How to Make Automation Work for your Talent Acquisition Strategy


The word ‘automation’ is thrown around in any number of contexts, but before you find the tool that’ll enable implementation, make sure your talent acquisition strategy is ready for change. Standardize components, stabilize any ripples, and optimize the solution, to make automation work for you.

For a while now, automation has been a key driver for transformation, across industries and processes. Talent acquisitionOpens a new window strategy, too, is no exception to this trend, and today HR leads and teams are consistently using this to simplify and strengthen systems.

“Some organizations are starting their journey with simple automation – using software bots to post jobs, generate offer letters, perform reporting, automate steps of the onboarding processOpens a new window , and perform other administrative tasks with clearly defined processes,” mentions Stacey CadiganOpens a new window , Director, of Information Services Group (ISG) Human Resources Technology and Delivery Strategies.

That said, it is important to find a sophisticated automation plan for your talent acquisition strategy, enhancing and consolidating one’s automation pathway. Regardless of the tools and platforms available, without a predetermined blueprint, blindly automating systems will only lead to chaos, confusion, and uncertainty.

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Here are 3 tips to keep in mind before embarking on an automation initiative for a talent acquisition strategy:

Ensure every cog in the talent acquisition strategy is standardized.

Every organization has its specific requirements, varying from department to department, a need for transparency, and maintaining key metrics. Therefore, identify key silos, standardize the same, set up essential KPIs, assign stakeholders, and integrate all of the above.

Importantly, this standardization must be in line with a company’s larger talent acquisition strategy and business objectives.

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When change is inevitable, stabilization is essential.

Any transition process leads to a degree of unease and upheaval in a company. It’s vital to undertake a robust change management plan in-sync with your talent acquisition strategy, which looks at establishing benchmarks, monitoring performance, studying any lacunae, evaluating success areas, and establishing a communication strategy.

All of this will help stabilize your automation efforts, even as a team of dedicated talent acquisition executives, who are both change agents and flag-bearers of the organizational culture, will help make talent acquisition strategy transformation seamless and streamlined.

“Although they don’t see it, employees benefit from automation before they walk in the door. Using a process automation solution will ensure that everything a new employee needs – from their computer and required software applications to their email account and security card – will be ready when they start work.

From a single point of data entry and a few initial clicks, the entire process is orchestrated, and each department knows exactly what it needs to contribute and when,” Claire Wiggill, VP of Strategy and Business Development at PMG details automation success, when done rightOpens a new window .

Realize the need to optimize the talent acquisition strategy automation strategy.

This begins with the highlighting of the vision for where you are, and where goals & targets lie. Optimization will include adding on recruiting solutions such as video interviewing, employee referrals, interactive job descriptions, and many more.

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To intelligently optimize the program, one must consistently review the end-to-end talent acquisition strategy, from sourcing to interviews.

Potential areas of improvement in your talent acquisition strategy must be demarcated, any negatives need to be flagged, and HR teams must carry the zeal to regularly revisit and fine-tune processes. This will lead to capturing the finest talent and best-fit candidates for any role.

“Any number of HR processes can be improved through automation. For example, onboarding new employees is typically laden with forms and can take an unreasonable amount of time when it’s done on paper.

With electronic forms and automated workflows, data entered once can be used to populate multiple onboarding forms,” believes Rosemary Haefner, CHRO at CareerBuilder. You can read key insights from CareerBuilder’s automation impact study hereOpens a new window .

So, these are the 3 most common approaches to automation. Remember, incorporating automation into your talent acquisition strategy too soon or too late, will lead to a loss of capacity and effectiveness. It is, therefore, necessary to fix a pragmatic approach, that understands your unique organizational needs, and takes it one step at a time.

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