What Employees Really Want: Put Them in the Driver’s Seat of Their Own Learning & Development


Employee retention is within your reach if you can create an engaging workplace experience that connects talent development to business goals. This post gives tips on crafting a culture of learning and engagement to help your people and your organization march confidently toward a strong and competitive tomorrow.

In case you missed it, all the employee talent you’ve ever wanted is right under your nose. That’s right — the future leaders of your organization, the innovative problem solvers and the go-getters who will jumpstart sales—they are as close as the nearest cubicle or remote worker.

I know this because 94 percent of employees say they would stay with their employer longer if the company invested in the employee’s career development, according to LinkedIn Learning’s 2018 Workplace Learning ReportOpens a new window . We’ve known for a while that employees want to be in the driver’s seat of their own development. It’s time we listened to our employees and begin to give them what they crave.

Here are three ways your organization can create an engaging, hyper-connected talent development environment that aligns to business goals. These efforts will go a long way toward crafting a culture of learning and developmentOpens a new window that engages your people in an effort to retain employees while building talent bench strength at the same time.

#1.  Organizations lay the groundwork, but employees take the lead

Great employee development—the kind that makes employees want to stay—starts with the organization realizing they have a responsibility to help employees develop their skills, coach them and help their people find a successful career path. All of this is in the best interests of the organization, so it’s best to approach this as a non-optional exercise.

Employees have to take the lead in their own development at work, but employers can set the table with several helpful steps.

Useful Tools

The commitment to high-quality employee development starts with orientation and onboarding. Organizations should design these programs to give employees the tools they need to be successful. Think budgeting tools for new managers or showing a team member how to prepare for a 1:1 meeting. With learning management and performance management systems, employees may have access to learning activities such as instructor-led learning, videos and content libraries in addition to goal management and 360-degree feedback.


Once employees have tools in hand, managers can assist by offering guidance for development that leads to career growth. If you are a manager, have you encouraged your employees to take on new assignments that will teach them new skills? Self-learning is an excellent conceptOpens a new window for managers to introduce at this stage of the game.


This is where the fun begins! Once employees start experimenting with self-learning and using tools, managers can take on the role of coach to support career development. A good way to do this is to tap into what the employee does well. If you have an employee who is excellent at storytelling, ask them to sum up the last quarter for an upcoming presentation. If another employee loves research, task them with digging into the options for a decision that needs to be made at the departmental level. We all love to hear we’re good at something. Recognize employees for what they do well—and then give them an opportunity to show it. And if the employee needs to develop additional skills in their “favorite” area, then coaching comes in handy with suggestions for additional learning or training.

Learn More: 

5 Key Learning Management System (LMS) Trends in 2019Opens a new window

#2.  How employees can take the lead in effective career planning

So we’ve discussed that organizations need to lay the groundwork for amazing development. But employees also have to be involved in the process as well. Our people need to understand what career planning and skills development look like.

Here are some ways employees can take the lead in their development goals.

Stretch goals

Employees can ask their managers to help them set “stretch goals” that move them just outside of their comfort zone. These challenging assignments almost always help people acquire new skills and experience.

Brush up on presentation goals

Employees can research new technologies, trends, and developments in their industry and then give a presentation to their team on what they learned. Post the presentation to a Slack channel, company intranet or learning management system.

Become more visible

You may realize how amazing your team is, but does the rest of the department know? Assist employees in finding a place to work on a cross-functional or cross-cultural team. Employees will discover new challenges and get exposure to other leaders inside the company.

#3.  Building a pipeline that rewards everyone

Back to those employees, you want to hire who are hiding in plain sight: do you even know how to find the talent that already exists in your organization? It’s time to start building your pipeline. If your organization has neglected to take this important step, you are certainly not alone.

Saba’s 2015 State of Succession PlanningOpens a new window report gave a failing grade (average 48 percent) on the overall state of succession planning as reported by 600 organizations across various industries. The findings clearly show that organizations are not doing enough to identify and develop talent to fill key positions.

Here are three ways to cultivate a legacy of leaders within your organization.

Find the rock stars  

We all know this, but it bears repeating: it’s more cost-effective and efficient to retain high-potential employees rather than starting the recruitment process all over again. When identifying these high-potential employees, look for people who have the desire and skills to move into different roles. These folks don’t have to know everything—most of us don’t! But when you “go fishing” in your organizational talent pools, identify employees who represent the future of your company. And then go talk to them about their career dreams. What are their possible next steps in the organization?

Development is key for the next role

Now that you know who the high-potentials are, it’s time to start developing them for the next role. Training and development allow employees to be empowered as they create personalized career journeys where they select roles they’d like to have over the short, mid and long term. A lot is riding on this type of learning. The 2018 Brandon Hall Group Personalized Learning Survey found that 95 percent of respondents believed that personalized learning improved the link between learning and organizational performance.

Bring back the best

Change comes to all organizations, so when people move on from the company, transition into new roles or go on extended leave, critical positions open up. When this happens, following a succession plan is critical. “Re-hiring” the best-of-the-best into new roles sustains the current company culture and builds loyalty. Plus, specialized knowledge and skills stay in-house.

Employee retentionOpens a new window is within your reach if you can create an engaging workplace experience that builds a connected talent development environment aligned to business goals. Use these techniques to craft a culture of learning and engagement….and then watch your people (and your organization) march confidently toward a strong and competitive tomorrow.