Top 10 Most Important Features to Look For In a Career Pathing Software


HR tech is turning into a mandatory part of every company’s management and career pathing is crucial. Identifying the most important features in this type of software, however, is the key to its efficiency and successful integration.

Several HR technology innovations are giving companies an opportunity to improve efficiencies while also boosting employee engagement and retention. Career pathing softwareOpens a new window is one of those trends, offering a solution for career management for the short- and long-term. Companies looking to include career pathing technology into their HR processes need to consider the features of the solution before making an investment, however. Below are the top ten most important features to look for when selecting a career pathing software.

Job Matching

A strong career pathing solution will give organizations and employees the ability to generate and review job matches through the platform. This job-matching functionality should be based on an employee’s talent profile and the overarching needs of the organization.

Career Path Builder

The purpose of career pathing software is to give employees an opportunity to map out career scenarios based on their current or desired skills. **Having a solution that offers a career path builder that is easy to use and track over time is crucial for the success of the platform.** Career path builder features should lean on several points of data to provide relevant career matches for employees.

Job Progression

Mapping out career scenarios also requires detailed information on what jobs are available throughout an individual’s career journey. Career pathing solutions should feature job progression tools that allow employees to see the possibilities of their positions while they work toward an ultimate goal.

Integration Capability

In addition to standard features of career mapping, matching, and progression, a platform should also have the ability to integrate with other technology tools. For instance, performance management software is another powerful solution as part of an HR technology system, and this platform should easily integrate with career pathing software. These integration capabilities make it easier for organizations to gather data needed to make strategic decisions surrounding talent acquisition and management over time.


Any new software addition is only beneficial to a company when the vendor offer some degree of support. Career pathing software selection should include an evaluation of the support provided by the vendor, including technical assistance, user adoption, and integration when needed.

Ease of Use

Career pathing solutions are incredibly beneficial to companies and their employees, but only when they are used consistently. Having a software program that is easy to navigate initially and update over time is essential, from both the employee and organization perspectives.

Employee Analytics

One of the benefits of updated technology in practice is the potential to collect data from multiple sources. However, that data is only advantageous when it can be analyzedOpens a new window and used to make decisions. Information gathered from career pathing software should seamlessly come together in an easy to use dashboard for both management and employees.

Talent Assessment

Another feature of a strong career pathing tool is the ability to conduct talent assessments based on accurate, real-time information. **Talent assessments for employees help them envision how their current or future role fits into their wants and needs.** Management can use talent assessments in career pathing platforms to identify the strengths of employees and use this information to make talent decisions over time.

Development Recommendations

Career pathing software should also include features that help with personal and professional development goals for employees. A system that offers automatic recommendations for learning resources, based on an individual’s selected career path, makes it easy to track progress over time. Additionally, management can use this feature to drive coaching discussions to help employees get to where they want to be.

Gap Analysis

Finally, career pathing tools should offer features that allow for the easy identification of gaps in skillsOpens a new window and competencies across an organization. This information can be used for talent development, acquisition, and retention strategies, helping management make more accurate decisions for the company.

Career pathing software can be a powerful tool in HR management for companies large and small. However, organizations need to ensure they are getting the right set of features with their software selection before making an investment.