Retain Your Development Talent with The Power of Clean Code


Employee burnout is very common in the technology industry, especially for developers. However, companies can avoid developer burnout with the power of clean code practices, explains Fabrice Bellingard, VP of products at SonarSource.

Every developer has aspects of their job that they are passionate about and routine tasks that are necessary and not enjoyable, such as resolving technical debt and other code issues. Developers are aware that resolving coding errors is critical for the business. However, often this isn’t an easy job to complete. Sometimes a developer’s entire day may be devoted to laboriously working through a coding problem rather than tackling new and exciting projects that drive innovation and move the business forward. 

In the technology sector, employee burnout is a concerning issue, particularly for developers. In fact, 83%Opens a new window of software developers feel overworked and burnt out as a result of their jobs. This typically occurs as a result of inefficient processes at their organizations and the excessive time spent on repetitive tasks. Due to the complexity of today’s code, developers often spend a significant amount of time restructuring, debugging, or just updating code that they did not originally write. Furthermore, 44%Opens a new window of developers claim that addressing software flaws and issues gives them the most frustration. 

Every developer wants to produce high-quality code, but consistently dealing with problems that don’t pertain to the code they write takes time away from more exciting and innovative work. For instance, more than a thirdOpens a new window of developers say that they would rather spend more time with their families, get more exercise, or even get a full night’s sleep than spend most of their time correcting broken code. Additionally, developers said they would rather use the time at work to concentrate on brand-new features and functionalities. 

By adopting clean coding practices across the company, development teams can foster a culture that prioritizes innovation and focuses on interesting projects while organically correcting coding problems. Developer engagement and interest will also be maintained when using clean code practices.  

See More: How to Use Progressive Deployment to Address Dev Team Burnout

The Power of Clean Code  

Every company depends greatly on the software and source code it uses to operate successfully. Companies understand that their software’s source code, or DNA, is its most valuable asset. The source code controls both the functionality and the behavior, and if it’s not maintained properly, it can change from being an asset to being a risk. Clean code refers to a codebase that is efficient, in an error-free state and that embodies qualities such as readability, reliability, security, and maintainability. And when beginning new projects with clean code, developers simultaneously solve current problems by adhering to already established quality standards. Plus, there is no one more qualified to fix coding issues than the developer who is currently working on it. 

We are all aware of how important it is for developers to bring new and enhanced functionality to meet the requirements of businesses today. Developers strive to make an effort to produce clean, error-free code that is functionally accurate. Therefore, they must embrace quality and security in their coding process. When clean coding standards are accounted for and incorporated into the development workflow, the overall workload on security and development teams is also significantly reduced as fewer issues reach final security checks. 

Since this approach reduces the number of issues that make it to the final stage of inspection, it also prevents expensive post-production rework or prolonged feedback procedures. Adopting effective and straightforward clean code best practices can help manage the state of your code including mitigating threats, combating the problem of vulnerabilities recurring in code and extending the lifetime of business applications as a result. 

How Developers Can Benefit from Clean Code  

Organizations can ensure that their development teams are working on exciting and important projects rather than boring repetitive work by empowering their developers with the power of clean coding practices. As a result of this, they have more time to do research, develop fresh ideas, and take part in new initiatives that customers want and that will have a direct impact on the success and reputation of their company. 

Developers can also enjoy being a member of their team because working on a team that delivers good results allows for a more dependable and positive work environment. The staff can feel empowered to provide fresh ideas and take part in the strategic planning of new initiatives without having to worry about delays or frustration from coding issues. 

The “Clean as You Code” approach establishes a precedent that, going forward, new code that is added or altered won’t cause additional problems. The overall quality of old code will improve when new upgrades are added to it, and it will be a far more manageable process. In addition, with clean code developers can concentrate on the quality of the code they deliver, instead of spending hours fixing someone’s work. Knowing that the code they develop will help produce the finest possible products allows them to deliver work with pride and achieve exceptional outcomes. 

The Code to Happiness within Your Dev Team

Having the right tooling that they can utilize in their current DevOps workflow will naturally shorten the feedback loop to find and fix issues. Additionally, contextualized education enables them to recognize the underlying problem and receive support to resolve it immediately. This method should become an automatic part of their daily activities to dramatically lessen the likelihood of flaws being revealed or repeated. As a result, development becomes much more pleasurable in the long term and saves time and effort. 

A developer’s daily responsibilities include a variety of tasks, but everyone benefits when tasks are simplified and effective. Clean code standards are simple to adopt and will make your developers happier and more content at work, regardless of the health of your codebase, the experience level of your development team, or the size of your organization. 

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