
VideoAmp Introduces a New Automated Solution – Advanced Television (ATV) Ignite

VideoAmp Introduces a New Automated Solution – Advanced Television (ATV) Ignite

VideoAmp, a Santa Monica-based company that is focused on helping buyers strategize, buy, and measure audience across devices, has announced the launch of the Advanced Television (ATV) Ignite. It is a SaaS platform for digital agencies and TV that enhances the existing plans for TV. In addition, it provides programmatic planning which blends first and third-party digital information with tradition TV targeting.

SEO Scammers Distribute Malware via WordPress Sites: Akamai

SEO Scammers Distribute Malware via WordPress Sites: Akamai

Cybercriminals are always looking for new ways to launch attacks and with more businesses going online, WordPress sites have become a potential target for a lucrative payoff. Akamai security researchers discovered hackers are setting up fake e-commerce digital storefronts atop legitimate WordPress sites to introduce malware, which also manipulates the search engine rankings.