What Is Container-as-a-Service (CaaS)? Definition, Examples, Architecture, and Best Practices

  • Container-as-a-service (CaaS) is defined as a cloud service that manages, hosts, deploys, and scales containers and applications through APIs, virtualization, or portals.
  • This service is used to develop and manage containers within the IT infrastructure operating in a hybrid or multi-cloud environment.
  • This article highlights the fundamentals of CaaS, its architecture, examples, and the best practices to be followed.

What Is Container-as-a-Service (CaaS)?

Container-as-a-service (CaaS) is a cloud service that manages, hosts, deploys, and scales containers and applications through APIs, virtualization, or portals. This service is used to develop and manage containers within the IT infrastructure operating in a hybrid or multi-cloud environment.

In cloud computing, containers refer to usable codes bundled with different frameworks, libraries, configuration files, tools, and settings to form complete software packages. These containers thereby function as a virtual operating system environment that can run on a physical machine, a private data center, or a public cloud.

Containers are much like virtual machines (VMs) but require fewer server resources to get started. Typically, containers share the operating system kernel with other containers, while VMs run on one entire virtual OS. Containerization allows teams to automate and speed up software development and deployment processes. With containerization, one can define infrastructure as a code (IaC) as a simple configuration file. This file can then be deployed as and when the need arises. It is especially beneficial when handling microservices applications, which contain several independent components.

CaaS is a subscription-based platform where users can buy CaaS resources to enable scheduling capabilities, load balancing, and compute instances within their operational framework. Typically, CaaS relies on a suite of technologies such as Docker, Kubernetes, and Data Center Operating System (DC/OS) to provide container orchestration.

Containerized processes ensure that businesses can consistently run their applications without having to worry about the dependencies involved in CaaS. The IT ecosystem remains up to date and experiences a substantial increase in development productivity. Moreover, the containerized application development process supports a multi-cloud strategy that optimizes operating costs and reduces overhead expenses such as licensing fees.

CaaS-enabled automation ensures that your business pipeline works seamlessly. Some of the most sought-after CaaS providers include AWS Fargate, Google Cloud Run, Azure Container Instances (ACI), and Oracle Application Container Cloud Service.

Features of CaaS

Companies use CaaS solutions extensively due to the features they offer. Some of the characteristics include:

1. Portable and efficient

Containers are known to run apps in an isolated setting where the CaaS framework stays disconnected from the underlying infrastructure. One advantage of such a structure is that users can switch between cloud environments (public and private clouds) in real-time and still launch apps as cloud-based technologies.

Containers generally run on shared operating environments, requiring minimum compute resources to run apps. Moreover, these containers are lightweight and require files within the megabyte range, unlike typical virtual machines that require files in the gigabyte range.

2. Secure

As containers tend to maintain an isolated environment, they have no dependency on other containers or underlying infrastructure. Hence, even if one container gets compromised, its damage is restricted, and other containers remain secure.

3. Fast software development

CaaS resource management and provisioning can either be automated or completed with a few clicks. As such, DevOps companies can enjoy a high-speed SDLC process that builds new apps, fixes bugs or adds new features by provisioning new containers in quick time. IT teams can release software products faster while keeping a check on bottlenecks, inefficient processes, and resource consumption.

4. Scalable

Containers tend to scale resources horizontally. The containerized approach allows users to add new containers to the clusters if required. Moreover, clusters can share workloads when necessary. This helps in better resource management along with cost optimization.

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Examples of CaaS

Several companies are turning to CaaS to streamline their development operations and ease the process of deploying microservices. According to a February 2023 report by ReportLinker, the global CaaS market stood at $1.8 billion in 2022 and is estimated to reach $16.9 billion by 2030. Major contributors to the CaaS market include Amazon Web Services, Apcela, Cisco Systems, Docker Inc., Google, and IBM Corporation.

A few prominent examples of CaaS are:

1. Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS)

Amazon’s ECS is a container orchestration service that runs containerized applications on Amazon Web Services. ECS supports Docker containers that allow users to bundle dependencies into container images for easy deployment. ECS is a highly scalable platform, which makes it ideal for managing unpredictable workloads and high-traffic applications. It offers a flexible architecture that makes it suitable for use cases such as batch processing, microservices, web apps, and so on.

