Google Is Rolling Out Its September 2022 Broad Core Update


Google is releasing the September 2022 broad core update, which is expected to take about two weeks to be rolled out completely. This update follows the helpful content updateOpens a new window the search engine giant released just a few days ago, which completed its rollout last week.

The Latest Core Update in Its Long List of Updates

Google announced the release of its broad core update on Twitter and said it would update its ranking release history page once the rollout was complete. 

Today we released the September 2022 core update. We’ll update our ranking release history page when the rollout is complete:

— Google Search Central (@googlesearchc) September 12, 2022Opens a new window

The last core update was the May 2022 broad core update, which was a significant and quick one. Websites witnessed high volatility and bigger swings after this update. Businesses also felt powerful tremors during the rollout. Before this, there were a series of core updates, including the ones in November, July, and June 2021 and the December 2020 core update, among others. The December 2020 update was also a big one and was a wake-up call for website owners and marketers to take the quality and relevance of content to the next level.

Google hasn’t confirmed how the latest core update will affect search rankings in different languages and across the world. However, according to a recent tweet by Danny Sullivan, public liaison for Search, Google, the core update might make the update on helpful content more visible.

Maybe the helpful content signal alone wasn’t enough to tip the scales and produce a change in someone’s particular situation, but when we do other updates (core, product reviews), it might add into that and be more significant….

— Danny Sullivan (@dannysullivan) September 6, 2022Opens a new window

What You Should Know About Core Updates

Google keeps releasing a few minor changes designed to improve search results daily. Most changes are not noticeable. When there are a few noticeable updates where site owners and content producers have to take some action, Google tends to confirm them, sometimes well in advance.

However, a few times a year, Google makes a few broad and significant changes to its search algorithms and systems. These are called core updates. While these updates are designed to present relevant and authoritative content to people, they also impact Google Discover. Google confirms these updates as they produce some widely noticeable effects. For example, sites may notice gains or drops during these updates. 

See more: Google To Penalize Content Creators Misusing Web Stories 

What You Can Do if You Are Hit

According to Google, if your rankings are hit, there may not be any specific action you can take to recover. In fact, sometimes, getting hit doesn’t necessarily mean there is something wrong with your page. The search engine giant also says that core updates do not target specific sites or pages.

That said, Google does list a few things site owners and content producers can focus on. For example, they can focus on improving content quality. Companies can answer a few questionsOpens a new window and see if anything needs to be improved.

Google also says that companies may be able to see some recovery between core updates. But the biggest change they would see would be after another core update.

Why This Is Important

As mentioned above, when Google releases a core update, many companies see their page rankings get hit or do better. Staying updated about when Google is making changes to its algorithms and systems can help you brace for impact. Now that you know that Google is rolling out its September 2022 broad core update, watch your page rankings and analytics closely for any major changes over the next couple of weeks. 

Have your page and site rankings taken a hit due to a core update? What steps have you taken to recover? Share with us on FacebookOpens a new window , TwitterOpens a new window , and LinkedInOpens a new window .


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