Digital Trends in HR Recruitment for 2019: What to Expect


There is no more “what’s it going to be like in the digital age?” We’re in the digital age. Now, the questions for HR professionals are “how has the digital age changed recruitment efforts?” and “how is it going to change them in the future?”

What Is Becoming Obsolete in HR Today?

Artificial intelligence (AI) is on the rise and replacing humans in some areas of the workforce, and HR departments are no exceptionOpens a new window . For example, the chatbot Spot is a form of AI that is able to address such things as discrimination and harassment in the workplace. Additionally, algorithms are now able to easily match a pool of talent with the HR department. This means that HR professionals can now breathe a sigh of relief, since the most tedious and repetitive tasks they had to conduct can now be considered obsolete.

What Is Changing in HR Today?

For starters, the digital age has changed the way recruiters look for candidatesOpens a new window . In the past, prospective employees browsed the newspaper, sent out resumes and waited for a response that hopefully led to an interview. Today, however, recruiters are doing the searching and looking for the best talent before an employment notice even hits a job board.

How? By using digital recruiting technology that will be progressively relied upon in 2019 to bring in the best talent. The two major areas where digital recruiting has changed the face of HR are optimization and targeting. HR recruiters will depend on this software to seek out the best candidates and save an enormous amount of time searching for talent.

How Does Digital HR Recruitment Affect the Current HR Landscape?

Today, HR professionals have easy and concise access to digital approaches for recruitment, employee engagement, career development, performance reviews, compensation, benefits and more. For example, with AI and deep learning digital services, HR teams have access to a wide variety of recruiting methods. Also, with analytics-based insightsOpens a new window , HR teams can use digital tools to examine performance in real time, optimize payroll and predict personnel patterns.

Another way Digital HR is changing HR departments is with the cloud. This technology gives flexibility when it comes to tasks like data management, training, employee collaboration and learning initiatives. Mobile HR services are another way HR is changing, especially to accommodate candidates. Everyone is mobile today, so there’s no reason why HR shouldn’t be as well. To do this, HR teams are adding mobile apps and employee portals that candidates and employees can access anytime and anywhere.

Upcoming 2019 Trends in HR

The future of HR will bring some AI enhancements, including:

Talent engagement: HR teams are busy and don’t always have the time to engage with candidates. However, by incorporating AI into their day-to-day tasks, HR departments can automate communication with potential candidates and track their responses.
Process Efficiency: HR departments spend quite a bit of time on paperwork. The tedious tasks of scheduling, completing time sheets and training staff can be replaced with an AI assistant that does this work for them. This leaves the HR team available to work on such important tasks as relationship building and workplace culture.
Freelance Candidates: By 2020, it is expected that half of the job market will be freelance workers. This means HR departments will save time and money by hiring temporary freelance workers for projects. They will grow a large network of these valuable workers.

The Bottom Line

In 2019, HR teams can expect to see the digital revolution come to its peak. This age is a positive one that lets HR professionals increase productivity, reduce turnover rates and implement employee collaboration and a company culture. For any HR department that hasn’t yet adopted digital tools and strategies, the time to do so is now, as the pace is continually growing faster.