Tech Issues Cost Organizations an Average $4,072 per Annum per Person

  • Most of our working days, we use technology without giving it a thought. But it becomes frustrating when we face tech issues.
  • But how much do these issues cost companies regarding time, money, and employee productivity? And what can they do about it?
  • Electric recently conducted a study to find out the answers.

Most days, we use technology to do our job without giving it much thought. However, on bad days when our laptops freeze or the network becomes patchy, we may get frustrated about these issues and the time lost trying to fix them. But how much do these technical problems cost employers in terms of money? How might these issues affect employees and the organization? And what can organizations do to fix it? Electric recently conducted a study to find the answers to these questions.

The following are a few findings.

Technical Issues Cost Employers Significant Time and Money

Some of the technical problems we often encounter are also some of the most expensive, both in time and money. On average, employees spent almost 2.7 hours a week fixing technical problems. Considering the average hourly wage to be $29/hour and the total number of hours fixing the issues in a year (140.4 hours), the money wasted is an average of $4,072 per annum in labor costs per worker.

The employees suffering the most due to technical problems are remote employees. About 73% reported time wastage due to tech problems, while 41% of hybrid and 22% of on-site employees said the same. Remote employees also faced more tech problems compared to others. They faced an average of 4.1 problems per week, while hybrid employees faced an average of 3.7, and on-site employees faced an average of 3.0 issues per week.

Further, the average money wasted per year (per person) on fixing tech problems was $4,524 for remote, $3,770 for hybrid, and $1,960 for on-site employees.

So, what are the most demanding tech problems employees face? About 54% reported facing the problem of their computer freezing, and 35% reported the problem of data loss or corruption. About 29% reported facing connectivity issues, while 22% reported hardware failures.

Most Demanding Tech Issues

Source: 2023 Electric SurveyOpens a new window

Poor quality and antiquated technology and equipment are a significant drain on organizations whose workers struggle with these issues.

See more: 2023 HR Predictions: Tech Will be Key to Harnessing Great Talent

IT Problems Are Ruining Productivity

When employees face tech problems, how do they deal with them? And if an employee is helping their team member resolve the issue, how does it affect their work?

About 47% of the survey respondents said they tried to resolve the tech issues themselves, 27% asked tech support for help, and 26% asked a colleague to help. Gen Z employees were most likely to try to resolve the issues themselves, with 58% reporting it. On the other hand, Baby Boomers were most likely to ask a co-worker to help with a tech problem, with 88% reporting it.

Gen Z employees were also often asked by co-workers to resolve IT issues (61%), followed by Millennials (40%) and Gen X (31%). This may make sense as younger generations are often expected to be surrounded by technology.

Resolving IT issues is certainly affecting employees’ work and growth. Most survey respondents witnessed hampered productivity, missed deadlines, and limited growth due to their colleagues frequently asking them to provide IT support. About 69% reported missed deadlines due to dealing with tech problems. Gen Z employees (77%) and remote employees (90% more than on-site employees) were most likely to have done so.

About 45% of respondents also saw stunted growth at work due to being frequently asked for technical support. Gen Z employees were the most likely to witness it (57%), followed by Millennials and Gen X (43% each).

Another problem eating up employees’ time may be a lack of proximity to their organization’s IT support, as 61% of remote employees said being often asked for IT support affected their growth compared to 30% of hybrid and 23% of on-site employees. Tech issues can be resolved quickly if people and the IT support teams work from the same location. However, this is not possible when teams are distributed, and the IT support isn’t set up to manage a remote or hybrid team.

Upskilling Employees Can Win Back Time

One way to arrest waste of time and money is to provide employees with the necessary skills. But are organizations giving employees the information and skills they need to work more efficiently?

While some organizations do provide training, 20% of employees said their organizations didn’t offer them any upskilling or training to enhance their tech skills. Moreover, employees in the healthcare industry were the most likely to agree with it (35%).

Some of the most common forms of training organizations offer their employees include coding workshops, webinars, college and online courses, and mentorship programs.

Training or Upskilling Companies Offer To Improve Tech Skills

Source: 2023 Electric SurveyOpens a new window

The study found there is still much scope for improvement regarding existing tech support teams, as only 44% of respondents said their organization’s technical support resolved tech problems effectively.

See more: Total Addressable Market for Work Tech Expected To Grow To $970 Billion by 2026

Invest in Technology and Teams To Set Them up for Success

Technical issues are eating into organizations’ time, money, and employee productivity. Offering technical training and upskilling employees is one way to win these back by helping them resolve basic issues quickly and efficiently. Simultaneously, as several problems stem from antiquated equipment and technologies, organizations should consider investing in new tools and technologies which help employees and teams work more efficiently. Hence, investing in technologies and people is the best way forward for organizations that want to set their teams up for success.

How are you ensuring that tech issues are not affecting your employee productivity? Share with us on FacebookOpens a new window , TwitterOpens a new window , and LinkedInOpens a new window .

Image source: Shutterstock


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