Unlock the Potential of IoT With Cloud Computing


The Internet of Things (IoT) and cloud work together to enable enterprises to capitalize on efforts that will boost ROI. Arno Witvliet, chief sales officer, Leaseweb Global, discusses why organizations must leverage cloud computing in their IoT strategy.

Since the term was first coined in 1999, the Internet of Things (IoT) has grown exponentially to more than 10 billion active IoT devices today, with the number only expected to surpass 25 billion by 2030. From watches to refrigerators and even alarm systems, IoT devices have become an integral part of our daily lives at home and in business. 

The possibilities of IoT devices have become virtually endless for both enterprises and consumers. At the touch of a button, individuals and organizations can check on status, operate the device or reduce costs.IoT solutions have the bandwidth to generate up to 11 trillion in economic value for organizations by 2025. For enterprises that have already implemented IoT into their IT strategy, 83% have seen an improved rate of efficiency.    

For enterprises looking to reap the benefits from IoT, it is important to recognize the role that the cloud plays in IoT’s continued success. IT decision-makers (ITDMs) can use the cloud’s multitude of benefits to  manage IoT remote device lifecycle management better. IoT and the cloud work closely together to create opportunities for organizations to capitalize on initiatives that will increase ROI. 

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How IoT and the Cloud Work Together for Businesses

IoT devices rely on the cloud to store important data. Having the IoT in one central location makes it easier for IT teams to access information and disseminate it to the appropriate departments. The data packages generated by the IoT devices can more easily travel across the cloud. The cloud supports IoT with real-time control and data monitoring. 

Below, I provide examples of the benefits that the cloud offers any organization looking to up its IoT strategy. I will also explore how ITDMs can use the cloud to enable their enterprises to fully grasp the efficiency and effectiveness of IoT devices. 

1. Deployment 

In the home and in the office, it will not be long before nearly every device is considered “smart.” IoT-connected homes and businesses will have smart lights, desks, thermostats and even lock systems. Powering these devices, along with the network needed to facilitate business operations, all demand processing power. The cloud makes it easier for IT teams to deploy these processes and monitor the progress and efficiency of each device. 

2. Communication

IoT devices are valuable to enterprises and consumers because of the information they provide, but they become even more valuable when they are communicating with each other. For example, smart thermostats can tell smart refrigerators when the temperature is getting too warm, allowing an individual to take measures to protect their food. Cloud plays an important role in this process by streamlining communication and facilitating it across interfaces.

3. Security 

Over the past few years, IoT devices have made headlines due to their security concerns. The unfortunate reality is that business leaders and individuals often get caught up and forget to update the software on their devices. As a result, they are leaving a gateway open for adversaries to sneak in. 

The good news is that cloud connectivity can actually reduce the chances of a cyberattack. IoT devices on the same cloud network receive security updates from the cloud that can be downloaded almost instantaneously. 

4. Easy Access

Organizations of all sizes can take advantage of IoT connectivity with cloud infrastructure. Without the cloud’s easy access, IT teams would have a much harder time turning dreams of using these devices into reality. 

5. Detailed Analytics 

Data has been called the “new oil,” and for a good reason. Enterprises that are able to harness the power of big data gain a competitive edge. Data analytics possibilities offered by the cloud for IoT devices are endless. The data produced by these devices can help developers and other ITDMs understand performance levels and provide overall insight for the organizations.

See More: What Is IoT Device Management? Definition, Key Features, and Software

Closing Thoughts

IoT technologies have completely disrupted the way we operate our homes and businesses. However, organizations that are still reliant on legacy infrastructures for IoT data storage are at a disadvantage. With the cloud as the powerhouse for IoT device communications and memory, enterprises can experience improved rates of connectivity and ROI. 

IT teams need to learn as much as they can about the hybrid cloud when looking ahead to a future of ubiquitous IoT. Transforming an enterprise’s architecture will not happen overnight. A hybrid cloud approach will allow IT teams to establish the right mix of hosting options.  

Developers within your organizations will have a hard time keeping up with the growth of IoT without the reliability of the cloud. Don’t allow your enterprise to miss this “smart” opportunity, and rely on the power of the cloud to get the most out of IoT devices.

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