The Impact of Digital Transformation on Workplace Trends


Digital transformations are shaping workplace trends this year, with increased use of AI and MLOps, hyperautomation, integration and task/process mining tools, digital twinning, and smarter offices. Cloud usage for data storage is also growing. Inna Reshetniak of Jooble, says understanding these trends is essential for staying competitive in the evolving workforce.

As the world becomes increasingly digitized, analysts are working furiously to determine where this revolution is taking us and what it means for the future of the workplace. During the pandemic, some people became convinced that the physical office space would soon become a relic of the past. While this did not turn out to be the case, there is no question that the nature of work is moving in new directions, and much of it has to do with digitization. In fact, according to Emergen Research, the digital transformation is due to grow over 20%Opens a new window by 2030.

So, what exactly are the trends this year? Well, several things. Let’s look closer and see how digital innovations affect the workplace.

Increased Use of AI and MLOps

One obvious trend on the rise in recent years and is set to take off even further this year is the increased use of AI, particularly MLOps. Many people have a vague notion of talking robots but don’t understand the potential uses of AI across industries. 

Believe it or not, these technologies are utilized in many different realms. MLOps, or machine learning operations, is a branch of AI that deals with the application of AI. It applies models to functions that would otherwise require manual operation and allows for their automated use. Using these models, MLOps streamlines processes, increases efficiency and reduces the potential for human error.

MLOps are utilized in retail, logistics, finance, and medical industries. Technologies have already been developing in recent years and are set to take off even further soon.

1. Hyperautomation

We’ve all heard something about automation in operations. Well, one of the big trends this year is hyperautomation. Hyperautomation involves cranking up the automation process to make operations even more efficient, productive, and cost-effective than before. MLOps is considered one of the subdivisions of hyperautomation.

Hyperautomation is a blanket term that encompasses several different processes. Machine learning is one of them. Hyperautomation also includes deep learning, a group of learning methods based on artificial neural networks. Deep learning involves using “layers” of neural networks that simulate brain processes. It also has a wide range of applications, including use in self-driving cars, virtual assistants, visual recognition, and other uses of natural language processing.

See More: 3 Ways Hyperautomation Tech Can Improve Banking Services

Integration and task/process mining tools can enable efficient processes.

Integration tools: Other uses of hyperautomation include integration and task/process mining tools. Integration tools help to determine the truth of data by combining data from different sources and using a process called “extract, transform, and load” to sift out the correct from what is likely false data.

Task/process mining tools: Another set of tools becoming popular relates to “task and process mining.” Task mining tools help businesses understand how their users interact with the businesses’ software and how well these tasks are performed. By analyzing the efficiency of task completion, task mining tools indicate what businesses need to do to improve employee performance.

Process mining tools are similar to task mining tools but focus on the “back end” of processes rather than the users’ actions. It analyzes the broader scope of processes being undertaken rather than individual by individual.

Both tool sets can be instrumental in helping businesses perform more efficiently, productively, and with fewer errors.

2. Digital twinning

Another trend on the rise this year is known as digital twinning. As the name suggests, creating a digital twin involves the digitized simulation of a product to determine how a real product will function. In the “twinning” process, the physical object is outfitted with sensors connected to a centralized computer system. Through the sensors, the digital model can track the object’s movements and analyze its progress in real-time. 

Digital twins are generally divided into four categories: parts, products, systems, and processes. They simulate different types of machine parts (or wholes). They are used in manufacturing, health care, and even in the simulation of entire cities to determine the efficiency of energy usage, traffic flow, and other aspects of a city’s functioning.

See More: Six Ways Digital Twins Support Engineering Success

3. Increasingly smart offices and greater cloud usage

Two things that have already been around for a while but will get an additional boost this year are smart offices and the use of clouds for data storage. Offices are becoming smarter with the increased use of detectors for lights and doors, smart conference rooms that allow for digital booking, smart desks, and video monitoring.

Companies are also increasingly turning to the use of clouds for storage. Again, this is not a new concept, but coming out of the pandemic, people understand its value now. People are increasingly ditching traditional hard drives as they move about, find themselves removed from colleagues with whom they need to share work, and generally appreciate the benefits of keeping data virtual.

4. Innovations will continue

These are just a few trends helping shape the workplace this year. Without question, these and other digital innovations will continue to grow and help make the workplace more efficient, dynamic, and enjoyable. We should all be cautious; with sufficient understanding, we could stay caught up to our more technologically savvy peers.

In order to stay on top of things and ensure your place in the progressive workforce, keep reading up on where these trends are headed. It probably won’t happen that your job gets replaced by a robot. Still, you’ll be in a much better position to perform your job well if you understand the underlying mechanisms helping your job and your industry function as they should.

Thriving With Digital Transformation

Digital transformation will profoundly impact workplace trends this year. The increased use of AI and MLOps, along with hyperautomation, integration, task/process mining tools, digital twinning, and smarter offices, is revolutionizing how work is done. 

These innovations are enhancing efficiency, productivity, and data storage capabilities. To thrive in this evolving landscape, staying updated on these trends and embracing the underlying mechanisms that drive them is crucial, ensuring a competitive edge in the progressive workforce.

Which technology have you used to increase efficiency, productivity and stay competitive in the evolving workplace? Please share your thoughts with us on FacebookOpens a new window , TwitterOpens a new window , and LinkedInOpens a new window . We’d love to hear from you!

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