It’s HR’s Job to Do Something About Workplace Loneliness


I was recently asked by a client to put together internal communications material on workplace loneliness.

The content shared some simple tactics every employee could use to combat loneliness in the workplace, as well as some of the telltale signs that individual colleagues may be feeling isolated.

Soon after, I described the situation to a friend who scoffed that loneliness in the office could even be considered a “workplace issue,” not to mention an issue crying out for HR attention.

She argued that it’s virtually impossible to be lonely when working in an office surrounded by other people. Yet, anyone who stays current with HR trends will know how wrong – and damaging – this perception is.

In fact, workplace loneliness is a growing issue – and one that is increasingly referred to as an “epidemic.”

To many, the problem probably sounds more like media fear-mongering. But even as more people feel isolated at work than ever before, workplace loneliness is rarely discussed, nor does it receive much attention when companies are looking to improve internal operations.

The more I read about the issue, the harder I found it to believe that HR departments weren’t dedicating effort to ensure staff at their companies don’t suffer from such feelings.

Consider the research put forward in a recent Harvard Business Review article by former Surgeon General Vivek MurthyOpens a new window . In the piece, Murthy maintains that reducing isolation at work is good for business, arguing that loneliness hurts work output, limits performance, collaboration and creativity – and even impacts decision-making capabilities.

Murthy also finds that the health damage from loneliness is equivalent to smoking 15 cigarettes a day.

Meanwhile, compared to the 1980s, twice as many American adults (40%) say they suffer from loneliness.

In other words, this is a serious health issue affecting a substantial portion of the population, and also has a significant negative impact on the American workplace.

Employee loneliness has been linked to deteriorating job performance in another recent study, which also revealed that isolated workers were less dedicated to the company and often appeared as standoffish to colleagues.

Staff retention and attendance as well as workflow all suffer as a result.

One study by totaljobs, a leading job site in the UK, found that more than 30% of those who feel isolated at work regularly call in sick, while more than one-in-four quit their job as a result.

In large part, many experts blame workplace technology as a key driver of the deterioration of social connections in the workplace.

Arguably, this is one explanation of why many organizations are adopting open-plan work spaces as a way to encourage cooperation. But as I discuss in a previous story on the topic of open-plan officesOpens a new window , studies are conflicted as to whether or not this type of environment actually improves collaboration and connections among staff.

Plus, even in open-plan offices, research documents that personal exchanges are increasingly rare. People tend to use e-mail, text and various messaging services (from internal messaging systems to communication programs like Slack and Trello) to contact one another at work in the interest of convenience and efficiency.

Indeed, the traditional office has been flipped on its head. Employers are more open to flexible schedules that allow staff to work remotely. Meetings are often moved from physical spaces to video conference platforms like Skype or Zoom. And watercooler talk – I can imagine plenty of fellow millennials and Generation Z’ers wondering what this even is – has become a thing of the past, replaced by text and instant messaging.

The result: restricted personal connections at work and less frequent critical human interactions. Although technology has made it easier to connect digitally, it has done the contrary for human engagement. And any HR professional can tell you that disengagement among employees is bad for business.

So how can HR help?

Work with team leaders and managers

HR must help company leaders improve their soft skills. Team leaders and managers need to make an effort to regularly check in with staff to understand the difficulties and challenges faced by their employees at the office and beyond.

HR must stress the importance of small things managers can do that will help employees feel appreciated and heard. It’s as easy as sending a quick note or e-mail recognizing their hard work.

HR should also ensure that managers hold meetings so that team members are forced into regular interaction. .

Use technology

The same tech that is driving a wedge among colleagues can be used to bring them together. HR can create online support groups and use social media services to develop inter-organizational networks. By encouraging peer supervision or helping employees to organize team meetings and work on team projects, these platforms can connect people throughout a company.

Focus on inclusion during onboarding

New employees often struggle with loneliness.

HR must shape an onboarding process that is personal and that helps new hires to make connections and find useful support structures.

One great way of achieving this is to invest in employee resource groupsOpens a new window .

Feel free in the comments to suggest other ideas you or your company may have or have instituted to tackle the issue.