, with revisions issued in 1965, 1967, 1968, 1977, and 1986.

ASCII relied on the underlying concept of bytes, or binary code arranged in groups of eight. Therefore, ASCII is generally embedded in eight-bit fields that consist of seven information bits and one parity bit for either checking errors or representing special symbols.

In 1981, IBM introduced extended ASCII. This eight-bit code was created for the first IBM PC and soon became the accepted standard for personal computers.

Extended ASCII features 32 code combinations for control and machine commands, another group for uppercase letters and some punctuation, another for numerals and other punctuation, and another for lowercase letters.

With the eight-bit system, ASCII could increase the number of characters represented to 256. This allowed all special characters and characters from some other languages to be represented.

However, even extended ASCII proved insufficient for supporting every written language, especially Asian languages that include thousands of characters in their scripts. It was this limitation that gave rise to the need for Unicode.

Unicode is a character encoding system for multilingual text. Its primary purpose is to provide a reliable and workable system for worldwide text encoding. It can support the characters of all the living languages in the world, as well as a variety of emoji and other symbols.

Unicode was created to encode the underlying characters and graphemes of various languages rather than all the variations in the character glyphs.

Its goal has been to transcend the constraints of ASCII and other traditional character encodings, like the ones defined by the ISO/IEC 8859 standard. This is because while these encodings were widely used in different countries, they were mostly incompatible with each other.

The origins of Unicode began in 1987 when personnel from Xerox and Apple began exploring the practicalities of establishing a universally accepted character set.

Unicode’s original 16-bit design was created assuming that it would be used only to encode the characters in contemporary use.

With time, the Unicode working group grew and onboarded members from more organizations, including Microsoft and Sun Microsystems. A large part of the mapping work for existing character encoding standards had been completed by 1991.

In the same year, the Unicode Consortium was incorporated in California. The first edition of the Unicode standard was published in October 1991. Less than a year later, in June 1992, the second volume was published, covering Han ideographs.

A surrogate character mechanism was added to Unicode 2.0 in 1996. This enhanced the Unicode codespace to more than a million code points, enabling numerous historical scripts and obscure or obsolete characters to be encoded.

ASCII and other older character encoding systems enable monolingual and, in certain instances, bilingual computer processing. However, Unicode goes a few steps ahead and offers support for multilingual processing, thus allowing arbitrary scripts from several distinct languages to be combined at the same time.


2. Features

ASCII Unicode
ASCII’s main capability is enabling communications electronically, as well as in programming languages like HTML.

The representation of characters in ASCII is limited to the English language. It supports letters, numbers, and some common punctuation and symbols.

ASCII uses either 7 bits or 8 bits to represent various characters, which allows it to use less memory space than Unicode. The original version can only encode 128 characters using a 7-bit range, including non-printing control characters.

ASCII is a proper subset of Unicode, which means that Unicode includes all the characters that can be encoded in ASCII, plus many more. So, while ASCII is useful for representing characters in the English language, Unicode is capable of representing a much wider range of characters in other languages and scripts.

Unicode is the global standard for character encoding. It is designed to support the representation of characters from various languages and scripts, including Latin, Arabic, Cyrillic, and Greek.

The term Unicode stands for “universal character encoding.” It is standardized by the international IT industry to be used to encode and represent characters in computers.

One of the key advantages of Unicode is its ability to represent a large number of characters and symbols, including mathematical formulas, historical scripts, and even emojis. This is possible because Unicode uses four different encoding formats, known as UTF-7, UTF-8, UTF-16, and UTF-32. These formats use 7, 8, 16, and 32 bits, respectively.

While these formats allow Unicode to represent a much wider range of characters than ASCII, it also means that Unicode consumes more memory. However, this is not a constraint for memory-rich modern-day IT infrastructure.

The latest version of Unicode encrypts 161 written scripts, including 94 modern and 67 historical or ancient scripts. Naturally, this makes it a superset of ASCII, meaning that all the characters in the ASCII character set are also included in the Unicode character set.


3. Variants

ASCII Unicode
ASCII features two main variants: 7-bit and 8-bit.


ASCII was created as the national encoding standard for the US. Soon, other nations understood the need for their own versions of the standard — those that included letters and symbols from their local languages.

This led to the creation of ISO 646, a standard similar to ASCII but featuring extensions for various non-English characters.

ISO 646 provided numerous code points for “national use” characters. These characters were designed for adaptation per each country’s needs. However, it took four years for the International Organization for Standardization to accept the international recommendation.

This delay led to certain incompatibilities once other countries started creating their own assignments for the provided code points. While codes indicating the national variant being used were provided, they were seldom used in practice.

Subsequently, a major challenge faced by programmers from different countries was using one code point to represent different characters. For instance, programmers from Germany, France, and Sweden would use different code points for the same accented letters. This made interoperability difficult.

To address this issue, trigraphs were created in ANSI C (the standard for the C programming language). However, even they saw limited adoption due to late introduction and inconsistent implementation. As a result, users would see symbols such as brackets in the middle of words.


With time, computers evolved from 12-bit, 18-bit, and 36-bit systems to 8-bit, 16-bit, 32-bit, and 64-bit systems. Soon, the 8-bit byte became the standard for storing characters in memory.

This allowed for the development of extended ASCII, which supported additional characters beyond the original 128 in the 7-bit version. Extended character sets were earmarked for different regions and systems.

