How to Use Sales Strategies During Recruitment


When recruiting, HR professionals have to become an expert “mind-maker-uppers.” Not only are you trying to decipher if the candidate is qualified, but you’re also selling yourself and your company. Jeremy Reymer founder and CEO of DriverReach shares magic phrases and how to use sales strategies during the recruitment process.

When managing recruitment operations, there are two aspects all HR professionals must carefully consider: vetting and convincing. It’s easy to understand the vetting process–ensuring applicants are suited to best fill the open position and fit into your company’s culture. However, an extremely important aspect of the hiring process, which is infrequently discussed among HR professionals, is how to convince your ideal candidate to accept your job offer. Not only does the applicant have to sell themselves, but you have to sell your company as a great fit for them. In these situations, I’ve found the best way to empower success-driven individuals during the recruitment process is utilizing techniques often used by salespeople. We’ll dive into the best questions for both vetting and convincing belowOpens a new window .    

Best Practices in Vetting Applicants 

When vetting applicants, HR professionals must identify if the applicant would be a good fit culturally as well as if they have the necessary technical skills. How can you easily distinguish fit, strengths, and weaknesses? By uncovering a candidate’s core values. 

Core values should carry a lot of weight in your recruitment process because it showcases a candidate’s work ethic, outlook and life priorities. Companies and employees both seek growth, and core values tend to determine the path one should take. And, if you’re hiring for growth, you want an applicant who’s open-minded, decisive yet willing to learn and dependable. 

The following five questions give HR professionals the opportunity to determine core values and decipher what each candidate brings to the table: 

  1. Please tell me about your top 3 core values and why they are the driving force in your life.
  2. What are the top three characteristics you’re looking for in your next role?
  3. Tell me about the last time you took a risk. What made it risky, and why did you make that decision?
  4. Imagine you’ve recently taken on a new project. You’re almost finished with the planning stage-how do you ensure your work is world-class?
  5. How have you, in your recent past, driven significant change in your organization? What steps did you take and what was your outcome?

When asking these questions, you’ll notice they all ask for specific situations or examples. It’s important to analyze how someone overcame a situation, as that often reveals core values. A hypothetical situation can accomplish this, as well. Additional traits HR professionals should look for when vetting applicants, include: 

  • Those who aren’t fearful of rejection, and want to introduce their ideas 
  • Open-minded individuals who are adaptable and dependable 
  • Those who are decision catalysts and have the ability to drive meaningful change  

Become a Professional Mind-Maker-Upper

Once you’ve evaluated if a candidate would make a great fit in your organization, it’s time to sell them on the job and your company, because if they’re qualified and looking for a job, you’re most likely not the only company trying to sell yourself. And, that’s exactly what you have to do: sell. 

There are sales techniques interviewers and recruiting teams can use to attract quality candidates which I like to call, “magic phrases,” as they empower success-driven applicants to take the next step. By adopting a sales-focused approach during recruitment, recruiters can better nurture contacts, like leads, by having impactful conversations and focusing on more genuine conversations. It strengthens your recruitment process by allowing you to hire better, fasterOpens a new window . 

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Techniques to utilize when in the final moment of helping candidates make the decision to join your team: 

  • Just Imagine: For a decision to come true the candidate must have imagined themselves doing it. People make decisions based on images they see in their minds, so if you can place pictures in people’s minds, then you can use the results of those images to influence their decisions. For example, let’s say you are selling a candidate for a position where they will travel less than they do today. You’d say, “Just Imagine what your family will say when you tell them you will be home every night.” When you hear “just imagine” the brain pictures the very scenario you are creating. 
  • I bet you are a bit like me: When core values align between candidate and company during the interview, it’s easier for them to recognize where they should be and, in turn, make the decision processes much smoother. When slipping this statement early into conversations, you’ll find that they’ll comfortably be agreeing with you. One of the most reliable magic phrases I’ve found when interviewing candidates who need an extra push is “I bet you’re a bit like me: you consider all the factors when thinking about a job offer, not just salary.” 
  • Most People: Indecision precedes progress when convincing your perfect candidate to accept you and your company as the next stop on their professional journey. Create a “most people do this” scenario so they feel more comfortable agreeing with your insights because most people want to be most people. And, they’re interviewing with you because they most likely want to be like most people in your company. 

Recruitment teams balance vetting and convincing duties but spend more time prepping and practicing for the first half of the process. In order to maximize your recruitment and hiring effectiveness, HR professionals need to utilize sales techniques to guarantee better results. If you want a candidate, you’re most likely not the only one. Showcase your company is the place for them by becoming an expert mind-maker-upper. 

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