Strategic Alliances Hold the Key to Flexible Data Storage


Businesses today rely on data as their primary asset, but the underlying infrastructure used to manage the data is often archaic and proprietary. This makes it extremely challenging for enterprises to adapt quickly to changing business demands.

Traditional storage systems lock enterprises into a hard-wired proprietary system that cannot adapt quickly enough to manage today’s data deluge.

Businesses are increasingly turning to third-party solutions to help them to meet this challenge, but even here, sometimes the complexity of the task in hand requires that data delivery and agile storage specialists seal alliances to be able to offer a more comprehensive service.

What is needed is a tested solution compatible with all major protocols but constantly upgraded with new protocols. At the same time, companies are looking for a level of simplicity that will not compromise on features or performance.

Data Dynamics, a specialist in intelligent file management solutions and owner of the award-winning Storage X platform, has recently teamed up with Compuverde, which provides software- defined storage, stretching to hyper-converged virtualization and hybrid cloud support.

The two companies are pooling their resources to provide a modern platform that can manage data assets ranging from migration-to- file tiering to archival. The aim: Give enterprise customers the freedom to choose their future storage and cloud direction, eliminating technology lock-in while at the same time supporting business transformation.

Why should businesses be turning to external solutions like these?

For starters, proven platforms like Storage X tend to be better at minimizing file movement complexity, as well as cutting the costs and risks involved. This stems from the fact that they use a single file management platform, which simplifies movement and the transformation and management of data assets.

New business requirements can readily be met by removing the barriers of proprietary storage types. In the case of Storage X, it is drawing on Compuverde’s software-defined storage and combining it with automated, policy-driven workflows. These are all being fully-tested with Compuverde’s scalable solutions.

Rather than putting together some form of customized solution that may, or may not meet all a senior management team’s expectations, companies can make use of up-to- date storage solutions that are being constantly modernized to meet the changing cloud landscape.

Storage X, for example, is running on version 8.0, which includes support for Compuverde’s object storage, transforming files into native object storage format while providing the ability to support DevOps projects with more efficiency. Application programming interfaces are available for storage management automation and orchestration.

“To accelerate adoption of Compuverde’s software-defined storage, Storage X removes barriers that exist across heterogeneous storage types,” explains Cuong Le, senior vice president responsible for field operations at Data Dynamics.

Storage X can provide insights into who is accessing data while also delivering the ability to manage and migrate data rapidly into Compuverde’s solution.

“It’s a comprehensive management solution that is also scalable and flexible,” adds Le.