For instance, ISCII was established for India and VISCII for Vietnam. These encodings were sometimes referred to as ASCII, but true ASCII is the standard as strictly defined by the American National Standards Institute.

However, even extended ASCII was not truly universal. Early personal computers would feature unique 8-bit character sets that would often replace control characters with graphics. For instance, Commodore International would use the PETSCII code based on an earlier version of ASCII.

ISO/IEC 8859

The printable characters provided for by ASCII were only enough to facilitate information exchange in modern English. Other languages with Latin alphabets require additional symbols not provided for in ASCII.

ISO/IEC 8859, derived from the Multinational Character Set (MCS), was introduced to address this issue — it utilized the eighth bit in 8-bit bytes to support another 96 printable characters.

The ISO/IEC 8859 standard became a popular character encoding standard. It saw extensions like Windows-1252 for adding typographic punctuation marks for text printing. However, since 2008, Unicode UTF-8 has become more common.

The Unicode standard includes over 149,000 characters and can represent characters across dozens of languages.

Compared to ASCII, which uses only one byte to represent a single character, Unicode uses up to four bytes. This gives it the capability to support a wide variety of encoding systems.

The three main encoding variants of Unicode are UTF-8, UTF-16, and UTF-32. Among them, UTF-8 is the default encoding variant for several programming languages.


The Universal Coded Character Set (UCS) is a standard collection of Unicode characters as defined by ISO/IEC 10646. While UCS-2 uses two bytes for character storage, UCS-4 uses four.


UTF stands for UCS Transformation Format. Unicode is split into four encoding variants — UTF-7, UTF-8, UTF-16, and UTF-32, which are the different Unicode standards. The number after UTF showcases the bits used to represent one character in that variant.

  • UTF-7 uses 7 bits for each character shown. Its original purpose was the representation of ASCII characters in an email that leveraged Unicode encoding.
  • UTF-8 is the most widely used variant of Unicode encoding. In UTF-8, one byte is used for regular English characters, while two are used for Middle Eastern and Latin characters and three for Asian characters. Four bytes may be used for representing certain additional characters. As the first 128 characters of UTF-8 are mapped to the same values as ASCII, it can be said that UTF-8 is backward compatible with ASCII.
  • UTF-16 is an extension of UCS-2, using two bytes to represent 65,536 characters. Additionally, UTF-16 supports four bytes for characters up to one million.
  • Finally, UTF-32 is a multibyte encoding variant representing its characters using 4 bytes.


4. Importance

ASCII Unicode
ASCII was one of the first encoding standards to offer a truly universal character set for basic electronic communications. It provided one of the first globally popular character encoding standards to process data.

This standard allowed developers to create globally applicable interfaces for humans and computers to understand each other.

Simply put, it works by coding data strings as ASCII characters and enabling their interpretation and display as readable plain text for humans and data for computers.

The design of the ASCII character set is also useful for programmers looking to simplify certain tasks. For instance, ASCII character codes make it easy to convert text from lowercase to uppercase and vice versa — all it takes is changing one bit.

And even though ASCII has been replaced by Unicode in most major applications, making it technically obsolete, the first 128 characters of UTF-8 use the same encoding as ASCII. In a way, ASCII continues to play an important role in one of the most popular encoding mediums in use today.

Unicode is of profound importance in the modern-day computing landscape.

Before the existence of Unicode, programmers from across the world had developed many encodings, each for specific languages and purposes.

As the encoding landscape continued to sprawl out, interpreting inputs, sorting, storage, and display became a challenge.

Additionally, programs could handle either a single encoding at one time and switch among available options or convert between internal and external encodings.

These barriers among encoding standards meant data loss every time text was transferred from one machine to another.

Programs that contained both the data and the code for performing conversions among a subset of traditional encodings existed; however, they were heavy on memory use.

There was a clear lack of a central, authoritative source of precise definitions of encodings. The need for an encoding solution independent of all the various character sets and their encodings was felt.

Addressing all these challenges has been one of the most important achievements of Unicode.

This universal standard offers a central character set that can cater to all present-day languages.

It is built to ensure seamless interoperability with ASCII and ISO-8859-1, the two most popular character sets before it.

Unicode is the preferred standard for the internet, especially XML and HTML. It is also seeing adoption for email.

Finally, and most importantly, it is expandable — any characters not covered today can be added in the future.

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The key difference between Unicode and ASCII lies in their scope and encoding mechanisms.

ASCII is a character encoding system that only includes up to 256 characters, primarily composed of English letters, numbers, and symbols. It uses up to eight bits to represent each character. In contrast, Unicode is a much larger encoding standard that includes over 149,000 characters. It can represent nearly every modern script and language in the world.

Additionally, Unicode supports special characters such as mathematical symbols, musical notation, and emojis, which are not included in ASCII. Most importantly, the number of supported characters can be expanded in the future, as required.

Another difference between Unicode and ASCII is how they are encoded. ASCII uses a fixed-length encoding mechanism, with each character represented using seven or eight bits. In contrast, Unicode uses variable-length encoding, meaning each character can be represented using one or more bytes. This enables Unicode to support a much larger character set while maintaining backward compatibility with ASCII.

Ultimately, the difference between ASCII and Unicode lies in their limitations, and this is where Unicode is the clear winner. However, this is not to disregard ASCII, for it is an older standard that fulfilled its intended purpose for its time. Both have been extremely important developments for modern-day computing, each in their own way.

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