The Four-day WorkWeek: How To Make It Work


The four-day workweek has proven effective, with increased productivity and employee mental health. Robert Graham, CEO at Poll Everywhere, says that though it sounds simple to implement, there are key insights to consider.

The four-day workweek has been trending recently, in part due to an experiment that took place in the UK this year. A six-month four-day workweek study included 72 companies and resulted in some very intriguing data: of the companies that responded to the three-month halfway check-in survey, 86%Opens a new window said they were likely to very likely to continue utilizing the four-day workweek model. This midway point showed the trial to be a success. The format of this study entailed shifting the workweek from 40 hours over five days to 32 hours over four days, and employees were paid for all five days. 

With so many organizations responding positively to the four-day workweek trial three months in, this new adaptation of the workweek is effective. Though a weekday is lost, many benefits compensate for it. Employees’ improved mental health, productivity, and creativity are just a few benefits of working four days a week, but what does it take to get there?   Let’s dive into it.  

Better Employees Experience Means More Productivity

As the COVID-19 pandemic radically changed work environments and introduced new ways of working, employee mental health and experiences have been impacted. This was seen throughout a multitude of industries and around the world. Employee mental health is a huge factor in workplace happiness and success. A positive work environment not only results in happier employees but has also been shown to increase productivityOpens a new window . 

Better emotional well-being and employee experience is a win for both employees and employers, which is why implementing a four-day workweek is a major benefit. Companies have seen huge improvements in overall employee well-being and workplace productivity even during a shortened four-day workweek trial. Finding meaning and purpose outside of work is crucial for clearing employees’ heads and re-energizing them. American culture emphasizes the idea of working harder than everyone else to move forward, but it is key for employees to build a life with meaning outside of work as well as in it. 

See More: Build Better Employee Experiences in 2023

Planning Can Make It or Break It

The planning stage is critical for success when establishing a four-day workweek trial. Planning and defining expectations and roles for all employees throughout the company is critical. After planning, one of the first steps is communicating internally and with customers about the details of the four-day workweek and how it will impact day-to-day operations. Detailed planning and prioritizing help keep all processes running smoothly, especially as some teams across organizations have different priorities and scheduling needs that have to be accommodated. 

Teams that provide customer support or are customer-facing may need to execute the four-day workweek differently. It might be necessary to shift schedules and days off to work around providing customer support throughout the week. The experience of customers and clients has to be maintained and prioritized, so detailed planning here is very important. By shifting the appointed day off for half of the customer-facing team members, organizations can ensure that there are team members available to assist at all times. It should be emphasized that all employees, regardless of stature, should abide by the standard of a 32-hour workweek. Employees feel pressured to work on the designated off-day if managers take only one day off per week. Detailed planning and communication can make or break the implementation of a four-day workweek.

The Four-day Workweek Is a Win for All

The advantages of a four-day workweek are vast. The biggest benefits include improved creativity and mental energy, especially on Mondays after a long weekend. Giving employees one day a week to pursue their passions, explore new activities, or even just to rest, will help reverse the continuing trend of declining employee mental health. In fact, the four-day workweek helps to quell burnout. 

With more rest and room for creativity, employees will feel ready to be productive from the start of the week to the end. Even with reduced weekly hours, from 40 to 32, employees in 49% of the companies in the UK study had improved productivity, and 46% felt that productivity stayed the same. Employees felt capable of completing their workload in the shorter workweek and felt just as productive or even more productive than a traditional five-day workweek. For both employees and employers, this is a win-win situation.

See More: Ways To Achieve Sustainable Productivity

Three-day Workweek: Why It Doesn’t Work

The week is too crowded when the four-day workweek is shortened to three days due to holidays. Though reviews are a bit mixed, it is safe to say that three-day workweeks increase employee stress and anxiety. Attempting to complete a full workweek in three days is unmanageable. More pressure is applied to employees for this even shorter week, and there can be a huge cut in productivity. Stress can be reduced and productivity maintained by adjusting four-day workweeks to include holidays as the designated day off.

The Four-day Workweek of the Future

While the four-day workweek has proven efficient, it is still in its early stages.  The work environment has seen so many shifts over the last few years, and as it continues to change and grow, the office culture will shift as well. As companies embrace a four-day workweek culture, more learnings and takeaways will emerge. 

Organizations might have specific needs requiring the four-day workweek to be modified or changed, and it is critical to receive feedback from employees throughout. If something within the four-day workweek model needs to be fixed for them, feedback can be incorporated to ensure it is beneficial for all. The four-day workweek is very advantageous for employees; if they do not feel this way, something needs to shift. Employees and their happiness and mental health are the priority, so feedback must be incorporated. With logistical planning, communication, and clarity, the four-day workweek can change how the world works. 

Have you implemented the four-day workweek in your organization? Lets us know on FacebookOpens a new window , TwitterOpens a new window , and LinkedInOpens a new window . We’d love to hear from you!

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