Taking Company Values from Paper to Practice


Clearly defining core values is an integral part of any company’s success, but putting those values into action versus just having them on a page is easier said than done. In this article, Jeanne Leasure, chief people officer at SpotX, explains how values can be woven into every employee touchpoint from job interviews to performance reviews, to learning and development coaching, and how the “hungry, humble, smart” trifecta can be used as a guiding light for employee success and engagement.

From startups to Fortune 500 companies, almost all organizations specify having a set of core values. While company values look great on paper, they are most impactful when implemented in daily action and corporate decision-making. As crises evolve, business leaders can more readily adapt to an accelerating pace of disruption if they have a strong team and culture already in place.

Bringing strong corporate values to life is a surefire way to create a rock-solid cultureOpens a new window as seen among companies like Zappos, Salesforce, Netflix, Wegmans, and more. It starts with proactivity and authenticity to determine long-lasting values and then a comprehensive strategy to bring them to life across the entire organization.

Determining Company Values

To create company values that resonate with talent, attributes should be identified through an inclusive process where all employees have a voice. Zappos followed a similar processOpens a new window to land on its 10 core values that remain intact today.

The exercise should include a series of company-wide communications where employees are prompted to share their take on what qualities embody the organization. Those options are then narrowed to a shortlist of three to four values that are inherent to the company’s existence.

Some of these values may describe the company in the present-day while others can be aspirational. Once these attributes are crystalized, companies should begin mapping out how to integrate them into all areas of the organization.

Learn More: 5 Effective HR Strategies to Promote Company CultureOpens a new window

From the Top-Down, Weaving Values Into Everyday Workflow

HR professionals and company leaders must spearhead efforts to implement values and ensure they aren’t reserved for infrequent company functions or simply live on the corporate website. Talent managementOpens a new window teams can lead the charge beginning with recruitment.

Weaving values into job descriptions will attract like-minded candidates from the start. HR teams should also identify key attributes among candidates during the interview process to detect if new team members are aligned with existing values. In addition to values, using the “hungry, humble, smart” attribute trifecta is a beacon to identify strong candidates that can adapt to an existing culture.

When it is time for performance reviewsOpens a new window , values should be a key part of measurement criteria. Company-wide reviews can include questions about if and how team members exemplify the company’s core values and identify areas for improvement. By measuring how team members embody values as a key performance indicatorOpens a new window , employees will be held accountable to stand behind the company mantra.

Outside of reviews, people managers should incorporate values into daily conversations with direct reports, coaching sessions, and progression ladders. It’s also important for managers to provide tangible examples of how employees can incorporate values into their everyday workflow.

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Expanding Beyond Human Resources

While HR teams often lead the charge on creating corporate values, leadershipOpens a new window buy-in is required to implement them across the entirety of the organization, starting with the C-suite. HR teams should work with company leaders to ensure that the values are being considered during goal-setting and planning sessions. These leaders can then act as advocates for the rest of the staff.

It’s important that company values are implemented not only from the top-down but also across all levels and facets of the business. People teams should collaborate with marketing and communications teams to weave messaging into all internal and external communications. Ensuring values are consistent externally as well as internally solidifies the company’s stance beyond its internal stakeholders.

It can be easy to admire vibrant companies. However, establishing a lively culture rooted in value is possible at almost any type of organization if executed correctly. Remember to derive values from actual employee insights, incorporate that mindset into all staffing initiatives, and ensure messaging is consistent at all levels and capabilities of the business. Instead of attempting to duplicate already established corporate culturesOpens a new window , create values that are unique, organic, and a reflection of what matters to your team.

How do you think companies can successfully formulate and live by values to create a vibrant culture? Tell us on LinkedInOpens a new window , TwitterOpens a new window , or FacebookOpens a new window .