The Debate on Responsible AI and IoT: Could They Make Our Future Safer and More Engaging?


With progress in the fields of artificial intelligence (AI) and the Internet of Things (IoT) and the general democratization in access to their benefits, the spotlight is on the changes they bring to our lives. Here, in this week’s round-up, we look at four pieces from our guest authors that discuss in detail the evolving (often beneficial and yet, sometimes confusing) role of AI and the IoT in fields like cybersecurity, healthcare and advertising and how these offerings with continue to impact us in the future.

The debate on whether AI and IoT can ever truly be sustainably and responsibly used for our collective benefit has been a long one. While there may not be a clear resolution in sight, especially with growing concerns about cyber threats and the loss of privacy, it would be unfair to deny the benefits these technologies have brought us.

How will they impact us in the years to come? Would digital advertisers be able to tap these tech offerings to create more engaging, immersive user experiences responsibly? Could they help manage cybersecurity better during times of high-volume threats like the holidays? Would they enable more efficient and empathetic healthcare solutions? Let’s take a closer look.

Top Channels Digital Advertisers Need to Focus On

In the wake of the economic downturn, severe budget cuts, and the need for advertising to evolve and engage, digital advertisers cannot miss out on any digital touchpoint. Keeping these aspects of the market environment in mind and all the latest offerings in digital tech, it’s important to know which channels are a priority when it comes to connecting with the audience better.

Deke Hooper, CEO and co-founder of diDNA, shares the role and scope of these channels in an increasingly fragmented digital environment where marketers need to think omnichannel to drive engagement and ROI.

Read more about this here.

Responsible Advertising with AI

Brand suitability is a key factor in driving audience reach and brand engagement. How can AI make brands more conscious and responsible in a way that they can align better with the values of their customers? With digital media, it’s not nearly as easy managing where and what type of content appears primarily because of the sheer volume of content being churned out, the multiple platforms it is pushed onto, and the volatile market trends that need to be adhered to. 

Aaron Andalman, CSO and co-founder of Cognitiv, discusses how AI can enable brands to focus on more responsible advertising. By moving away from the glitches of programmatic advertising that can fuel fraud and misinformation, brands can now work towards the right kind of messaging that resonates with their audience while upholding brand values.

Read more about this here.

Cybersecurity Tips During the Holidays

Whether it’s by posing as government officials and demanding personal information, promising miracle cures and early access to vaccine doses, or setting up fraudulent charities seeking funds, cybercriminals have found countless ways to trick us into giving them access to our lives. Holidays are often heavily targeted times of the year when it comes to swindling the unsuspecting public into falling prey to scams. 

This time of the year is yet another opportunity for scammers to exploit an increase in digital activity and e-transactions to hijack sensitive information like credit card numbers and login credentials. How can we stay better protected during holiday shopping and the holiday season in general? Matt Lindley, COO and CISO of NINJIO, shares tips to stay more vigilant during the holidays.

Read more about this here.

More Efficient Healthcare with IoT

Despite its inspiring resilience through the pandemic, the healthcare system today is riddled with staff burnout, a stressed-out labor market, and a dearth of resources to offer adequate patient care.

In an environment as demanding as today’s, IoT technologies like real-time location systems (RTLS) offer cost-effective solutions to ensure safe and efficient treatment. IoT-enabled tags, badges, and sensors improve operational processes considerably to improve workflow and resource utilization. Scott Hondros, MHA, SCPM, VP of professional services at CenTrak, discusses in detail the benefits that can be tapped into and how healthcare professionals and institutions can optimize their performance with IoT solutions.

Read more about this here.

Connected, Considerate, Collaborative

With AI and IoT capabilities being applied to diverse facts of our lives, the hope is to unlock a future that is more connected, considerate and collaborative. With the prudent use of these technology offerings, not only can our cyber safety be in better hands, but our shared experience as customers can also be more enriching and engaging. 

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