Inside the Hiring ‘Ecosystem’: Here’s What Modern Talent Acquisition Tools Are All About


The latest trend in talent acquisition tools and software solutions is a crowdsourcing feature — offering employers a chance to explore myriad applicant reservoirs and hire from an open marketplace. Originally termed a ‘talent acquisition ecosystem’, today, talent acquisition tools are increasingly embedding this feature into their core functionality, bringing in a whole new era in digital HR.

As the war for talent intensifies, recruiters are turning to a new talent management strategy – Talent Acquisition Ecosystems. Talent acquisition ecosystems are a network of stakeholders, technologies, and strategies that work in cohesion to provide organizations with dynamic talent pools.   

“Talent Acquisition Ecosystems allow employers to have a unified, holistic view of total talent management across the organization. It also allows for more flexibility and cost efficiency over traditional agency approaches because everything is connected and streamlined under one platform – attracting and acquiring talent, managing and developing talent, understanding and planning talent, as well as extending talent. As a result, companies can more easily attract, engage, hire and retain the right talent with the right skills, regardless of job type, level or employment status,” says Liz Bradley, Director of Communications at Scout ExchangeOpens a new window .

While LinkedIn may be the most popular among professional social recruiting platforms, the emergence of new talent acquisition tools and technologies are transforming how organizations look at their recruitment processes.

As personalization becomes a key tenet of talent management, creating targeted and intuitive recruitment campaigns and building lasting relationships with both active and passive applicants is essential.

Let’s look at the top trends that define the change in traditional staffing models.

  • The rise and rise of social media recruitment
  • The growth of crowd-sourcing as a pathway towards locating innovative, high-performing and creative professionals
  • The increase of psychometric personality and aptitude technology to assess candidate sentiment and a cultural intersection with a company
  • The emergence of a growing gig economy inspired by on-demand labor growth and mobile apps offering easy access to the temp labor marketplace

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Inside the ecosystem

Let’s begin by understanding how a digital ecosystem operates. The Boston Consulting Group defines a digital business ecosystem as an intricately-mapped network of enterprises, individuals, institutions, customers and other stakeholders who constantly interact to create mutual value. These ecosystems are empowered by a singular technology platform connecting the users. A transition to an ecosystem approach can address several recruitment challenges such as finite talent pools, cost and extended staffing issues, data limitations and outdated/manual processes.

Abakar Saidov, CEO at BeameryOpens a new window , identifies two key advantage of talent acquisition ecosystems over traditional agencies. He says, “First, a TA ecosystem gives you the ability to consolidate lots of activity into one system for different solutions – e.g., exec search, diversity hiring, employer branding or graduate recruiting.

The second is that a TA ecosystem allows you to consolidate all of your data in one place – it also allows you to own, access and use that data, engaging prospects and candidates over time, proactively.”

This is why a hiring landscape that’s integrated, robust, multi-channel and crowd-based can usher in genuine change and improvements. The benefits include hard-to-access talent, cost and timeline management, and a focus on recruitment in line with business mission and vision.

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Thinking big: Building a talent acquisition ecosystem

This new model, initially popularized by Talent Tech LabsOpens a new window ,  allows independent recruiters or recruitment companies to reach out to open requisitions across clients. Instead of working with a limited group of staffing specialists, companies can now access hundreds of recruiters parallelly searching for the best talent. Talent acquisition tool Beeline has a feature just like this, as its ‘Crowdstaffing’ module allows companies to access a much broader and deeper pool of qualified talent than traditional staffing supplier networks can offer — and this is integrated with their AI and personal curation engines.

“With our pioneering self-sourcing technology, we opened a powerful new channel for enterprise companies to find the talent they need in a particularly challenging labor market. By releasing requisitions to Crowdstaffing via API integration, we can offer our clients virtually instantaneous access to a significantly larger pool of top-quality talent without increasing their supplier lists,” mentioned Opens a new window Colleen Tiner, SVP of Strategy for Beeline.

Let’s now look at the many benefits and impact areas of this approach.

  • Companies can receive a limitless pool of applications from an ever-expanding global network
  • Candidates can garner exposure to new and meaningful opportunities across locations, realizing their true potential
  • Crowd-basing allows the supply chain to be targeted and specific to high-performing staffing partners, unlocking greater efficiencies, cost management, system optimization, and visibility
  • Hiring leads can tap into voluminous data reserves spanning the entire recruitment life cycle
  • The platform offers wider and enriched business intelligence, analytics and insights, reimagining recruitment as a process


Also read: 4 Ways Recruitment Software Can Help You Hire BetterOpens a new window

A parting shot

The first step in going digital isn’t force-fitting a solution or a talent acquisition tool. It all begins by rethinking how businesses operate and action everyday tasks like recruitment. It also implies treating every stakeholder — from an in-house HR employee to a possible candidate — as a ‘customer’, enhancing the overall experiential partnership. And finally, it means connecting all your ‘customers’ across a cutting-edge, integrated platform. 

Saidov shares four tips for organizations looking to transition from agency reliance to talent acquisition ecosystems, he says:

  • Shifting to a TA ecosystem starts with asking the question: why, and what are we trying to achieve. Modern Talent Acquisition should be about Talent Engagement and approaching modern talent on their own terms, giving them the experiences they expect, at the right time and in the right place. Being focused on engagement instead of transactional hiring means the team can be more proactive, think long-term, and participate in strategic conversations in the business.
  • Look for platforms that connect to your existing systems through world-class middleware and API
  • The ideal solution is one that gives you the ability to own and control the wealth of candidate data available in your organization (that is likely already part of historical hiring efforts).
  • Where possible look for tools that consolidate activities and not multiple point solutions.

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Remember, ‘digital’ isn’t a slick new product or a smart life hack. It’s part of everyone’s daily lives, both personal and professional. Talent acquisitionOpens a new window is also no different and requires a mature, nuanced, hyper-connected ecosystem blueprint of value, efficiency, and enlightened management.