RingCentral Debuts New Video Meeting Tool With Integrated Team Messaging


RingCentral has launched a new integrated video conferencing solution that offers built-in team messaging, enabling users with a single point of access for all digital workflows.

In the video conferencing space, RingCentral has always been a few steps behind market leaders and current favorites Zoom and Microsoft Teams. But the UCaaS major is determined to seize the ‘opportunity to reimagine meetings for a new era’ by combining two of the most preferred modes of communication in the remote work environment — video and messaging with a new solution RingCentral Glip launched at the year-end.

Amid the pandemic, UCaaS players grasped the new opportunities by launching a slew of feature-rich, easy-to-use video meeting and collaboration tools to meet the growing demands of a mobile workforce. Moreover, companies like Mattermost also built a business out of niche by building developer-centric collaboration software.

More and more employees expect remote work to continue, courtesy of collaboration apps that are not in short supply. According to a study, 78% of companiesOpens a new window use video calling software, while 83% of businesses with over 250 employees are likely to purchase video calling tools.

Anand EswaranOpens a new window , President and Chief Operating Officer at RingCentral, said, “We’re moving to the hybrid world of work where we transition from transactional and disjointed video meetings to collaborative experiences that address pre-, during- and post-meeting needs.”

See Also: StrikeForce Takes a Swipe at Zoom, Launches Secure Videoconferencing Platform

In a bid to outdo entrenched rivals, RingCentral is touting an integrated solution that packs video and audio communication, built-in team messaging, file sharing, calendar management, and more to pave the way for collaborative experiences. Undeniably, the spike in remote work created several logistical challenges for organizations that had to switch conferencing call software to allow more participants per meeting. And RingCentral addresses this problem with meetings that can fit up to 100 participants with a 24-hour time limit.

RingCentral’s new solution also enables in-app synchronization of third-party apps from Google (Workplace and Gmail), and Microsoft (Teams and Office 365), etc., contact and task management within the app. It also features advanced functionality such as real-time closed captioning, noise reduction, virtual backgrounds, cloud recordings, etc.

The company added cloud-based messaging capabilities with the Glip acquisition in 2015Opens a new window .

The shift to video conferencing has become one of the biggest risks to business and personal security. The recent Zoombombing attacks show how meeting platforms are highly vulnerable to cyberattacks and data breaches. RingCentral has baked in essential functions such as password-based authentication to address these concerns to counter security threats. After authenticated users join the meeting, they are kept in a virtual waiting room. Meeting admins/hosts exert control over who gets to enter a meeting and when.

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