How Organizations Can Deliver an Excellent Enterprise Experience to Stakeholders


Today enterprises that rapidly evolve based on customer and employee insights flourish. Hence, it is paramount to build a culture of ‘Listening Sentiments’, designed to uncover what our human stakeholders want, and then act on the weak links in real-time. Experience management is for everyone in the organization. From product and marketing teams to customer care, HR, and frontline staff, everyone in the workplace today is responsible for designing and delivering experiences. Experience management is designed to provide everyone across the organization with detailed insights and recommended actions to play their part in delivering world-class experiences to both customers and employees. With integrations into an organization’s existing workplace technology, it plugs into the fabric of the organization to make taking action to design and improve the experience an automatic response right across the organization.

Seeing Many as One

The most influential customer experience technologies, such as advanced analytics, chatbots and artificial intelligence, continue to go from strength to strength. So why are so many consumers and employees at work dissatisfied with their experiences?

Because technology, while it is a huge enabler, cannot drive fulfilling experiences just through application — not without some well-directed and unified intervention from our side. In a global customer experience study a few years ago, 75% of respondents said they would like to interact more with a human being as technology improved. Even as you wonder if the post-pandemic reality might be significantly different, more recent surveys point to consumers feeling overwhelmed by digital overload and fatigue. There is a need to humanize our approach to digital engagements. Obviously, it takes a motivated, competent and happy employee who is having a great experience at work at the other end to deliver the kind of empathetic experience customers hope to get.

While the linkage between employee and customer experience is very visible, in truth, experiences across the enterprise value chain — for partners, vendors, customers, workers and leaders — are interconnected. Hence, enterprises will benefit from managing experience holistically rather than as discrete, unconnected pieces. The use of experience management tools and techniques can play a pivotal role in helping organizations see the connections between all their experiences and manage them efficiently.   

Insight, Analysis, Action, Optimization

A key first step in managing experience is understanding why people act or feel as they do. While this seems obvious, organizations often don’t have a clue about the underlying causes and motivations of human behavior. A recent investigation into very high post-pandemic attrition — 40% of employees said there was a likelihood of them quitting within 3 to 6 months — found that employers didn’t quite understand the reasons behind this. Where employers thought employees were leaving for a better job or salary, they were actually looking for workplaces where they would be valued by their managers and feel they belonged. For effective experience management, organizations need to measure and monitor their experiences. For this, they need to collect insights through traditional methods like surveys and also from sources, such as mobile apps, social feedback, wearable devices, and QR codes, and use a variety of analytical tools — dashboards, sentiment analysis, predictive analytics, text analytics, heat maps etc. — to zero-in on the “blind spots”. Next, the enterprise needs to act and optimize to find unique opportunities to improve these experiences. Using automated actions and alerts, monitoring tickets, deploying digital interventions and putting an experience layer on mobile apps are some options at their disposal. 

An added advantage of embracing this process is that decision-makers, who typically are separated from the organization’s frontlines by layers of hierarchy, can get a holistic and intimate picture of all the significant issues facing the business. 

In this age of digital experience, enterprises are expected to react to user sentiment and feedback in real-time. But an enterprise that responds instantaneously to the outside world must also be responsive on the inside because great customer experiences are only possible where there are great employee experiences. This is an important attribute of a “live enterprise”. A data fabric that provides high-quality, relevant data on demand whenever someone needs to make a decision is the heart of this enterprise. So is a modernized landscape, supported by employee-centric apps, learning platforms, and productivity-enhancing solutions. The live enterprise also equips employees with other resources offering support for client discussions and negotiations to enrich interactions with clients further.

See More: Leverage Technology and Data to Measure Impact of Company Initiatives. 

Partner Value

A trusted partner and experience management platform can really help organizations along this journey to becoming a live enterprise offering great experiences. A global telecom company with an outdated sales portal was looking to remedy the suboptimal vendor experience the site delivered. We partnered with them to reimagine their B2B site into one that offers consumer-grade experiences to users. The result is a much improved intuitive, human-centric experience, which works because it understands that a person’s experience expectations do not change based on the role they’re playing (supplier, buyer, influencer etc.). In another instance, an American bank seeking to improve engagement with millennial customers worked with us to leverage qualitative thick data to understand what customers really wanted. Upon finding that millennials needed in-person advisory services while preferring online banking for everything else, the partner helped the bank reimagine the in-branch experience to support a more relational and less transactional interaction with customers. 

In fact, a good partner experience is as important as employee experience in creating memorable customer experiences. This understanding that no experience stands alone is the essence of experience management. 

What steps have you taken to drive excellent experience management to your stakeholders? Let us know on FacebookOpens a new window , TwitterOpens a new window , and LinkedInOpens a new window .