How can Big Data Transform Human Resource Management


Big Data can improve talent acquisition processes, retention, and performance management which affects the overall performance of the organization positively.

Can you name me one ubiquitous phrase which has revolutionized the way companies conduct business? Big Data! Comprising of four key elements- volume, velocity, variety and value, big data seems to aid better strategic business decisions like never before. And looking at the ongoing market trends, the concept has risen beyond storing enormous information resulting in making previously used analytical methods redundant.

Technology today is simply mind-boggling- especially in comparison of the past. High-tech machines are enrolled to gather tons and tons of data which can be used for several purposes ranging from managing the business to planning attacks during a war. Now having a lot of data pouring into your organization is one thing, but being able to store, analyze and visualize it in real-time is an entirely different story. In the present scenario, one requires having the real-time insights in order to fully understand what is going on within their as well as outside their organization. And here’s when big data technology comes into play!

Whether you own a SMB or if your company is listed among fortune 500, generating tons of data is something that has to be done on a mandatory basis. As soon as a customer interacts with your business-data is generated in regards to name, addresses, and credit card numbers, interests or shopping preferences and the list goes on. So the only thing left for you to do is putting to productive use and storing data preventing from theft. Big data relives you of all the headaches associated with managing hundreds not thousands of data each day. For businesses, it can be a lifesaver. The tech has a surprising impact on nearly every facet of business, and Human resource management is no exception.

Big Data in HR

With the growing amounts of employee, customer, and transactions, Human Resources are compelled to divert themselves towards the newer technologies to aid faster decision-makingOpens a new window amid a volatile business environment. A huge amount of talent or people-related data ranging from skills to performance ratings, age, tenure, safety record, sales performance, educational background, manager, prior roles, and so forth! Understanding these aspects can assist in knowing the current composition, performance, and risk to improve the development of employees, products, and services. With such a huge bunch of data resources, HR professionals can evaluate and enhance practices including recruitment, training and development, performance, compensation, and overall business performance.

Now when it’s about converting data into useful information: all you require doing is follow these three steps procedure

  1. Predictive analysis- As the name implies, it is the clear attempt to forecast what could happen in the future based on past data.
  2. Analysis and monitoring- Gathering data related to why events have happened and what is happening now
  3. Reporting- Outlining what has happened in a clear way that can be used for comparison in the future.

Some of the standard HR metrics include recruitment, compensation and benefits, training, workforce, organization effectiveness, retention, performance/ career management and so forth. Further below I would like to mention a few pointers stating how big data impacts Human Resource Management.

#1 Hiring process streamlined– Salaries, the value of sales data, and benefits packages and such data are quite easy to collect. With the emergence of big data in the field of HROpens a new window , gathering and examining data after, during, and before the process of hiring becomes relatively easy. As a result, organizations are able to make smarter hiring decisions and develop a more efficient workforce. Have you heard about the Talent acquisition software- it allows teams to collect and store information of the relevant candidates with an attractive benefits package that is tailored perfectly for their needs. In addition to this, one can also monitor and track the efficiency of recruitment efforts. This allows HR teams to come up with highly efficient recruitment strategies that yield top-tier candidates. Being a functional business unit, it is always advisable to do more with less; shortening the power to recruitment costs by making the hiring process effective and appealing.     

#2 Enhancing Employee Motivation and Engagement– It may quite interest you to know that by tracking the activity of employees, HR can locate and reward the top performers. In case of ineffective behavior and violations of policies or expected standards, activities that always impact the growth of a company in some way- these stats can aid professionals in taking prompt action at the right time.

Data analysis can also disclose if any employee is facing performance issues. For example- extra training can be implemented to boost that candidate in particular. After all, every employee requires job satisfaction and creating a win-win situation you can leverage their talent and skills in such a way that benefits them as well as business. 

#3 Appropriate Resource Utilization– Currently looking at the present scenario, human capital management seems into big focus. Those who make effective use of their resources can attain much more than their competitors. For instance, if someone lacks in scheduling, other professionals might face hardships by not arriving within the scheduled service window.

Big data allows HR to leverage data for better resource utilization and workforce management. Starting from the tools that enable data-driven scheduling to dispatching to the ones that help balance the tasks as well as generate adequate revenue. It is all about improving efficiency in the modern enterprise. 

#4 Increased Employee Retention- Satisfying employees means you are directly experiencing high employee turnover. Being an HR, one can easily locate patterns and trends, implement data-driven programs; this will eventually lead to improvement in loyalty and won’t allow employees to leave the organization.

Overall, big data isn’t just a tool – it is a strategic opportunity that is highly valuable. People happen to be driving force in any business- make the most of it, and big data enables you to achieve this.

#5 Futurecasting- Last but certainly not the least, Futurecasting from global to political views can change the fate of your business. Try using predictive analytics and use that information to make sound and insightful recommendations. So, it’s time to improve HR solutions- time to invest in big data technology!