Role of Interactive Maps in Data Visualization


You might have heard about the use of interactive maps by retailers and marketers to promote their stores and products. Apart from way-finding and directions, interactive maps can simplify and enhance data visualization. As visual content is easy to comprehend, incorporating Interactive Maps in  Data Visualization dashboardsOpens a new window will make the process effortless.

What are Interactive Maps?

Interactive maps are web-based, flexible mapping tools that simplify data presentation to the user. They have click-able points, which when clicked display detailed information about the (geographical) points, be it related numbers, pictures, videos, external links, etc.

Data could be hierarchical or singular, relational or straightforward. Interactive maps organize this data into location-specific informationOpens a new window .

Role of Interactive Maps in Data Visualization

Consider yourself as a data scientist who is buried under truckloads of dataOpens a new window about how your organization is performing in various locations. You have data on everything, but how do you make sense of it?

Will pie chart, bar graphs, Gantt charts, treemaps etc. be enough to drive actionable intelligence? Will they help you pinpoint what factors contributed to a slow-down and why some locations surpassed their goals with minimal effort?

Probably no!

Interactive maps are the answer. They are an interesting way to handle information and provide a real-time, contextual and situational data visualizationOpens a new window .

  1. Make data exploration easy: Data has value only when the users who are responsible to identify patterns can optimally utilize it. It gets overwhelming for analysts to keep track of KPIs to be measured, understand what variables need attention, and glean insights when data is humongous.

Interactive maps can present data in a form which makes it easy to identify, locate, manipulate, format and effectively communicate information.

Visual navigation is easier, even novice users can find correlations, patterns, and outliers, simplifying the decision making process.

  1. Clear and concise view of information: Interactive maps can present information in related groups and with more clarity.

Take an example of a Coffee House chain that uses interactive maps to break down information on which stores have the highest footfall, which coffee is ‘in demand‘, segmented according to location. Based on this information, the Coffee House chain can take decisions to open more stores in an area or offer discounts on consumers’ favorite coffee to attract more customers.

  1. Consolidate information to create a story: It is easier for the user to understand a complex data set if the information is available in a story form. With interactive maps, users can plot data points, map pins, create text hovers, select and filter data elements and modify options to change perspectives. Data is consolidated on these maps and based on user preferences, only the necessary information is presented. Based on the context of data, a story is createdOpens a new window , which may give a bird’s eye view or the most granular detail.
  2. Real-time: It takes only a few seconds to update and provide information in real-time. As information is always fresh, decisions are well informed and timely actions can be taken should a critical situation arise.
  3. Easy to collaborate: Most interactive maps are cloud-based, making it easier for multiple users to update or view these maps at the same time. Since information can be updated in real-time, there are no inconsistencies while viewing the maps.
  4. Derive correlation: They help a user to identify locations that need attention, identify trends and determine dynamic relationships based on multiple data streams.
  5. Drive Processes: Interactive maps can help make an informed action. They enable users to establish KPIs and use the color-coded information to represent each phase of the process to accomplish these KPIs. Based on the present state (colors), an analyst can manage and adjust processes to achieve goals.
  6. Geo-specific data to discern progress on goals: As information is available based on geographic locations, you can track metrics based on regions: how your business is performing at various locations? Now your strategies can be tailored to a specific location rather than a common approach.
  7. Variety of maps for different kinds of data: A variety of maps are available to highlight different points of interest and differentiate between markers (pins).

For instance, Choropleth Maps (display variations in color), Clustering Maps (customize views to indicate density), Heatmaps (users browsing session) and many more.

  1. Prescriptive AnalyticsOpens a new window : As data is available in real time, some interactive maps may also be programmed to recommend actions based on the current situation.


For communicating complex data, compelling visualizations have become extremely important. Interactive maps bring location data to life and enable identifying trends easy, adding more value to existing data visualization tools.