US Government Takes Lead in Drive for Quantum Computing


The American government is running harder in the international marathon to dominate transformative technology as both the White House and Congress push the country’s evolution in quantum computing.

The White House’s Office of Science and Technology Policy unveiled its National Strategy Overview for Quantum Information Science in mid-September, heralding it as a much-needed step to promote the industry.

Quantum computing, where the science of the sub-atomic world is applied to computing, has been heralded as the necessary key to transform computer security, finance, the energy sector and multiple other fields by speeding up the way machines can process data to solve problems.

Government Support of QIS to Aid Global Leadership

“The Trump administration is committed to maintaining and expanding American leadership in quantum information science to enable future long-term benefits from, and protection of, the science and technology created through this research,” stated the Office of Science and Technology Policy in the strategy report.

The report maintains that the development of a national policy for quantum information science (QIS) will encourage private partnerships through federal government support and funding of certain key infrastructure.

The US Congress is following up on these promises. This month, it also allocated $1.3 billion to the recently passed National Quantum Initiative Act, designed to accelerate research and training in quantum computing. Its justification for the bill has been in part a reaction to concerns that China and Europe may otherwise beat the US in the race to dominate the technology.

“Recognizing the promise of this groundbreaking technology, China and the European Union are investing billions of dollars in new research facilities and equipment,” said the Science, Space and Technology CommitteeOpens a new window in its summary of the legislation. “China, in particular, has stated publicly its national goal of surpassing the US in quantum computing during the next decade.”

Security Fears Fuel Collaboration

Industry members are endorsing the government’s leadership in developing quantum computing, highlighting the specific threats of this arena that make it an obvious area for collaborative federal support.

“As nations around the world race to lead in quantum information science, the US will require collaboration of industry, academia and the federal government to keep pace,” says Intel’s director of quantum hardware Jim ClarkeOpens a new window . “The National Quantum Initiative Act is a great step forward, and Intel applauds the bipartisan leadership in Congress on their progress.”

The White House also has held meetings on how to push forward quantum computing, calling on companies like IBM, Alphabet Inc. and JPMorgan Chase to help plan the strategy for advancing the technology.

The government’s recognition of the importance of quantum computing is being driven by its potential security risks, says Aaron StanleyOpens a new window in a Forbes article.

“Policymakers in Washington seem to be waking up to concerns that the United States is lagging behind China and other countries when it comes to investing in quantum computing, a technology that threatens to unravel the encryption that currently secures blockchains and cryptocurrencies,” Stanley noted.

Under the administration’s strategy, it will follow a ten-year plan to help encourage new opportunities in areas such the development of new quantum processors, new sensors for biotechnology and defense and transformative cyber security systems.

Education Overhaul Leverages Funding

The government also plans to encourage a “quantum-smart” workforce, encouraging education in quantum science and engaging in partnerships with the quantum industry.

Industry representatives say they are looking to the federal government to work together with universities to encourage this drive given its strategic importance. Ideally, universities would develop curriculum that would include technical skills, such as quantum information science, computer science, data analytics, machine learning and artificial intelligence, combined with knowledge areas such as finance, pharmaceuticals and energy.

Industry officials have also lobbied Congress for strategic targeted investment to help kick-start the kind of research necessary for the development of the industry.

“The government can maximize and leverage private-sector investment through targeted funding and coordination to reduce gaps and overlaps in the R&D and help accelerate the technology,” says Michael BrettOpens a new window , the chief executive officer, testifying before the House Energy and Commerce subcommittee on the needs of the industry.