Apple Watch App Development


Apple Watch App Development

Original price was: $29.00.Current price is: $19.00.


With the increasing amount of new wearable devices hitting the market, wearables are the next wave of mobile technology. With the release of Apple’s WatchKit SDK, a whole new world of exciting development possibilities hasopened up.
Apple Watch App Development introduces you to the architecture and limitations of the Apple Watch platform, followed by an in-depth look at how to work with Xcode playgrounds. Here, we’ll introduce you to the Swift programming language so you can quickly begin developing apps for the Apple Watch platform with the WatchKit framework and the Xcode Development IDE. We then discuss more advanced topics such as Notifiations, Glances, Closures, Tuples, Protocols, Apple pay, and using Swift playgrounds, with each concept backed up with example code that demonstrates how to properly execute it. We also show you how to package and deploy your Watch application to the Apple AppStore.
By the end of this book, you will have a good understanding of how to develop apps for Apple Watch platform using the WatchKit framework and Swift 2.0.