Weekly HR Survey Watch: HR Professionals Focus on Strategy, Productivity, as per New Paychex Survey, and More.


A roundup of the top HR Surveys from Paychex, Paycor, Prodoscore, Perkbox, Simply Hired and Lever

HR Professionals Focus on Strategy, Productivity, as per New Paychex Survey

The fourth annualOpens a new window rel=”nofollow noopener” title=”Opens a new window” target=”_blank”> Paychex Pulse of HR SurveyOpens a new window shared that 88 percent of the HR leaders believe they are a strategic partner within their organization. It also shows that 80 percent of the HR professionals believe workplace technology helps support their role as a strategic business partner.

Alison Stevens, Paychex Director of HR Services, “Accelerated by new technology and a rapidly changing regulatory landscape, the job descriptions of HR professionals are evolving to encompass high-level decision-making and managing complex tasks that contribute to overall business strategy and success.”

Another key finding is that 69 percent of HR professionals report that their budgets will increase this year and technology tops the list (50 percent) of planned use for these additional funds.

54% of Small-To Medium-Sized Businesses Plan to Hire in 2020, as per a New Paycor Research

Paycor’s research sheds light on how the coronavirus impacted SMBs and their workforces are planning to move ahead. The study, called A Paycor Survey: Here’s How Businesses are Managing the New Reality of Work, surveyed nearly 600 human resources (HR) and finance leaders with a 10-minute online survey. According to the research, 33% of the SMB leaders found managing the first wave of the pandemic extremely challenging but almost half (47%) are somewhat confident that the U.S. economy will bounce back.  An important finding is that despite 47% of SMBs having moved from the office to remote work, 54% of SMB leaders surveyed are planning to hire in 2020. Further, 40% of the SMBs say they will return to the office.

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Prodoscore Survey Shares That Most Employees Are Looking for Job Performance Recognition

ProdoscoreOpens a new window has shared the productivity-related results of its survey which provides insights into the attitudes of employees with respect to measuring job performance, visibility tools, coaching, and other work-related topics.

The findings indicate that a majority of employees (53%) are frustrated that their efforts go unrecognized despite that fact that 77% of respondents’ managers know how hard they are working. Fewer than 50% of the employees find traditional annual performance reviews helpful and 75% – expressed interest in a tool that would highlight behaviors which can then guide them on how to replicate and demonstrate those behaviors.

Nadine M. Sarraf, CMO of Prodoscore said, “With the right tools in place, businesses can commit to making a long-term investment in a happier, more motivated and more productive workforce.”

61% of the Employees Are Feeling Insecure in Their Future, as per the New Perkbox Survey

Perkbox’s recent research covers 6,273 employees to find out how they are getting impacted by the different stages of the ‘new working world’.

As per the research, despite being a job retention scheme, furloughs are actually leading to 61% of the workers feeling concerned over their future job security. Apart from that 42% have concerns about the future of their company,  but almost half (45%) also shared that they are enjoying the time off and break from working that this time provided.

SimplyHired, Inc. Has Released a Study on Pre-Employment Testing

SimplyHired, Inc., an employment network specializing in online recruitment advertising, has ​released a study on pre-employment testing. The study aims to cognitively identify and quantize differences among applicants and how many employers are turning to pre-employment tests to find right candidates. It shows that 77.4% of the job applicants had been asked to complete a pre-employment test in the last year.

Also almost 61% of the hiring managers said they believed that pre-employment testing accurately portrays potential employees and 58.8% shared that test performance was a good indicator of job performance.

Lever Releases 2020 State of Recruiting Report

Lever Opens a new window announced the release of the Lever 2020 State of Recruiting Report based on the responses of 700 talent and HR decision makers in the U.S. and Canada. It explores the impact of the novel coronavirus pandemic on recruiting practices and insights on what the future may look like.

Nate Smith, CEO at Lever said, “The COVID-19 pandemic has transformed businesses in nearly every industry. And because nothing is more fundamental to a business than its people, rethinking people processes through the lens of this ‘new normal’ is critical—from sourcing candidates and remotely interviewing them, to hiring and onboarding new employee.”

As per the data, only 14% of the companies are on a total hiring freeze as a result of COVID-19, and 40% believe that they can emerge post-pandemic stronger.

48% of respondents in the software industry believe they’ll emerge stronger, followed by those in infrastructure (46%), finance (44%) and retail (43%).

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