Microsoft Teams Take a Swing at Zoom, Leaves Behind 3×3 for 7×7 Video Gallery View


Microsoft Teams plans to feature 49 on-screen participants in gallery view to drive greater video collaboration

If there’s one company that’s embracing change and innovation amid business disruption, it’s Microsoft. The Redmond software behemoth will soon allow 49 participants to be viewable in a Teams video call via 7×7 grid on a single screen. The update comes after Alex, a Microsoft spokesperson from the Teams Engineering team saidOpens a new window that the company is still “continuing to work to include more videos during a meeting”. This will be a follow-up on the 3×3 video view rolled out to Windows and Mac clients.

The shift to remote work made Microsoft Teams the biggest winner with 75 million daily active usersOpens a new window , a whopping 70% increase from 44 million DAUsOpens a new window in March.

Microsoft confirmed the update to CRNOpens a new window , saying the new feature will be rolled-out to all Teams users, who will now be able to use the new updated gallery interface with 49 simultaneous participants, on par with Zoom, one of the other fast-growing collaboration apps. As per reports, the timeline is not confirmed.

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Microsoft was quick to realize the market potential of the video collaboration space, which has, since the COVID-19 imposed, issued continued updates to the Teams app, along with Microsoft YammerOpens a new window . The company even took over the reigns of the Zoom security fiasco for New York’s education departmentOpens a new window and schools.

A major GIF-related security breach in May was brought to Microsoft’s attention which the company has since fixedOpens a new window , while the tool’s user base remained rather unaffected.

Users can expect Multi-Window Meetings and CallingOpens a new window experiences for Teams later in June.

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