Discord Tunes Out Ambient Noise With AI-Powered Noise Suppression for iOS & Android


Discord, one of the fastest growing communication apps brings noise suppression powered by Krisp.ai to iOS and Android mobile apps. 

Discord, a channel-based communication platform is now incorporating background noise suppression for its mobile apps. The technology, powered by Krisp.ai, was available only for desktop users until now. It will now be leveraged for mobile audio conversations to filter out background disturbances that hamper the conversational experience. 

This update comes at the heels of the company’s $100 million venture roundOpens a new window financing on June 30. Discord stated it wants to evolve from a gaming communication service, to a communications platform for more than 100 million+ of its monthly active users. 

Jason Citron and Stan Vishnevskiy, Co-Founders of Discord wrote in a blog postOpens a new window , “This is just the beginning of Discord’s journey to be a place for all of your communities to talk and build relationships.”

The San Francisco-based provider of text, audio and video communications rolled out noise suppression for desktopOpens a new window in April. The latest addition is for Discord apps on Android and iOS, which will work with a mobile phone’s microphone. 

Vishnevskiy, who is also the CTO at Discord told GamesBeatOpens a new window , “Our whole mission is around being your place to talk, and so this was about how we take it to the next level and make sure you can do that anywhere without noise interference.” 

The feature is live and can be activated when connected to a voice channel.

Learn More: Google One-Ups Microsoft With Noise Cancellation in Meet

On their association with Krisp.ai, Vishnevskiy said they partnered to drive the best possible conversation. The technology identifies non-human ambient sounds and cancels them out so users can hear each other clearly. This includes the sound of a vacuum cleaner, a lawnmower, vehicles passing by, a dog’s relentless barking, or a ‘goat party’ as the company explains in the video below.

With this feature roll-out, Discord joins the ranks of Google Meet and ZoomOpens a new window . The Denoiser in Google Meet is internally developed and was rolled-out to users in June 2020, while Zoom has been leveraging Krisp.ai’s technology since 2018. Microsoft is yet to catch-up with its AI noise suppression feature for Teams slated to launch later this year.

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