New Studies Conflict About Open Plan Offices


To go for the open plan office, or not to go for the open plan officeOpens a new window ?

It would seem that the debate regarding whether open plan offices are, in fact, better for employees is – excuse the pun – still open.

Many news outlets reported on a new University of Arizona studyOpens a new window that found workers in open plan offices are more active than their counterparts in cubicles and private offices. The research also revealed that due to the fact that they were more active, those who worked in offices without partitions between desks were 14% less stressed – not just at work but in their daily lives as well.

The reported health benefits that come with open plan offices speak for themselves. Increased activity not only leads to less stress, but can also contribute to battling certain health problems. Many studies have linked excessive sitting to health issues such as obesity and type-2 diabetes.

The study also argues that these types of offices could have other positive impacts for a company’s work dynamic, including improved communication among staff and better awareness of colleagues.

Theoretically, this would make sense. An open space forces people to be more social and collaborative, contributing to positive office culture.

Yet, a Harvard paper published in July came to different conclusions.

Studying employees at two Fortune 500 multinationals that were transitioning to open plan offices, the Harvard researchers found that those who work in such spaces are less cooperative or interactive with colleagues. According to the data, 73% less time was spent in face-to-face interactions, while digital communication – e-mail and text messaging – was 67% to 75% more prevalent.

These findings are in line with past research which has reported that open plan work spaces hinder concentration in the office. Similarly, a study out of Karlstad University in Sweden found that such office layouts harm integration and reduce employee happiness.

There’s no simple answer for the “open office”

If there’s one thing all these studies have made clear, it’s that there is no simple or single answer as to whether or not open plan offices are better or worse for staff. Indeed, the science seems contradictory depending the aspect of an employee’s work life being analyzed.

Such discrepancies, however, have not stopped American companies from embracing this type of work space. In recent decades, the trend has taken off in the US, with as many as 70% of American offices reportedly opting for open.

Critics argue that the prevalence of the open plan office primarily rests on the fact that they are cheaper: For most companies, it’s a cost-cutting decision.

This, though, doesn’t have to be negative. Cutting costs is part of improving margins, and it should come as no surprise that management will look for opportunities to save the company money.

The issue shouldn’t be about whether or not an organization decides to adopt this type of work layout. Instead, the issue should rest on the design and delivery of this space.

Relevant science does agree, however, that workplace design definitely matters. Our social environment influences our productivity and efficiency, and can impact how motivated we are at work.

The design of an office space plays a major role: It can contribute to, or impede collaboration.

The modern American workplace often does rely on the level of interaction among staff. Consequently, over the past 20 years, employees have spent 50% more time on collaborative work. As such, companies that facilitate more regular and higher-quality cooperation have seen a boost in office communication and employee satisfaction.

This entire debate of course leads to the question at the start:

Are open plan offices better or worse than other alternatives?

It seems the answer isn’t an either/or. Rather, it’s about striking a balance.

Take the business model of the co-working space provider and massive business phenomenon WeWork: building a strong sense of community has been integral to its ethos, which has in large part been achieved by dividing its offices into “energy spaces.” WeWork designs offices that offer shared space, desk space and solo space, offering employees choice.

This approach has broad appeal, evidenced by the fact that WeWork doubled its membership in 2017Opens a new window and is valued at some $20 billion.

As the open office debate continues to be waged, offering staff more choice may just be the best option. Creating such a hybrid space can strike the balance between privacy and community – the best of both worlds.