Security the Top Reason To Select iOS for Enterprise App Development in 2022


When organizations develop enterprise mobile applications, they need to think about which platform they should prioritize. iOS is considered better by many as it offers many advantages over Android, and one of those is security. In this article, John Waters, CEO and founder, Kleverapps, explains why iOS is considered better for app security.

It is already well known that today’s enterprises are unthinkable without mobile applications. But while enterprise apps mostly choose native development for high-performance output, they need to think which platform they should consider with more priority, iOS or Android. 

As far as sophistication, ease of operations and security aspects are concerned, iOS is regarded to be the most preferred platform for any enterprise app development company. iOS is already known for its productivity-boosting features, superior user experience, tremendous flexibility and ease of use. But the biggest selling point of the platform remains to be the powerful security.

Key Security Concerns Faced by Most Enterprise Apps

To explain how iOS plays a great role in uplifting the security standards, we need to have a closer look at the key security concerns faced by the vast majority of enterprise apps. Once we know the evolving security threats and areas of concerns corresponding to data and network security in apps, we will understand how iOS as a platform addresses them. 

    • Data theft and fraudulent transactions: This is the biggest threat faced by enterprise apps in general. The malicious programs and malware seepping into the smartphone’s core programs through unsolicited emails and messages can lead to the hacking of user data. 
    • Performance hazard caused by bot attacks: This is another critical security attack caused by a multitude of autonomous bots that remotely send thousands of server requests at a given time to make the system crash. Formerly known as DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) attacks can make an app unresponsive from time to time. 
    • Vulnerabilities corresponding to authorization: The older authorization techniques such as password protection has already become outdated as it can be breached frequently, causing huge damage to the app security. This is another area where the latest biometric authorization techniques can play an effective role. 
    • Coding flaws and flawed APIs: The flaws in the app code remain open to manipulation and misuse by potential hackers. A considerable portion of app security attacks happens due to flaws in the app code. The vulnerable and flawed third-party APIs also invite frequent security breaches. 

The above-mentioned ones represent just a few of the most common threats to enterprise mobile app security. There are, of course, several other types of threats and vulnerabilities for mobile apps in general. 

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Why iOS Is Considered Better for Enterprise App Security

Now that we have explained the major security concerns and vulnerabilities faced by the enterprise mobile apps in general, it is important to explain the most important plus points offered by the iOS platform developers can take advantage of in their app development process. 

1. Proprietary development advantage

iOS is known for its proprietary development model with the entire development process and App Store regulations and quality standards depending solely on the discretion of the parent company Apple. Technologies that are approved and nourished by the Apple developers can only make their way into iOS apps. 

Just because of the proprietary development model, iOS apps are also taken care of for their updates and maintenance better than their Android counterparts. Apple has stringent regulations in place for frequent security updates to ensure that iOS users always receive the best app performance and robust security. 

2. Filtering out bugs and security issues

It is common for malicious programs and hacking attempts to find their way by manipulating the vulnerabilities of the devices created by mobile applications with security flaws. This is where filtering bugs and apps with security flaws through the stringent validation process of the Apple App Store plays a crucial role. 

Apple iOS, unlike Android, has stricter controls on every aspect of the app development and the entire ecosystem ranging from hardware, firmware, operating system to the app screening process. This is why the vulnerabilities faced by the apps on the iOS platform are considerably lower than the Android ecosystem. 

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3. Specific security practices for Enterprise Apps

When it comes to the security of enterprise apps, no app project can have a lenient approach since it involves the business reputation, customer’s data safety and chances of making huge losses. These days, in enterprise app projects, it is a common practice to create secure containers for sensitive business data that remain safely segregated beyond the accessibility of regular user profiles. 

This is one area where advanced data encryption and the use of virtual private networks (VPNs) can play an important role. In the case of the iOS, all latest versions running on flagship iPhone and iPad devices, these security protocols and measures are emphatically present, leaving no room for compromising the security of data in enterprise apps. 

4. Security issues with the operating system

When it comes to the key vulnerabilities with the core of the operating system, every operating system has proved its immunity pretty well. But here, iOS has a distinct advantage just because it is a centralized ecosystem, with the latest iOS version being accessible by all iOS devices simultaneously. 

It must be noted that sophisticated security attacks on both jailbroken and non-jailbroken devices have also proved iOS as equally vulnerable. But still, in terms of the number of successful attacks and common security issues with the operating system, iOS proves to be much stronger and immune to security attacks. 

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How To Build an iOS App With a Focus on App Security

Now you have a good idea of the security flaws and how iOS, as the leading mobile operating system, is better equipped to combat them. But while the security strengths of the platform are something given, it is the responsibility of the developers to utilize these strengths to the advantage of an enterprise app project. 

Do you want to know how to create an app from scratchOpens a new window for the iOS platform with uncompromising security? Well, let us offer here some crucial security tips for iOS enterprise app developers in brief. 

    • Research on the key security vulnerabilities: Before you make a roadmap of the iOS app development, make sure you have researched the common and most repetitive security flaws faced by your competitor apps. Once you have a good idea of these flaws, you can make a better plan to prevent these security issues. 
    • Security-savvy technology stack: Though the native iOS development technologies are much equipped with the best security protocols and measures, give attention to all the third-party APIs and the security issues they come with. 
    • Secure coding norms: iOS is already known for its coding norms heavily prioritizing app security. Now, you need to ensure developing iOS apps with a focus on writing clean and low footprint code to ensure the least security vulnerabilities. 
    • Rigorous app testing: The ultimate and most proven way to ensure app security is to carry out rigorous app testing by implementing multilayered testing mechanisms involving both manual and automation testing.


Though iOS remains the most secure and future-ready operating system for enterprise mobile apps in general, secure app developmentOpens a new window measures are crucial to take advantage of the platform’s security aspects. An iOS app can enjoy ultimate security when the developers follow the platform guidelines and security protocols to the fullest.

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