Google Employees’ Personal Info Exposed in Law Firm Data Breach


Immigraton law firm Fragomen confirms data breach that exposed Google employees’ information.

New York-based immigration law firm Fragomen, Del Rey, Bernsen & Loewy was affected by a data breach wherein personal information of current, and former Google employees was compromised. Fragomen said they discovered the breach after noticing suspicious activity on their computer network.

The law firm which provides I-9 services, employee verification and screening requirements for immigrants to Google notifiedOpens a new window the California Attorney General’s office on October 23. Still, it failed to mention exactly how many data records were hacked.

Acting upon the suspicion, the immigration law firm initiated an investigation into the incident. Fragomen said, “While we have no evidence at this point in time that your information has been viewed, we wanted to notify you of this incident and assure you that we take it very seriously. We have taken steps in response to this incident, including implementing enhancements to our IT Security infrastructure and detection capabilities.”

See Also: Data Breaches Cost Organizations $3.86M: IBM Data Breach Report

Since the firm provides I-9 verification and compliance services, affected data likely includes documents such as U.S. passport, permanent resident card, driver’s license, voter registration card, etc.

All organizations within the U.S. are required to undertake I-9 verification as part of the country’s stringent immigration policies.

While the security incident is under investigation, the law firm announced complimentary identity theft protection and credit monitoring services to all affected Googlers. The firm has roped in IDXOpens a new window to provide free identity theft and monitoring services, including 12 months of credit and CyberScan monitoring, a $1,000,000 insurance reimbursement policy, and fully managed ID theft recovery services.

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