The Advantages of Re-Humanizing HR with Artificial Intelligence


It’s easy to see that artificial intelligence (AI) is making a significant impact in every area of the enterprise, human resources and recruiting included.

While AI and machine learning have the potential to automate mundane processes, streamline operations and make intelligent decisions, the rapid proliferation of this technology has ignited fear around job elimination and human interaction being replaced by cold, calculated robots.

Despite these concerns, a recent study by OracleOpens a new window found that 93% of people are ready to take orders from a robot and more than a third of employees believe that AI will enable better customer and employee experiences. However, only 6% of HR teams are actively deploying AI and machine learning solutions. This gap reveals a missed opportunity for AI to help HR meet evolving employee expectations for a personalized, relevant work environment.

For many HR professionals, the anxiety surrounding AI lies in making this people-centric function less personable. What if, instead of making experiences more robotic, embracing AI could actually make HR simpler, more agile, and ultimately more human?

Utilizing artificial intelligence to re-humanize HR may sound counterintuitive, but when implemented correctly that’s exactly what can happen. Leveraging AI capabilities in tandem with other HCM solutions allows you to hire smarter, onboard better and retain longer.

The Ultimate Recruiting Experience

There are few things as daunting to an HR professional as recruiting. Not only is there incredible pressure to find the perfect fit, but it requires a significant amount of energy that often results in dead ends or hires that produce little ROI. Fortunately, AI has the ability to give back the most valuable thing in your job: time.

AI-backed tools like a best-fit candidateOpens a new window can help organizations take a more strategic approach to recruiting. Continuously improving through new data and machine learning, AI can identify talent with characteristics similar to existing successful employees and proactively invite them to apply. This way, the only resumes your team will be sifting through are those of truly qualified candidates. And when the process eventually results in an offer, you’ll have data-backed justification for your hiring decision.

A Flawless Onboarding Process

On average, companies lose 17% of new hires within the first threeOpens a new window months and 15% of those who resigned said that a lack of effective onboarding played a part in their decision to leave. New hires are already undergoing a major life change and an unorganized or difficult onboarding process doesn’t reassure them of their decision to join your organization.

HR teams are beginning to realize the role that a good onboarding experience plays in employee engagement, productivity, and retention, however, a surprising number of businesses still lack an intuitive, formalized process.

When AI is leveraged for employee onboarding, the results are outstanding. By embracing emerging technologies, Arizona Federal Credit UnionOpens a new window was able to eliminate 60 hours per month on onboarding tasks and saved 115 hours during benefits open enrollment period alone.

Digital assistants also play a significant role in humanizing the onboarding experience. Between tax deductions and benefit elections, the onboarding process can vary greatly from employee to employee. Instead of relying on an HR representative for help with commonly asked HR questions, new hires can now chat with a digital concierge to get quick access and answers.

Also Read: How to Succeed with AI in RecruitingOpens a new window

Minimized Employee Turnover

How often does your organization lose a great employee because HR had no insight to the person’s job satisfaction or whether they were being motivated in an effective way? Imagine the outcome if you had been able to tailor the employee’s experience to meet his or her specific needs.

AI tools can tackle this issue by providing teams with data-backed insights on what motivates, retains and entices employees so that managers can create a personalized work experience that meets both the employee and organization’s overall goals. Additionally, AI integrations are able to learn common traits of employees who resign and track the development of those trends in your workforce, flagging at-risk talent so that your team can proactively address concerns.

A Future of Endless AI Possibilities

In the talent economy, the future of your organization depends on attracting and retaining exceptional employees. Embracing the possibilities of artificial intelligence in HR, rather than shying away, can transition your organization’s environment from one that yields high turnover to a truly authentic, “human” experience.

Are you ready for the AI revolution? Your employees are.

Also Read: Data Essentials to Empower AI RecruitmentOpens a new window