LGBTQ+ Employees Are Less Satisfied Than Their Co-Workers at Workplace: Glassdoor Report


Amazon and Walmart rank low on the satisfaction ratings from LGBTQ+ employees.

Corporate America has played a significant role over the last few years in the progress of LGBTQ+ rights. Hundreds of companies worldwide have become major and regular sponsors of pride events. Further, companies have made critical decisions of hiring and creating employee-resource groups, embracing the idea of LGBTQ+ rights. However, everything is not sunshine and rainbows when it comes to their experience in the corporate world.

As we celebrate pride month, it is necessary to understand how satisfied they are at the workplace. According to a McKinsey reportOpens a new window , LGBTQ+ women face increased rates of sexual harassment and discrimination based on orientation and gender. Similarly, trans staff members face a distinct set of challenges when it comes to performance and career progression.

All these experiences impact their work in their organizations. Glassdoor recently conducted a study on how people from the LGBTQ+ community really feel about their companies. The company analyzed U.S.-based employee reviews from users of its Diversity and Inclusion (D&I) products. These users anonymously shared their sexual orientation and submitted a 1–5-star rating of their former and current employer.

Based on the analysis of those reviews, the following are the key insights.

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1. Employees From LGBTQ+ Feel Less Satisfied at Work

The average overall rating for their companies given by the employees of this community was 3.27 out of 5. This is below the average overall rating of 3.47 provided by non-LGBTQ+ employees. Further, across Glassdoor’s six workplace factor ratings, employees from this community are less satisfied with their organizations. The most important factors they are not very happy with are senior leadership (2.88), career opportunities (3.03), and compensation & benefits (3.13).

LGBTQ+ ratings for workplace factors

Source: GlassdoorOpens a new window

According to Scott DobroskiOpens a new window , VP of corporate communications and a member of LGBTQ+ employee resource group at Glassdoor, “While many companies will turn their logos and social profiles to rainbows for Pride Month, creating a more equitable company is more than just symbolic or superficial moves. It is about action.”

2. LGBTQ+ Employees Rate Industries Rooted in Creating Change Higher

As the study took a closer look at how employees from this community rate their employers, it was seen that they were more satisfied with working in industries known for creating change and giving back. For example, employees from the LGBTQ+ community rated government companies the highest, with an average overall rating of 3.74. This was followed by education (3.69) and non-profit (3.47) organizations.

At the same time, they rated telecommunication companies the lowest, with an average overall rating of 2.93 out of 5. This was followed by healthcare (3.02) and business services (3.07). Other major industries like internet technology landed in the middle of the spectrum with an average overall rating of 3.33. Each industry mentioned has more than 100 ratings from the employees of this community.

Also read: IBM Study Reveals Why Gender Equality Is Diminishing Despite D&I Initiatives

3. LGBTQ+ Employees Are Not as Satisfied as Their Non-LGBTQ+ Peers With Some Companies

The study investigated how companies compare according to the LGBTQ+ community employees based on at least 25 ratings from them for each organization. Among the ten companies listed below, employees from this community were satisfied with four and not so satisfied with six compared to their non-LGBTQ+ peers. Examples of companies they are more satisfied with than their peers include Kroger (3.29) and Apple (4.14). Conversely, examples of companies they are not as satisfied with as their peers include Amazon (2.85) and Walmart (2.70).

Company Average Overall Rating by LGBTQ+ Employees Average Overall Rating by Non-LGBTQ+ Employees
Apple 4.14 4.05
Starbucks 3.56 3.85
Target 3.31 3.67
The Home Depot 3.29 3.67
Kroger 3.29 3.2
McDonald’s 3.21 3.14
Walgreens 3.19 2.97
Amazon 2.85 3.45
Walmart 2.7 3.2
Wells Fargo 2.65 3.27

Company ratings by LGBTQ+ employees and non-LGBTQ+ peers

Source: GlassdoorOpens a new window

According to Dobroski, “Choosing where to work is an incredibly important and personal decision, especially for those who identify as LGBTQ+. There are a variety of factors that can make their work experiences potentially more challenging, from differences in health care coverage to cases of employment discrimination and more.”

Looking Ahead

Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DE&I) is more than a slogan or logo. It also does not end with hiring people from the community. Employers need to take the time to solicit regular feedback from the employees of the community to understand what is working well for them and what can be improved to support them better. They should create structural support for these employees and improve sponsorship to support their career progression. Providing the right support can improve the employee experience of the LGBTQ+ community.

How can companies improve the experience of the LGBTQ+ employees? Do share your thoughts on LinkedInOpens a new window , FacebookOpens a new window , and TwitterOpens a new window .