ECS also integrates with other AWS services, such as Elastic Load Balancing, Amazon CloudWatch, and AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM). Additionally, it is a cost-effective option for businesses of all sizes since it follows a pay-as-you-go pricing model.

2. Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE)

Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) is a cloud-based Kubernetes service provided by Google Cloud Platform (GCP). Since Kubernetes is an open-source container orchestration system, GKE can avail of basic Kubernetes features that help load balancing, auto-scaling, monitoring, etc. GKE seamlessly integrates with other GCP services, including Google Cloud Load Balancing, Google Cloud Storage, and Google Cloud Monitoring.

GKE also ensures that the containerized applications are secure and compliant by enforcing features such as node auto-upgrades, container image verification, and network policy management. Similar to Amazon’s ECS, GKE follows a pay-as-you-go pricing model.

3. Microsoft Azure Container Instances (ACI)

Microsoft Azure Container Instances (ACI) is a container service provided by Microsoft Azure. This service supports the instant deployment of containers. This means that applications can come live within seconds without the need to provision any infrastructure. The service is suitable for short-lived workloads such as development and testing tasks crucial to ensure that an app’s functionalities are working in order. The ACI service has no upfront costs, thanks to the pay-as-you-go pricing model.

Microsoft’s ACI provides several security features, such as container isolation, network segmentation, and automatic TLS encryption, that keep applications secure and compliant with industry standards. Moreover, ACI integrates easily with other Azure services such as Azure Functions, Azure Storage, and Azure Virtual Networks.

4. Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform

Red Hat’s OpenShift Container Platform follows a Kubernetes architecture with full-stack automation capabilities. As such, the entire lifecycle of the app, right from development to deployment, can be automated under this platform. OpenShift’s framework allows users and teams to share the same clusters to manage and deploy applications. It is worth noting that although clusters are shared across departments, they continue to operate independently in their isolated environments. The platform supports security features such as network segmentation and image signing and verification.

The OpenShift platform supports CI/CD capabilities that automate the process of building and deploying applications based on source code changes. Moreover, the platform is highly customizable, allowing users to add custom features using Kubernetes APIs and webhooks. OpenShift can further be integrated with other Red Hat products, such as Red Hat Ansible Automation, Red Hat JBoss Middleware, and Red Hat Enterprise Linux.

5. Fujitsu

In November 2018, Fujitsu, a Japanese IT company, adopted the Red OpenShift Container Platform to initiate system development at its business intelligence unit (BICC). BICC is Fujitsu’s arm that manages the data of global teams and helps in faster decision-making. With the implementation of the CaaS platform, Fujitsu aims to achieve the quick development and delivery of applications.

6. MapR Technologies

MapR Technologies is a technology establishment that offers businesses artificial intelligence, machine learning, and analytics solutions to make quick decisions and speed up day-to-day operations. MapR implements CaaS to manage applications that require real-time insights into user data that IT operational teams can understand and convey to developers.

7. GM Financial

General Motors (GM) Financial is the financial body of General Motors and uses a multi-tenant hybrid cloud environment for machine learning (ML), deep learning, and NLP applications. Several jobs, such as credit risk analysis, are containerized and handled by CaaS solutions for faster automated deployment across distributed networking environments.

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CaaS Architecture

The containerized architecture helps package software codes and their dependencies in containers. It is portable, unlike conventional software deployment platforms where moving software instances from one environment to another is typically accompanied by error and incompatibilities.

Layers of CaaS architecture

The CaaS architecture is typically composed of multiple layers. Let’s look at these different layers and their functions under CaaS.

  1. Infrastructure layer: This layer encapsulates physical or virtual resources that make up the CaaS platform; for example, compute, storage, and networking resources. The CaaS provider manages all these resources, not the CaaS user.
  2. Container orchestration layer: The second layer is responsible for container lifecycle management, which includes the provisioning, scaling, and scheduling of containers. The layer supports container orchestration tools such as Kubernetes, Docker Swarm, and Apache Mesos.
  3. Containerization layer: This layer packages applications and dependencies into lightweight and portable containers. Such containers can be created using containerization tools such as Docker. Moreover, containers can be stored and distributed using container registries such as Docker Hub that hold container images.
  4. Platform services layer: The fourth layer describes additional services essential for the deployment and management of containers, such as load balancing, service discovery, and logging. These services are generally offered by CaaS providers and can be accessed through application programming interfaces (APIs) or web consoles.
  5. Application layer: This is the last layer in the CaaS framework. It contains containerized applications deployed across the CaaS platform. Applications are developed using a variety of programming languages and frameworks and are later packaged as Docker images to deploy them on the CaaS platform.

