We’re Ready to Go Back to Work, Say More Than 50% of Employees in a Hibob Survey


Though employees are excited to meet their colleagues and return to their normal routine, they expect their organizations to take strict safety measures

Some are happy to go back, others are not. The opinion on whether it is safe to go to work and the reasons to go back to work are divided.

Just a few weeks ago, we covered how Quantum Workplace found that employees were more productive when working from home. Others have faced burnoutOpens a new window and loss of productivity because they have been unable to handle the demands of work and family in the same environment.

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But Hibob today announces the results of its survey of 1,000 full-time employees, finding that 55% are comfortable returning to work. Also, 65% are confident that their workplaces will overcome the operational challenges of going back to the traditional workplace.

The study by the HR technology platform suggests that the majority of participants are excited about returning to work – especially those who live alone – and regaining some sense of normalcy.

The national survey was conducted online by Pollfish on behalf of Hibob on April 28, 2020.

Can’t Wait to See Colleagues Face-to-Face

Of those surveyed, 20% of employees were most excited to return so they could see their colleagues in person. 42% said they want to go back just to resume their daily work routines.

Employees demonstrated faith in their companies, with 87% feeling their companies have been responsible enough to communicate all the changes they’ve made in response to COVID-19.

However, more than 40% of participants prefer working remotely or coming into the office a few days a week, whereas 36% prefer to work in the office entirely despite COVID-19 fears.

And I’m Okay Wearing Gloves and Face Masks, and Staying 6 Feet Away

63% of the respondents said they were comfortable with wearing face masks and gloves and maintaining six feet of distance with their co-workers. Employees want to respect each other’s personal space and escape overcrowding, especially in shared office spaces like the kitchen, front entrance, and bathroom.

73% are comfortable with getting routine office temperature checks, even though this process is known to cause a certain amount of embarrassment.

However, several respondents mentioned the need for daily robust cleaning and sanitization procedures.
A few participants felt confident about returning only if there was a lowered infection rate, ample amounts of testing, or a possible vaccine.

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The Future of Work Must Be Sanitary

Employers have already deployed contact tracing technology and other measures to keep their employees and customers safe. But they will have to define standard sanitation protocols and communicate them clearly to employees to keep them happy and maintain their comfort returning to work.

“Many employees are feeling confident and ready to get back to work, but some still have their hesitations. Therefore, employers must focus on considering all appropriate circumstances and plans in order to address a full-picture roadmap of return. Companies will need to create hybrid policies that are adapted to fostering a sense of culture and engagement for those who are working from home as well as people working in the physical office,” commented Ronni Zehavi, CEO of Hibob.

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