Top Finance Skills for 2019: What’s Coming?


With 2019 just around the corner, there are many people searching for a way to improve their skills for the coming year. If you work in the world of finance, you already know how fierce the competition is. Getting that coveted position is more difficult than ever before.

As a result, being aware of what’s changing and what’s in demand is the best way to gain that competitive edge. Keep reading to learn more about some of the most in-demand skills for those working in the finance industry in 2019.

Improved Soft Skills

With technology moving at a break-neck pace, relationships, communication skills and technology are growing in importance. For example, it’s essential to have human social skills so complicated tax changes can be explained to clients and colleagues. Today, those in the finance industry need to have top-quality customer service skills.

Communication Skills

Anyone trying to acquire a position in the finance world needs to have strong writing skills and even stronger communication skillsOpens a new window . These are crucial. However, something that is just as important is being able to explain more complicated financial jargon in easy-to-understand terms.

There are many companies searching for candidates who can make the complex language of the industry understandable to clients who may have limited knowledge. This is preferred over hiring someone who just regurgitates everything they have learned.

Technical Skills

With more advancements in technology on their way, organizations are moving towards improved productivity and digital transformation. Everyone working in the finance industry needs to be technologically savvy. They should be able to use analytical platforms and technical tools to make more informed decisions.

Analytical Abilities

According to research, up to 40 percent of all CFOsOpens a new window are struggling to find candidates who have financial analysis skills. This is another skill that potential candidates need to have to demonstrate their proficiency.

Modern companies want to hire employees who are able to implement lateral thinking, who can analyze scenarios and draw the proper conclusion. If a person wants to be successful in the finance industry, they have to have the ability to demonstrate their analysis capabilities with KPI-driven results and real-world examples.

Financial Reporting

There is no denying that it’s imperative for anyone working in the financial industry to have financial reporting skills. An area that is becoming more in-demand is superforecastingOpens a new window .

However, being able to find candidates with great financial reporting skills in this area is extremely challenging. As a result, those who have acquired these skills and who can put them to use in real-world scenarios are in high demand and are going to have a competitive edge over the competition.

Working in the Finance Industry: Must-Have Skills

As you can see from the information here, there are several must-have skills if you want to find success in the financial industry. However, these skills are ever-evolving, which is something you need to keep in mind.

Be willing to improve yourself and your abilities to continue being in-demand by employers in this field. It will pay off and help you acquire higher paying jobs in the future. Being informed is one of the best ways to remain relevant in this field, and the information here clearly explains what’s coming for this industry.