Learning at Work: How to Deploy Workplace Learning for Maximum Productivity


Learning is a top challenge for HR in 2019, reports Deloitte. Despite increasing budgets towards learning and development (L&D) initiatives, there is still a gap between employees’ learning preferences and available L&D options in the workplace. In this article, we discuss: 

  • The need to integrate learning in the flow of work
  • Three recommendations for L&D practitioners in 2019
  • Why ubiquitous “Learning Experience Platforms” are the future

Without proper L&D for both leaders and frontline employees, the workforce will struggle to reach their full potential, and productivity levels could dip. This is why learning is ranked as a top challenge by Deloitte’s 2019 Global Human Capital TrendsOpens a new window . Also, modern job seekers mention learning opportunities as a primary motivator for joining an organization, perceiving this as integral to their career progression. However, one-off classroom sessions which disrupt regular workflows could actually hinder productivity instead of adding to it. As a result, integrating workplace learning into workflows is the way forward. 

Learn more: How L&D Initiatives Encourage Creativity in the WorkplaceOpens a new window

The Case for Learning in the Flow of Work 

As per LinkedIn’s 2019 Workplace Learning ReportOpens a new window , employees are increasingly seeking new ways to learn that blend with their daily workday and are relevant to the tasks at hand. This can enhance productivity significantly, as learning is delivered when it is most needed. Consider the following insights from the LinkedIn report: 

  • 74% of employees are eager to learn during their spare time at work. This balances expected productivity levels with workplace learning. 
  • The demand for mobile learning increased by 5% between 2018 and 2019, indicating the rising need for convenient course delivery anytime, anywhere, and on any device. 
  • MicrolearningOpens a new window is among the key areas of discussion this year, as it provides bite-sized lessons which can be easily consumed and imbibed on a day-on-day basis. 

Clearly, workplace learning is now intrinsically linked to productivity. With more HR practitioners choosing to reskill existing employees (over hiring new talent), workplace learning assumes significance in 2019. 

Learn more: Insights from LinkedIn’s 2019 Workplace Learning ReportOpens a new window

How to Blend Workplace Learning With Productivity 

In the last few years, “agile” has been a buzzword for enterprise operations. For instance, product development has moved to sprint-based models, completing micro-segments and releasing in a staggered fashion.

IT has also embraced DevOps, which integrates various steps like design, development, security, testing, and operations into a unified framework. Similarly, design thinkingOpens a new window is being adopted as a problem-solving technique, guided by constant reviews, feedback, and iterations. 

Inspired by these trends, it is time for workplace learning to become more collaborative, connected, and deployed in real-time. This implies: 

1. Finding opportunities to embed learning modules into workflows

Employees are now using a variety of devices and platforms across their workday. This offers the chance to enable learning where the employee is, at any given time. Microlesson solutions available for a variety of devices can help you create a “learning atmosphere” where employees gain insights without any apparent disruption in productivity. From mobile notifications to in-app learning bots, the possibilities are endless.

2. Personalized learning to meet immediate employee requirements

Not all employees are made equal; therefore, while one employee prefers long-form, text-based lessons, another may prefer video learning. It is important for modern employers to factor personalization into workplace learning, offering the same course in different formats to suit individual convenience. This should be linked with mobile learning platformsOpens a new window so that employees do not need to log in to their work device whenever they are looking to answer a query, solve a problem, or are simply curious about a topic. 

3. Providing team-based learning materials, beyond individual targets

Today, an individual’s professional success is directly associated with the team or department they work for. Team-based workplace learning solutions encourage collaborative L&D as well as crowdsourcing of ideas. For example, someone who is responsible for Account Based Marketing (ABM) may have valuable insights to share with their colleague who deals with social media. Joint learning spaces are essential for employers looking to implement L&D as a driver of organizational productivity. 

Learn more: Four 2019 Learning and Development Trends for Greater ROIOpens a new window

The Future of Workplace Learning is “Ubiquitous”

Interestingly, L&D is now better equipped to drive productivity than ever before. In 2017, budgets were the number one challenge faced by L&D professionals. In 2019, only 27% are being held back by budgetary constraints, reports LinkedIn, while 43% actually expect an increase. This implies that a significant portion of funds will be channeled to reskilling/upskilling the workforce. 

However, investing in the wrong areas without taking into account current employee preferences will dent ROI, and consequently productivity. In 2019, workplace learning is set to become “ubiquitous” – easily accessible, not tied down to a particular device or platform, and sourced from a variety of repositories to meet every employee’s requirements. The culmination of this idea is probably the “Learning Experience Platform,” a new-age successor to the LMS Opens a new window which prioritizes preference over protocol, linking skills to productivity. 

Integrating learning into the flow of work has never been easier. If you haven’t already thought about how to enable it, this guide will help you get started.

How are you rethinking workplace learning for 2019? Share your insights with us on FacebookOpens a new window , LinkedInOpens a new window , or TwitterOpens a new window . We would love to hear from you!