The CaaS architecture offers multifold benefits to containerized applications as it simplifies the deployment and management of applications and improves the agility, scalability, and reliability of these apps. Since CaaS abstracts away container orchestration and infrastructure management, developers can focus on developing and deploying applications. Further, CaaS providers can get their heads around managing the underlying infrastructure and operational tasks.

Utility of CaaS architecture

  • Content management system (CMS): A CaaS-based CMS enables organizations to automate the process of updating or upgrading app content. CMS refers to software programs that create digital content. With container-based CMS solutions, publishing content on multiple channels (apps and websites) becomes easier than building and maintaining separate content systems.
  • Flexibility in UX: Since a CaaS-based content management system is separate from the display and presentation layers, designers are free to build any UX or visual experience possible.
  • Chatbots and AI: CaaS maintains structured content that can be accessed via APIs. Such content is easy to simulate for chatbots and artificially intelligent agents rather than processing unstructured content.
  • Future-proof IoT content: Structured content delivered via APIs is easily consumed by any IoT device. As new platforms and channels continue to emerge, teams can create content for any upcoming technology without worrying about their CMS being able to process and push content to new platforms.

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CaaS Best Practices

While implementing container platforms, typically in a large-scale environment, organizations should follow certain best practices to help them derive maximum benefits from the container infrastructure.

We take a look at the six best practices that companies can use while adopting CaaS:

Container-as-a-Service Best Practices

1. Prioritize security

Businesses should embed container security in the entire DevOps process. This includes safeguarding containerized environments across the entire application lifecycle, from development and deployment to the run phase of that application. Organizations can incorporate security tools that support whitelisting, behavioral monitoring, and anomaly detection, which can help enhance the security of the CaaS platform.

2. Practice container monitoring

On adopting cloud-based applications, organizations should shift their focus from host-based monitoring to service-oriented and container-specific monitoring. This will ensure they meet all SLA compliance requirements. Since CaaS platforms isolate containers from the underlying infrastructure, monitoring only containers at a service level becomes feasible, reducing the need to monitor the physical hosts.

3. Implement container-compatible storage

Implementing cloud-native applications requires container-compatible storage platforms. With such an arrangement, container orchestrators can connect with storage providers on the fly and provision storage volumes based on the need. Hence, ensuring that the storage framework integrates with the container development cycle and manages containerized workloads with the required performance is vital.

4. Focus on container networking

Conventional networking stacks find it difficult to accommodate the short lifecycle of portable containers. These network stacks lack the access and policy management capabilities essential to supporting containerized applications. Hence, infrastructure and operations (I&O) teams should avoid the manual network configuration of containerized environments. Moreover, they should focus on network automation and provide developers with the appropriate tools to run containers at scale.

5. Manage container lifecycle

As stated earlier, containers are short-lived; hence, it is important to manage their lifecycle to avoid the wastage of compute resources. Lifecycle management should be tied to the continuous integration/continuous deployment (CI/CD) process. Moreover, businesses can use IaC tools and the capabilities of container orchestrators or CaaS providers to automate infrastructure deployment and operation tasks.

6. Implement container orchestration

The orchestration layer is quite crucial when it comes to efficient container deployment. This layer talks to applications to ensure the containers run as expected and maintain the required SLAs. Moreover, orchestrators take the responsibility of positioning containers on appropriate hosts in a cluster, provisioning network resources, and keeping the applications running. Kubernetes is one such known standard for container scheduling and orchestration.

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CaaS offers powerful cloud services that allow customers to host, manage, and deploy containerized applications and clusters. With the increasing popularity of container technology and microservices, CaaS is being widely adopted by enterprises of all sizes. Moreover, container services are fundamental to the DevOps paradigm due to the efficiency and scalability aspect.

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