How AI Automation Tools Help Streamline Hiring and Sourcing Efforts


Recruiters spend significant amounts of time sourcing and matching qualified prospects to open roles, with these tasks taking as much as 30% of recruiters’ days, according to our researchOpens a new window . This time could be better spent connecting with active candidates. 

To address this, recruiters are increasingly turning to automating parts of the talent acquisition process, allowing recruiters to take advantage of AI-powered sourcing along with texting and chatbots to communicate with candidates.

Saving Valuable Time With Automation Tools

Recruiters have started investing in tools to reduce time-to-fill and meet hiring needs effectively. This technology automatically sources and engages quality candidates resulting in significant time savings for recruiters combined with advertising cost savings for the organization. By instantly reaching out to qualified candidates and inviting them to apply to new job postings, recruiters can implement and monitor their results rather than managing and manually building curated lists. 

Using AI-powered candidate matching, Zero-Click Intelligent Sourcing automatically identifies a list of qualified candidates based on outlined requirements and information from previous successful hires for similar positions. Personalized communications are then auto-generated, inviting those identified to apply, driving qualified candidates into the hiring workflow. The tool uses personalized communications alerting these top prospects to new openings and inviting them to apply.

See More: The End of the Industrial Age and the Rise of a New Age of Human-Centric Automation

Out-performing Competitors

By utilizing emerging technologies to streamline and enhance hiring efforts, recruiters can let the system handle the sourcing and instead focus on managing qualified applicants and ultimately filling the role. This is imperative for recruiters in today’s highly competitive market. Early adopters are reporting email campaign engagement rates over 50% since activating Zero-Click Intelligent Sourcing, translating to companies now receiving around ten applications per 100 emails. 

Finding New Approaches To Streamline Recruiting 

Automation does not end with implementing a single tool — recruiters can take advantage of multiple tools such as text-to-apply, self-scheduling portals, and chatbots to further disrupt the need for manual processes.

Setting up automation with intelligent messaging via text recruiting allows employers to keep a passive stream of candidates engaged. Trying to connect with talent over missed calls and crowded inboxes is no longer the only option. Texting with applicants allows for timely conversations with candidates on the go, enabling recruiters to speed up the process and reduce time-to-fill.

According to Jobvite’s 2021 Recruiter Nation ReportOpens a new window , 54% of talent teams plan to increase their use of texting in recruiting processes in the next year. Half also plan to incorporate more chatbots in the recruiting process. Leveraging chatbots allows recruiters to interact easily with candidates by sending messages, answering questions, and providing helpful links. Chatbots can be engaged in anything from screening and communications to scheduling, onboarding or survey completion. Consider it another way to work smarter and eliminate repetitive tasks by automating processes for a more effective recruiting process that improves both the recruiter experience and the candidate experience.  

By thinking outside the box and figuring out alternative methods to identify, interview, hire, and onboard talent, recruiters are finding new and more effective ways to recruit the best candidates. There are many ways to automate recruiting efforts, and finding the perfect combination of tools gives recruiters the ability to thrive and rival competition in a rapidly evolving job market. 

How are you using automation tools to streamline your recruiting efforts? Share with us on FacebookOpens a new window , TwitterOpens a new window , and LinkedInOpens a new window .