TrustArc Rolls Out PrivacyCentral for Scalable Data Privacy Program Management


TrustArc’s newly launched PrivacyCentral, a data intelligence tool, can help alleviate the complexities in data privacy programs and help companies improve their compliance strategy.

San Francisco-based provider of data privacy solutions TrustArc announced the launch of a new privacy management service to eliminate redundancies in identifying and compliance with existing and new regulations. The company’s newly-launched PrivacyCentral service aims to simplify data privacy programs by automating manual tasks associated with compliance procedures.

Hilary WandallOpens a new window , SVP, Privacy Intelligence and General Counsel at TrustArc, told Toolbox, “Managing privacy can be daunting for businesses. Managing a privacy program in an era of proliferating and evolving privacy regulations can feel all but impossible, especially without the appropriate insights and tools.”

Since the EU introduced stringent regulations regarding data protection and privacy through GDPR, governments worldwide followed suit with their own regulatory provisions. California’s CCPA, for example, was amended in November 2020 to include:

  • Additional categories of sensitive personal information: race, sexual orientation, union membership, and location.
  • Greater control over their data and can tell companies what they can and can’t use or share. This includes health, finances, race, ethnicity, and precise location data.
  • Differences between selling and sharing. Companies will need to disclose what is shared and what was sold accordingly, and more.

Due to the recent adjustments in living and work conditions, proposals for more than 20 new laws for COVID-19 regulatory requirements were introduced in 2020. For instance, new data privacy reforms were rolled out in the U.S. for the states of Connecticut, New York, Texas, and Virginia. Brazil introduced LGPD while Canada rolled out CPPA. And New Zealand sharpened the focus on data privacy with the New Zealand Privacy Act 2020 that came into force in December 2020.

TrustArc CEO Chris BabelOpens a new window said, “Data privacy management today is complex, siloed, and inefficient. Too many organizations still manually assess, plan for, and demonstrate compliance with each law. These processes are often repeated and are not repurposable across other laws and regulations. The result is an ad-hoc approach to data privacy when an ongoing, scalable program is needed.”

See Also: Data Privacy Day: 10 Expert Insights on Protecting Data and Staying Compliant

Moreover, since data flows aren’t restricted to a particular country or region, implementing compliance safeguards is difficult, especially for the following regulations.

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Regulatory Compliance Requirements Difficult to Achieve | Source: Globalscape

FTI Consulting discovered through its studyOpens a new window that 97% of organizations might increase their data privacy expenditure in 2021.

TrustArc’s PrivacyCentral leverages AI for automated assessments of company’s data records to help organizations steer clear of any violations of a multitude of constantly changing global privacy laws and regulations.

“PrivacyCentral is a single gateway through which stakeholders can develop and manage ongoing data-privacy programs that are necessary in today’s dynamic regulatory and business environments. The platform is a central source of end-to-end contextual, actionable privacy insights that reduce complexity and eliminate redundancies, through automation and intelligence,” explained Wandall.

In accordance with existing data and policies implemented and changing laws, the platform performs a continuous evaluation of requirements, thus enabling organizations to plan for future demands and simplify implementation, track progress, and report status as part of their overall privacy policy management activities.

“PrivacyCentral enables the business to learn and understand what is required to enable privacy within their business. Enabling the understanding of what needs to be done and allowing the business to become accountable is a key win for the entire organization,” Wandall said, in closing.

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